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1、中国教学设备行业市场机会研究报告Research Paper on market opportunities of China teaching equipment industry 1) Development status of teaching equipments industry关于教育设备行业的发展,目前中国尚无明确的法律以及政策法规对此有直接的规定,国内外企业进入这一市场的壁垒很低,企业发展的自由度较大。具体来说,中国当前的教育设备行业呈现如下发展特点:Concerning the development of teaching equipment industry, prese

2、ntly there is no definite legislation on the development of this industry, the entry barriers of home and abroad enterprise entering in this market is relatively low, the degree of freedom of business development is relatively great. In a specific way, the current Chinese equipment industry presents

3、 the characteristics as follows:首先,从市场需求特征来看,(1)同品种、多序列、非标准化、批量小、服务量大、服务即时性要求强,工程化产品需求多是教育设备行业一大特点。(2)教育设备的客户群体人文素质较高,总体商誉较好。同时,主体客户群体源于传统文化根深蒂固的价值观取向,使得教育设备市场规范化程度进展较慢。(3)基于心理上和教育管理上诸多因素的影响,有相当一批设备是为“达标”、“验收”等目的而被采购,故对实际品质的关注不如外在感观及价格,有着大量非理性采购行为。Firstly, on the respect of the character of market d

4、emand, (1)the following is the characters of educational equipment industry: same types, excessive lists, non-standardization, batch small, the quantity of service is great, the request of serving in-time is strong, the demand for engineering products is in a large amount.(2)the diathesis of custome

5、r group of educational equipment is relatively higher, and the overall business reputation is better. At the same time, the standardization evolving process of educational equipment is relatively slow due to the main customer group is influenced by value orientation with deep-rooted traditional cult

6、ure mindset of traditional civilization, make the training equipment market normalization extent make progress compare slowly.(3)In consequence of the influence of many factors, such as psychological and educational management, there are a large number of equipments is purchased for the objectives l

7、ike up to standard and acceptance check.etc., hence, the attention paid to more on outside incentives than the inner actual quality, there are a great deal of unreasonable buying behaviors(4)教育设备资金的投放与供给滞后于设备需求。近来国家以及各级地方财政在对不同教育机构教育设备的投入支持的力度有所增强,但教育行政部门、行业协会及金融管理部门目前就教育设备市场的商业化、金融运行方案还未正式启动,现在主要以“

8、后勤社会化”、“助学贷款”等方式提供贷款品种,对 缓解装备资金不足的问题作用尚不明显。(5)教育设备收费使用问题尚无法律或行政法规作为依据。教育设备资金来源的不足使很多地方政府及教育、物价等部门对教育设备的使用进行收费。设备有偿使用是一个十分敏感和棘手的问题,尤其是义务教育阶段,这种现象较为普遍。(4) The launch and supply of education equipment funds lag in equipment demand. Recently, government and all levels local finance strengthen the educat

9、ional equipment investment on different educational institutions, but education administration department, industry association and the scheme of market commercialization of educational equipment, as well as finance operation havent been formally started up, the present is mainly with the method pro

10、vide loans, such as logistics socialization and aid study loan.etc., the effect is not clear to alleviate equipment capital scarcity (5)the use of education equipment charges have no legislation and regulations to accord to. The scarcity of education equipment funds source makes a lot of local gover

11、nments along with educational and price of department charge for the utilization of educational equipment. Equipment utilization with payments is a very sensitive and tough problem; particularly in compulsory education stage, this kind of phenomenon is more widespread.其次,从教育设备的供给特点来看,(1)虽然中国教育设备市场规模


13、型企业,行业进入壁垒低。由此使得任何一家教育设备制造企业总体盈利水平都不是很高,从而导致研发投入和资本扩张的“再生性”障碍,这既不利于教育的发展,也不利于设备行业的发展。Moreover, regarding the characteristics of educational equipment supply (1) although the potentiality of China educational equipment market size is vast, but it is influenced dramatically by administration interrupt

14、ion on purchasing, which makes the market attraction obviously insufficient for those well-known firm, it is difficult for many big firms to efficiently market their products, famous brand and enterprise with certain business scope is seldom seen, the market is in a unregulated competition environme

15、nt.(2)there is difference between customer demand and the whole humanity and business diathesis, the phenomenon of competition without order is widespread, it also happens that manufacturers exclude each other currently. Besides, the government supervision and restriction mechanism on educational eq

16、uipment industry is still imperfect, result in the product quality of whole, educational equipment industry is diversified, the price competition is fierce. (3) Profit level of education equipment manufacturer is relatively low. On the one hand, the equipment purchasing of present different educational institutions easily happens local protection, on the other hand, a great deal of educational equipment manufacturers generally are small business, the entry-ba



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