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1、人教版英语教材高二重难点总结Unit 1 Making a difference一、重难点解析1.It takes a very unusual mind to understand analysis of the obvious. 分析明显存在的事物需要非凡的头脑。2.(There did not seem) much point in working on my PhD - I did not expect to survive that long. 取得博士学位对我来说似乎没有什么意义了,我没有期望活那么久。PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) 指博士学位。1)There

2、 is no point in doing sth. 表示做某事没有作用或没有意义。例如:There is no point in arguing further. 继续争辩下去没有意义了。Theres very little point in protesting. It wont help much. 抗议没有什么用,于事无补。2)that在此处作副词,意为那么,可以修饰形容词。this也有类似的用法。例如:I didnt expect he was that rude. 我没料到他会那么粗鲁。Please cut my hair about this much. 请把我的头发剪掉这么长。

3、3.Yet two years had gone by and I was not that much worse. 但两年过去了,我的情况却没有那么恶化。go by意思是(时间)过去。例如:Time went by so quickly. We are already at the end of our summer holiday. 时间过得真快,转眼我们就要过完暑假了。4.get / be engaged to sb. 意思是与某人订婚。如:Tom got engaged to Mary, whom he had met on the train.5.turn out to be 意为结

4、果是;最后的情况是。例如:The weatherman said it was going to rain this afternoon but it turned out to be very lovely. 天气预报说今天下午有雨,结果今天下午天气非常好。The lecture turned out to be very dull. 讲座结果很沉闷。6.Everyone has his or her special skills and interests, and only by discovering what we do best can we hope to reach our g

5、oals and truly make a difference. 每个人都有自己的专长和兴趣,只有发现自己的专长,我们才能期望达到自己的目标,真正有所作为。后半句是个倒装句,正常语序应该是: We can hope to reach our goals and truly make a difference by discovering what we do best.用倒装的目的是为了强调倒装部分。如:Only in this way can you make progress in your English study. 只有这样你才能在英语学习上取得进步。二、日常用语1.Thats c

6、orrect.2.Thats true.3.There is no doubt that .4.Its clear that .5.Its hard to say.6.Whats your idea?7.I doubt about .8.Well, maybe, but .9.Have you thought about .?Unit 2 News media一、重难点解析1.more than表示不仅仅。例如:If you tell your father what youve done, he will be more than a little angry. 如果你对你父亲实说了你做的事

7、,他会很生气的。2.Experienced editors and reporters make informed decisions about what events to report and how to report them. 富有经验的编辑和记者可以根据自己了解的情况来决定报道什么和如何报道。experienced是动词的过去分词,在句中作定语,修饰editors and reporters。例如:The unexpected arrival of the letter made us jump with joy. 那封信的突然到来使我们高兴得跳了起来。注意: 现在分词和过去分词

8、作定语的意义是不同的,现在分词表示主动,过去分词表示被动。例如:1)He made an inspiring speech at the meeting. 他在会上做了一个鼓舞人心的讲话。2)The inspired audience stood up and gave him a long and warm applause. 受到鼓舞的听众站起来,对他报以长时间的热烈掌声。3.relate to sb. / sth.意思是能理解或同情某人(某事物)。例如:Students find it difficult to relate to the life of a scientist. 学生们

9、发现理解科学家的生活很困难。relate (.) to 还可以表示有关联的;相关的。例如:If you relate the results to the cause, you will find things are not that simple. 如果你把结果和原因联系起来看,你会发现事情并不那么简单。4.for once 表示(至少)这一次(平时不是这样)。例如:For once, Brown, the toughest man, was asking for support. 只有这一次,布朗这个硬汉,开口求人了。5.A reporter begins by contacting t

10、he people to be interviewed and then prepares questions. 记者先联系被采访人,然后准备问题。to be interviewed 是动词不定式的被动形式,在这里用作定语。例如:First he made a list of the names of those to be invited. Then he began to write the invitation cards. 他先列出需要邀请的人的名单,然后开始写邀请函。注意: 动词的-ing形式,过去分词和不定式的被动形式都可以作定语,但时间含义上有所不同。例如:1)the meeti

11、ng to be held tomorrow 明天要召开的会议2)the meeting held yesterday 昨天已开过的会议3)the meeting being held now 现在正在召开的会议6.be / get / become addicted to . 意思是对.有(上)瘾的。例如:Soon he became addicted to cigarettes. 他很快就有了烟瘾。7.The result is a better understanding of the world on all sides, leading to a future world where

12、 people from all countries are respected and different views and opinions are tolerated. 结果会使人们更好地了解世界的方方面面,以至于在未来的世界里,所有国家的人都能受到尊重,不同见解和观点都能受到包容。1)leading to a future world where .是现在分词短语,在句中作状语,短语中的where引导定语从句,用以修饰a future world。2)on all sides (亦作on every side)意思是在各方面;四方八面。例如:On all sides there wa

13、s great enthusiasm over his speech. 他的讲演激起各界人士极大的热情。They were trapped with enimies on every side. 他们陷入困境,四面楚歌。8.nine out of ten 表示十分之九;百分之九十。类似的说法还有:One child in twenty suffers from this disease. 每20个孩子中有一个患这种病。Nine out of ten people will not agree with you. 十个人里面有九个不会同意你的意见。Four of the ten children

14、 there can go to school. 在那里十个孩子中有四个可以上学。二、日常用语1.What do you think of .?2.Whats your opinion?3.Why do you choose .?4.Perhaps . is more important.5.I would rather choose .6.I dont think we should choose .7.Maybe it would be better to choose .6.Our readers want to know about .Unit 3 Art and architectu

15、re一、重难点解析1.find sb. doing sth. 表示发现某人做某事;find sth. done 表示发现某事(被)做成了。doing sth.和done都是宾语补足语。例如:He woke up to find himself lying on the beach. Thank God, he said to himself. 他醒来发现自己躺在海滩上。感谢上帝,他自言自语道。Have you ever found two nouns used together in this way? 两个名词像这样一起用的例子你见过吗?They came home only to find the rooms broken into. 他们回到家中,结果发现有人闯进过屋子。2.go against 意思是违背;违反。例如:Her father is so strict that she is scared to go against his wishes. 她的父亲非常严厉,所以她害怕违背他的意愿。3.A is to B what C is to D. 这是一个比喻结构,意为A对B而言正如C对D一样。4.The simple sty


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