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1、2022年考博英语-燕山大学考前提分综合测验卷(附带答案及详解)1. 翻译题(1) In many of the countries struggling to find enough water for their populations, it is the government that is to blame, not geography according to a report out this week.(2) Several recent UN studies show that lack of water is holding back food production and

2、 economic development in more and more regions around the world. According to the UN Environment Program, a third of the planet will face water shortages by 2025.But Caroline Sullivan, head of water policy and management at Britains Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (CEH) in Wallingford, Oxford shire

3、, says these problems are often of a countrys own making. (3) “It is easy for governments to blame geography when the problem is usually their own failings.” She says. Unless they realize this, they will have no chance of achieving the goal agreed at this years World Summit of halving the number of

4、people without access to clean drinking water by 2015, she adds.Sullivan is the chief author of the Water Poverty Index, published this week by the CEH The index, which was put together with Sullivans colleagues at the water policy think tank the World Water Council, ranks countries by how efficient

5、ly they conserve, use and deliver water to those who need it.(4) It reveals a sharp contrast between countries that manage their water well and those that dont. Haiti and the Dominican Republic share the same Caribbean island, and have similar populations and access to similar amounts of Water. Yet

6、while the Dominican Republic appears in the top half of the index, Haiti suffers last out of the 147 countries assessed.One reason is poverty, but Haiti has also chopped down its forest, causing 20% much soil erosion that rainfall runs into the sea in flash floods rather than soaking into the soil a

7、nd supplementing aquifers (地下蓄水层).Not all rich nations fare well in the index. (5) The U.S. and Japan come 32nd and 36th respectively, largely because the way they collect and use water is wasteful and damages the environment. Australia ranked 44th, while Britain is in 11th place. “The real crisis i

8、s not the amount of water. Its the way we use it.” says Sullivan.【答案】1. 本周公布的报告表明,在奋力为人民找到充足水源的许多国家中,应该承担责任的是政府,而不是地理环境。2. 联合国最近的几项研究表明,在世界上越来越多的地区,缺水正阻碍粮食生产和经济发展。3. 如果问题基本上是政府自身的过失,政府很容易怪罪于地理环境。4. 它形成了鲜明的对比,有的国家恰如其分地管理了水资源,而有的国家没有。5. 美国和日本分别排在第32位和第36位,这主要是因为他们收集和使用水的方式造成浪费且破坏环境。2. 单选题Nobody believ

9、es he made such a foolish mistake. People say he is very _.问题1选项A.experienceB.careerC.accurateD.actual【答案】C【解析】【试题解析】考查词义辨析。A选项experience“经验;阅历”;B选项career“职业生涯”;C选项accurate“正确无误的;精确的”;D选项actual“实际的;(强调事情最重要的部分)真正的”。句意:没有人相信他犯了这样一个愚蠢的错误。因为人们认为他非常_。根据语境,这里指的是在别人眼中,他做事不会行差踏错,C选项accurate“正确无误的;精确的”符合题意,

10、指的是他非常可靠。因此C选项正确。3. 单选题Under no _ will I go there again.问题1选项A.circumstancesB.situationC.environmentD.occurrences【答案】A【解析】【试题解析】考查名词辨析。A选项circumstances“状况;境遇”,under no circumstances“无论如何都不”;B选项situation“形势,局面”;C选项environment“环境”;D选项occurrences“发生的事情;(某事物的)发生”。句意:在任何_下我都不会再去那里了。根据语境,这里指的是在任何情况下都不会再去那

11、里,结合词组under no circumstances“无论如何都不”,A选项circumstances“状况;境遇”符合题意。因此A选项正确。4. 单选题The Chinese food in the United States is usually _ for American people.问题1选项A.modifiedB.cookedC.exchangedD.altered【答案】A【解析】【试题解析】考查动词辨析。A选项modified“稍作修改,使更适合;使温和”;B选项cooked“烹调”;C选项exchanged“交换”;D选项altered“更改;修改(衣服使更合身)”。句

12、意:美国的中餐通常是根据美国人的口味进行_的。根据语境,这里指中餐到了美国就为了适应美国人的口味而进行微小的改变,A选项modified“稍作修改,使更适合”符合题意,D选项altered“更改”只有更改的意思,不是最佳选项。因此A选项正确。5. 单选题You have your choice of three _ of ice cream.问题1选项A.varietiesB.topsC.respectsD.decks【答案】A【解析】【试题解析】考查名词辨析。A选项varieties“(同一事物的)不同种类;品种”;B选项tops“顶端;表面”;C选项respects“(事物的)方面,细节”

13、;D选项decks“(船或公共汽车的)一层”。句意:你有三_冰淇淋供你选择。根据语境,这里指的是有三种不同的冰淇淋,A选项varieties“(同一事物的)不同种类”符合题意。因此A选项正确。6. 单选题The director was critical_ the way we were doing the work.问题1选项A.ofB.withC.atD.in【答案】A【解析】【试题解析】考查固定搭配。句意:主任对我们工作的方式提出了批评。be critical of sb./sth.“对某人/某事批判”,A选项of符合题意。其余选项用法错误。因此A选项正确。7. 单选题The words

14、 of his old teacher left a _ impression on his mind. He is still influenced by them.问题1选项A.lastingB.liberalC.longD.lively【答案】A【解析】【试题解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项lasting“持久的;永恒的”;B选项liberal“开明的;大方的”;C选项long“长时间的”;D选项lively“活跃热情的;充满趣味的”。句意:他以前的老师的话给他留下了_印象。他仍然受到他们的影响。根据语境,很长的时间以后他都受老师言语的影响,lasting impression为固定短语,A

15、选项lasting“持久的;永恒的”符合题意。因此A选项正确。8. 单选题When next years crop of high-school graduates arrive at Oxford University in the fall of 2009, theyll be joined by a new face: Andrew Hamilton, the 55-year-old provost (教务长) of Yale, wholl become Oxfords vice-chancellora position equal to university president in America.Hamilton isnt the only educator crossing the Atlantic. Schools in France, Egypt, Singapore, etc. have also recently made top-level


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