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1、07-08(下)初二英语单元检测(4.23)一、听力测试共20分(每小题1分)密 封 线 内 不 答 题年级 班级 姓名 学号 A、听问句,选择正确的答语(读一遍) 1、A:Tm going to make a banana shake B:I do my homework every day. C:Im going to be a doctor.2、A:Yes, you do B:Yes, you will C:Yes, you should.3、A:Yes ,there is B:No there arent C:Yes there wont4、A:on a visit B:At eigh

2、t, C:Huang shan.5、A:Library B:Museum C:buildingB、听对话,选择正确的答案(读两遍)6、A:They will go to the museum. B:They will go to the library. C:They will go to the supermarket.7、A:No, he dosent. B:Yes, she does C:Yes, he does.8、A:Five B:Three C:Four9、A:To study at school B:To go home C:To go swimming.10、A:He shou

3、ld go to see a dentist. B:He should go to see a doctor C:He should work hard.C、听短文判断正(T)误(F)11、Linda loves her cat . 12、They went to London last Saturday.13、Linda bought a newspaper 14、The dog got out of his box and ran away.15、Linda called her friend Davy .D、听短文完成单词。 Predicting the future can 16 di

4、fficult, There are many famouse predicttions that never 17 true. Before 1929, there was no 18 in movies, The 19 of one of the bigges movie companies in the United States predicted that no one would want to see 20 talk.二、词汇 (本大题共10分每小题1分) A:用所给单词的正确形式填空。21、The re are many tall in our city ,(build).22

5、、Could you please speak ?(loud)23、No one can (prediction)the future.24、Please give me some color (paper)25、We a lot of photos in Hua xi Park Last Saturday(take) B、根据句意完成单词,使句子完整。26、How much did you pay the computer?27、Its dangerous here , please out.28、Yang Li wei is a great in China.29、Jim says he

6、come back in ten minutes.30、When the thief(贼)saw a policeman, he ran at once.三、单项选择,选择最佳答案 (本大题20分)31、I want to be astronaut when I grow up. A、a B、an C、32、Will they come two days. A、in B、on C、at33、Who has apples ,Tina or Li Ping? A、little B、less C、fewer34、 there a class meeting next Monday?A、Will ha

7、ve B、Will be C、Is going have35、I cant swim, my sister cant, . A、too B、either C、also36、Judy has the same hobby me. A、as B、to C、with37、What are they doing? They are talking the phone. A、at B、in C、on38、Look: There are birds in the tree. A、two hundred of B、hundred of C、hundreds of39、Dont forget off the

8、lights when you leave the room, please .A、turn B、to turn C、turning 40、Our classroom is theirs. A、as bigger as B、as big as C、as biger as 41、Kids will study home computers. A、on at B、at on C、at in42、Either you or she playing football. A、like B、likes to C、likes43、I dont know how to do it ,Could you ple

9、ase give me advice A、an B、some C、a 44、I called up yesterday, but didnt answer me. A、she ,she B、him he C、he her45、I TV at 8 oclock last night. A、watch B、am watching C、was watching46、 we listen to the music? Good idea. A、shall B、will C、are 47、Was the man when he swathe snake alive? A、surprised B、surpr

10、sing C、surprise48、We can see many trees on side of the road A、all B、either C、both49、We all went to Anns party last night Susan. because she was ill. A、and B、except C、for50、The question is for you .A、enough easy B、easy enough C、too enough 四、情景交际 (本大题共20分,每小题2分)A、句子配对51、I have a toothache52、Its a fine

11、 day today lets go camping.53、What do you do?54、Your skirt is beautiful.55、Would you like to go shopping with me? A、Thats a good idea. B、Whats wrong with you?C、A student.D、Sorry, I have a lof of homework to do.E、Thank you.B、用所给选项完成对话A:Do you think people will have robots in their homes in l00 year?B

12、:Yes, I do 56 .A:Well, I think there will be only one country.B: 57 ?A:Cant you believe it?B:No, 58 .A:But I hope kids wont go to school and 59 .B: 60 .A、I dont think so.B、they will study at home on computers.C、I saw a robot on Tv, and it cleand the floor.D、Only one country in the whole worldE、Good idea. 六、完形填空:阅读短文,根据短文内容选择填入短文空白处的正确答案。(本大题10分,每空1分) A dog has a nice piece of meat 61 his lunch . He is going home with the meat 62 his month. 63 his way home there s a big 64 and there i


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