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1、2022年考博英语-安徽大学考试内容及全真模拟冲刺卷(附带答案与详解)1. 单选题The noise was so( )that only those with excellent hearing were aware of it.问题1选项A.dimB.quietC.gentleD.faint【答案】D【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项dim“不亮的;看不清的”;B选项quiet“安静的”;C选项gentle“温和的;文雅的;高尚的”;D选项faint“微弱的;模糊的;不清楚的”。句意:噪音非常,以至于只有具有良好听力的人才能听到。词组so that“如此以至于”后半句只有听力非常出色的人才能听

2、到,由此可知,噪音是非常微弱的。故选D。2. 单选题The service operates 15 libraries throughout the country, while six( )libraries specially serve the countryside.问题1选项A.mobileB.driftingC.shiftingD.rotating【答案】A【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项mobile“可移动的,易变的”;B选项drifting“漂流的;飘动的”,一般是指由风或者水飘动着;C选项shifting“不断移动的,不断变化的”,也可以变换形态;D选项rotating“旋转的

3、”。句意:这项服务管理全国15所图书馆,其中6所图书馆专为农村地区服务。这里的形容词修饰的是后面的libraries图书馆。移动图书馆有专业术语为mobile library,因此A选项符合题意。3. 单选题Organic architecturethat is, natural architecturemay be varied in concept and form, but it is always faithful to natural principles. Organic architecture rejects rules imposed by individual prefer

4、ence or mere aesthetics in order to remain true to the nature of the site, the materials, the purpose of the structure, and the people who will ultimately use it. If these natural principles are upheld, then a bank cannot be built to look like a Greek temple. Form does not follow function; form is i

5、nseparable from function. In other words, a building should be inspired by natures forms and constructed with materials that retain and respect the natural characteristics of the setting to create harmony with its natural environment. It should maximize peoples contact with and utilization of the ou

6、tdoors.Natural principles then are principles of design, not style, expressed by construction that reflects unity, balance, proportion, rhythm, and scale. Like a sculptor, the organic architect views the site and materials as an innate form that shapes and develops organically from within. Truth in

7、architecture results in a natural, spontaneous structure in total harmony with the setting. For the most part, these structures find their geometric themes in the contours of the land and their colors in the surrounding palette of nature.From the outside, an organic structure is so much a part of na

8、ture that it is often obscured by it. In other words, it may not be possible for the eye to easily separate the man-made structure from the natural terrain. From the inside, rooms open into each other. Natural light, air, and view permeate the whole structure, providing a sense of communication with

9、 the outdoors.26. In organic architecture, which of the following is true?27. A good example of natural principles is a( ).28. Why does the author compare an organic architect to a sculptor?29. Which of the following statements best describes the architects view of nature?问题1选项A.Form follows functio

10、n.B.Function follows form.C.Function is not important to form.D.Form and function are one.问题2选项A.bank that is built to look like a Greek templeB.bank built so that the location is unimportant to the structureC.bank that is built to conform to the natural surroundingsD.bank that is built to be beauti

11、ful rather than functional问题3选项A.To emphasize aesthetics.B.To give an example of natural principles.C.To make a point about the development of geometry.D.To demonstrate the importance of style.问题4选项A.Nature should be conquered.B.Nature should not be considered.C.Nature should be respected.D.Nature s

12、hould be improved.【答案】第1题:D第2题:C第3题:B第4题:C【解析】26. 推理判断题。定位在第一段Form does not follow function; form is inseparable from function.(形式并不遵循功能,形式不能从功能上分割出来。)由此可知,形式和功能是一体的。因此D选项“形式和功能是一体的”正确,符合题意。A选项“形式遵循功能”,B选项“功能遵循形式”,C选项“功能对形式并不重要”,均不符合题意,故选D。27. 推理判断题。根据原文If these natural principles are upheld, then a

13、 bank cannot be built to look like a Greek temple(如果坚持这些自然原则,那么银行不能建造像一座希腊神庙)In other words, a building should be inspired by natures forms and constructed with materials that retain and respect the natural characteristics of the setting to create harmony with its natural environment.(换句话说,一座建筑应该受到自

14、然形式的启发,用那些保持和尊重所在地点的自然特点的材料建造而成,从而达到与自然环境的和谐统一。)可以推论出,遵守自然原则的好例子是建造一所与其自然环境一致的银行。因此C选项“为适应自然环境而建的银行”正确,符合题意。A选项“建得像希腊神庙的银行”,B选项“银行的建造地点对结构不重要”,D选项“银行是为了美观而不是实用”均不符合题意,故选C。28. 推理判断题。定位到第二段的第一句Natural principles then are principles of design, not style, expressed by construction that reflects unity, b

15、alance, proportion, rhythm, and scale.(自然原则是设计的原则,不是风格上的,通过反映统一、平衡、比例、节奏和比例的结构来体现。)紧接着就举例与有机建筑师和雕塑家进行比较,从而进一步说明自然原则。因此B选项“给自然原则所举的例子”正确,符合题意。A选项“来强调美学”;C选项“对几何学的发展提出一点看法”;D选项“阐述风格的重要性”均与题意不符。故选B。29. 推理判断题。根据文章的第一句Organic architecturethat is, natural architecturemay be varied in concept and form, but it is always faithful to natural principles.(有机建筑,也就是自然建筑,在概念和形式上可能是不同的,但它始终忠实于自然原则。)本文主要说明了有机建筑,其核心是自然原则。由此可知建筑师是忠实于自然的。因此C选项“自然应该得到尊重”正确,符合题意。A选项“应该征服自然”,B选项“不应该考虑自然”,D选项“应该要改善自然”均不符合题意。故选C。4. 单选题She later confessed that she didnt really work out



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