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1、英语中常见的倒装句江苏省沛县湖西中学 鹿俊先 邮编:221611英语的正常语序是主语在前,谓语动词在后。如果将谓语动词或谓语动词的一部分移至主语之前,就会形成倒装句。英语的倒装句按结构可分为两种:一、将谓语动词移至主语之前(简称:倒装I);二、谓语动词(或词组中的第一个)如是特殊动词(见注),则将特殊动词移至主语之前,如不是特殊动词,则在主语之前加do、does或did,原谓语动词恢复为原形形式(简称:倒装II)。下面分别探讨这两种倒装句的构成方式。一、倒装I。该倒装句要求主语不为人称代词,否则谓语动词应位于主语之后。、地点状语+侧重存在意义的动词+主语这类倒装句型的谓语动词往往动作意义很弱,

2、仅侧重于以某种姿势“存在”之义,如:Be, exist, lie, sit, stand, hang, grow, live, flow, 等.。当地点状语成为已知信息时,交际者为了表达人、事物(即主语)的存在这一未知信息而把表示“存在”地点的状语前移至句子开头的位置,这就形成了“地点状语+侧重存在意义的动词+主语”的倒装句型。由于人称代词通常代表已知的人、物,为已知信息,故不用于该倒装句型。人们通常把表示存在句型“there + 侧重存在意义的动词”看作倒装句型,而笔者不赞同这一看法,因为there在结构上充当该句型的主语,这一点在其疑问句、简略回答句及带逻辑主语的非谓语动词形式中表现的很清

3、楚。而上述“倒装I”句型则可以看作因地点状语前移而省略“there” 的变化形式。例如:There is / hangs a map of the world on the back wall. On the back wall (there) is / hangs a map of the world. There is / lies a large factory to the north of the hill. To the north of the hill (there) is / lies a large factory. 常见的这类倒装句型例句如下:On the stairs

4、was sitting a small dark-haired girl.(对照:The girl was sitting on the stairs. )On the bed lay a beautiful young girl.(对照:the girl lay on the bed. )Here is a letter for you. (对照:Here it is. / It is here.)Below the tower flows a little, clean steam.(对照:the steam flows blow the tower. )On a hill in fron

5、t of them stood a great castle.(对照:The great castle stood on a hill in front of them.) 2 、方向、时间+表示位置转移意义的动词+主语该倒装句的谓语动词往往表示其主语于某时或某地从“无”到“有”的变化,因而大部分属于位置转移意义的动词,如:Come, go, run, rush, walk, appear, 等。常见这类倒装句型例句如下:Here comes Freddy.(对照:Here he comes. / He comes here.)The door opened and in came Mr. S

6、mith, the English teacher.(对照:The door opened and Mr. Smith came in. )Round the corner walked a large policeman.(对照:The policeman walked round the corner. )Away went the car like a whirlwind.(对照: The car went away like a whirlwind.)Through the open window came the noise of a plane.(对照:The noise of a

7、 plane came through the open window.)Now comes your turn.(对照:Your turn comes now.)3 、直接引语+“说”、“问”之类的动词,如:Say, tell, explain, admit, cry, ask, add, shout, suggest, demand, reply, 等+主语(尤其主语较长或带有修饰语时。)常见这类倒装句型例句如下:In any case said the mother, even if she is twenty-one, it is only polite to ask the pare

8、nts.What do you mean? asked Henry.(对照:What do you mean? he asked / Henry asked.)Who is paying? shouted the fat man in the corner. 二 、倒装II。1、 疑问句中(疑问词用作主语或修饰主语及陈述式疑问句除外)。例如:Is there anything interesting in todays newspaper?Did you see Mary yesterday?How can I get to the nearest post office?2、否定意义的单词或

9、短语(注3)如:Never, little, hardly, seldom, rarely, scarcely, no sooner, at no time, under no circumstances, on no account, not only not until not a single等移至主语之前,(如不前移则不用倒装)。常见这类倒装句型例句如下:Not until all the fish died in the river, did the village realize how serious the pollution was. (对照:The village didn

10、t realize how serious the pollution was until all the fish died in the river.)I finally got the job I dreamed about. Never in my life had I felt so happy.(对照:I had never felt so happy in my life.)Not a single song did she sing at yesterdays party.(对照:She didnt sing a single song at yesterdays party.

11、)Not only is the teacher himself interested in football but all his students are beginning to show an interest in it.(对照:Not only the teacher but also his students are interested in football.)Not only did we lose all our money, but we also came close to losing our lives.(对照:We not only lost all our

12、money, also but came close to losing our lives.)At no time shall I give up.(对照:I shall not give up at any time.)Hardly had I arrived at the station when the train started.(对照I had hardly arrived at the station when the train started.)No sooner was he back at home than she realized his mistake.(对照:He

13、 was no sooner back home than she realized his mistake.)3、only引起的状语移至主语之前,(如only引起的状语不前移则不用倒装)。例如:Only in this way can you hope to make improvement in the operating system.(对照:You can hope to make improvement only in this way.)Only when your identity has been checked, will you be allowed in.(对照:You

14、will be allowed in only when your identity has been checked.)Only later did they realized what a terrible thing had happened.(对照:They realized what a terrible thing had happened only later.)4、so, neither / nor / no more等表示“也”及“也不”时。例如:The little passage was empty, and so was the kitchen.(对照:It was c

15、areless of you to have left your clothes outside all night. My God! So I did.)-David has made great progress recently.-So he has, and so have you.He isnt fond of maths, nor / and neither does he like English.John hasnt left. Nor / Neither has Mary.He knew nothing about it. No more did his wife.5、so

16、/ such表示“如此”之意义并移至主语之前。例如:So shallow is the lake that no fish can live in it.(对照:The lake is so shallow that no fish can live in it.)So absurd did he look that everyone stared at him.(对照:He looked so absurd that everyone stared at him.) Such a lovely girl / So lovely a girl is she that everybody likes her.(对照:She is such a lovely gir


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