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1、Unit 1 Can you come to my party?知识点VocabularyId love to 我很愿意 Thanks for asking. 谢谢你的邀请。calendar 日历 the day after tomorrow 后天前天 the day before yesterday invitation 邀请(n.) invite (v. 动词)school team 校队 whole 全部的(the whole world 全世界)come over to 从一个地方来到另一个地方;过去 语法点1.“can”表示“可能性”。(1) 这些表示邀请的句子,我们都可以用情态动词

2、 can 来表示“可能”“能够”。表示一种可能性。(2) 在此之前,我们还见过 can 表示“能力”“能、会”。如:She can run fast, but I cant. 她能跑得很快,而我不能。(3) 另外我们还学过 can 表示许可、允许。如: We can listen to music in the music class.我们能在音乐课上听音乐。We cant run in the hallways. 我们不能在走廊里跑。2. 学会了如何邀请他人做某事,我们也应该知道如何对别人的邀请说愿意或表示拒绝,并学会如何讲清原因。如:当同学邀请你去看电影时,你非常愿意。 那么你就应该说:

3、Sure! Id love to.或说:Sure! Id like to.注意在这两种中“to”不能省掉,否则意思不完整,不能说:Id like 或 Id love.Id love to 比 Id like to 表达程度更深一些。d = wouldId love to = I would love to.如果我们有事不能去,我们可以说:非常感谢你的邀请,但很抱歉我不能去。Thank you very much for your invitation.或说:Thanks for asking. Im sorry, I cant.接下来我们应该陈述理由。如:(1) 我必须帮助我的妈妈。 I ha

4、ve to help my mom.(2) 我们将要踢足球去。 We are playing soccer.(3) 他不得不为数学考试学习。 He has to study for the math test.Invitation(邀请):Can you come to my party? Would you like to come to my party?(接受邀请): Sure / Certainly / Of course, Id love / like to. Yes, Id love /like to. (拒绝邀请): 1. Im sorry, I cant. I have to/

5、must No, thanks.; Id love to, but Im afraid I have no time. Im afraid notSorry, Id love to. But I have to But I am V-ing 3. What day is it today / tomorrow / the day after tomorrow?(询问星期)It is Wednesday.What is the date today / tomorrow / the day after tomorrow?(询问日期)It is Nov. 2nd.Whats / is today?

6、(询问日期和星期)It is Wednesday Nov. 2nd.What day was it yesterday / the day before yesterday?It was Tuesday. What was the date yesterday / the day before yesterday?It was Nov. 1st.What was yesterday / the day before yesterday?It was Tuesday Nov. 1st.4. 情态动词can / have to/ need/ must (较难点) can 是能不能,能够做某事; h

7、ave to, 不得不,强调客观上的原因迫使不得不去做某事; need 有没有必要,需不需要做某事;must 是必须做某事,具有强制性的意味。5时间状语前的介词的复习:星期、具体日期、具体某一天的早上、下午、晚上用on; On Sunday, on October 4th, on Monday morning/ afternoon/ evening, on a cold night年份、 月份、季节,在早上、下午、晚上用in. In 1999, in November, in the morning/ afternoon/ evening, in summer 注意:有了this , that

8、, next , yesterday, tomorrow, 这些词时无介词。 This Monday, that afternoon, yesterday morning, tomorrow afternoon, next summer.6. have a piano lesson = take a piano lesson, 上一堂钢琴课7.【巧记提示】an(一个)+other(其他的)【经典例句】One persons meat is another persons poison.萝卜白菜,各有所爱。1)同义词:the other2)短语:one.another. 一个(两个以上中的)另一

9、个8. concert n. 音乐会 give a concert举行音乐会 give a piano concert举行钢琴演奏会in concert 一齐(1)The musician will give us a violin concert in our school next week . 下周那位音乐家将在我校举行小提(2)They acted in concert in order to find out the thief .为了查到那个小偷他们一齐行动。9whom 谁 (宾格)who (主格)(Whom 只能出现在从句里面或是介词(如 to, from, at, of.)后面

10、。Whom 出现在从句里面时,所有用whom的地方都可以用who代替但在介词后只能用whom1)I am going to Tibet with my uncle for vacation next year .明年我打算和我叔叔去西藏度假。 Who / Whom are you going to Tibet with for vacation next year?(2)Who is he talking with ? = Whom is he talking with? 他在和谁说话?(3)常见搭配for whom, to whom, with whom10. calendar n 日历,

11、日程表 the lunar calendar 阴历 the solar calendar 阳历(1) According to the school calendar , our final exam will be in February , 2009. 根据学校的日程表,我们的期末考试将在2007年一月进行。(2)You should write everything you have to do next week on the calendar .你应该把你下周得做的事情写在日历上。11 tomorrow 明天, 用于一般将来时。 the day after tomorrow 后天将来

12、进行时常用的时间状语有Soon, tomorrow, this evening,on Sunday, by this time,tomorrow, in two days, tomorrow evening ,one day等等。 (1) Today is Sunday ,so tomorrow is Monday. 今天是星期天,所以明天是星期一。(2)Children will go sighting the day after tomorrow. 后天孩子们将去观光。12invite vt , 邀请 invite sb. to sp. 邀请某人去某地(1) Thanks a lot fo

13、r inviting me to your birthday party . 非常感谢你邀请我参加你的生日聚会。 invite sb. to do sth. 邀请某人做某事(2)We invited them to join the art club. 我们邀请他们参加美术具乐部。invitation n 邀请 get an invitation 收到邀请(1) Thanks a lot for your invitation to visit your hometown next week.非常感谢你邀请我下周你们家乡游玩。(2)Did you get an invitation to he

14、r concert ? 你收到他的音乐会的邀请了吗?Thank you for asking!=Thanks for inviting me.=Thanks for your invititation.Thank you for your advice. Thanks for helping me.=Thanks for your help.13Training n 训练 锻炼 培训(1) You can do the job after a training course 在接受培训课程之后你可能做这项工作。(2) have training 进行训练Ill have basketball

15、training with the school team next Wednesday .下周三我将和校对一起进行蓝球训练。14another adj又一个,再一个(1) Thats quite another matter. 那是另一回事。another pron另一个,指三个或三个以上中的另一个。 (2) I dont like this coat . Please show me another one. 我不喜欢这件大衣。请再给我看一件。(3)She has three pens ,One is red ,another is black and the third one is blue. 她有三支钢笔, 一支是红色的, 另一支是黑色的,第三支是羊兰色的。(4)- Maybe another time. 也许下次吧other别的 other + n(复数)(5) We study Chinese ,math,English and other subjects at


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