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1、第二篇易错专练篇易错专练011.Well do what we can English well this term.Its high time for you to work hard.A.studyB.to study C.be studied 2. do you about spring?The flowers and the green trees. A.How; likeB.What; like C.What; think3.Whats your sister like?. A.She is a worker B.She likes pears C.She is outgoing4.

2、Its too hot. Would you mind the door?. Please do it now. A.to open; OK B.opening; Certainly notC.opening; Of course 5.If you have any trouble, be sure to call me. . A.I am glad to hear thatB.I will. Thank you very much C.I have no trouble6.Ben is one of students in our class. He keeps doing sports e

3、very day.A.strongC.strongerD.the strongest7.The light in the room wasnt for me to read. A.bright enough B.enough bright C.enough brightly8.Shanghai has a population than many other cities.A.largeB.largerC.largest9.How far is the factory from here?Its about 4 kilometres . A.far B.longC.away10.Do you

4、have enough men to carry these chairs?No. I think we need men. A.two more B.anotherC.more two易错专练021.He is taller than girl in his class. A.anyB.other C.any other2.How beautifully she sings! I have never heard voice. A.the best B.a betterC.the better3. fathers made them have piano lessons. A.Peter a

5、nd Anns B.Peters and Anns C.Peters and Ann4.There are a lot people today than yesterday. A.of B./C.more5.Excuse me. Are you ? No, we are .A.America; Englishman B.American; GermansC.American; Germen 6.A spaceship flies at about eleven kilometres second. A./ B.the C.a 7. India and China are of same co

6、ntinent. A./; the B.The; the C./; /8.Have you finished your work yet?No, not yet. I think itll take ten minutes.A.another B.other C.others 9.Im sorry to have kept you waiting long.Never mind. I here for only a few minutes.A.have been B.have come C.have arrived 10.I hear someone at the door. Please g

7、o and see who is. A.knock; he B.knocking; itC.knock; it易错专练031.Excuse me! Is this new house?Yes, its . They bought it last September.A.Lucy and Lilys; theirsB.Lucys and Lilys; themC.Lucys and Lilys ; theirs2.There is egg at home. Will you please get for me, please?A.no; some B.not; someC.not any; an

8、y3.Let the kids on the road. Its very dangerous. A.not to play B.not play C.dont play4.2019本溪改编 I am afraid Im too tired to walk on. I believe you can do it.A.Thats for sureB.All rightC.Come on5.I havent seen Jack for three days. Is he ill?. His mother told me that he was in hospital. A.I am afraid

9、so B.I hope not C.I dont expect6.Excuse me. May I use your computer?. Its broken. A.Sure B.Yes, here you are C.Im afraid not7.Can I get you something to drink, Mr Smith? . I am thirsty. A.Yes, pleaseB.No, thank youC.Youre welcome8.Fangyuan is careful a girl that she made mistakes in her last exam.A.

10、such; so littleB.so; such littleC.so; so few 9.What do you do?. A.I am thirteen B.I work hard C.Im a student 10.Sandy isnt going out this evening, is she?. She has to stay at home to look after her sick mother. A.Yes, she is B.No, she isnt C.Yes, she isnt 易错专练041.Hello. May I speak to Mr. Wang?. A.I

11、m Mr. Wang B.Mr. Wang is here C.This is Mr. Wang speaking 2.I fell and hurt my leg just now. . A.Be carefulB.It doesnt matter C.Im sorry to hear that 3.Thank you very much. I will. A.Congratulations! B.Best wishes to you! C.Please say hello to your family.4.Jane has got much work to do that she miss

12、ed the show.What a pity! It is interesting that it is really worth seeing.A.so;soB.so;suchC.such;so5. have you been to Xian?Twice. A.How soonB.How many timesC.How often6.Is this the museum our history teacher often mentions in his lessons?A.whereB.the one C.which7.Mr. Li is the only one of the teach

13、ers who been to the USA twice.A.hasB.have C.are8.Will you go to the concert?No, I wont. Id rather at home reading a book than go to that noisy place.A.to stayB.not to stayC.stay9.The smell in the room is really terrible.Yes. Lets keep all the windows .A.closed B.open C.opening 10.Tom doesnt come today. The reason is he is ill at home.A.that B.whyC.which 易错专练051.Is there any bread in the fridge? , but we have cakes.A.Some B.None C.Much2.A conversation a wise person is worth ten years study of b



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