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1、日常英语300句1. Hello. 你好!2. Good morning. 早上好。3. I am Kate Green. 我是凯特格林。4. Are you Tom Brown? 你是汤姆布朗吗?5. Yes, I am. 是的,我是。6. How do you do? 你好!How do you do? 你好!7. How are you? 你好吗?Fine, thanks. 很好,谢谢。8. How is your mother? 你妈妈好吗?9. She is very well, thank you. 她很好,谢谢你。10. Good afternoon. 午安。11. Good e

2、vening. 晚上好。12. Good night. 晚安。13. Good-bye. 再见。14. See you in the evening. 晚上见。15. So long. 再见。16. Stand up, please. 请站起来。17. Sit down, please. 请坐下。18. I am sorry. I am late. May I come in? 对不起,我迟到了,我可以进来吗?19. Come in, please. 请进。20. Open your books, please. 请打开书本。21. Close your books, please. 请把书合

3、上。22. Do you understand? 你明白了吗?23. Yes, I see. 是的,我明白了。24. No, I dont quite understand. 不,我不大明白。25. Listen to me and then repeat. 听我读,然后重复一遍。26. Look at the blackboard, please. 请看黑板。27. Read after me, please. 请跟我读。28. This is Lesson Two. 这是第二课。29. Its time to begin. 是开始的时候了。30. Class is over. 下课。31.

4、 Whats this? 这是什么?32. This is a pencil. 这是一支铅笔。33. Is this your book? 这是你的书吗?34. No, it is Mikes. 不,这是麦克的书。35. Whose pen is this? 这是谁的钢笔? 36. Its mine. 它是我的。37. Whats that? 那是什么?38. Is that a ruler? 那是一把尺子吗?39. No, it isnt. 不,不是。40. Its a TV. 那是一台电视机。41. Is this cup yours? 这个茶杯是你的吗?42. Yes, it is mi

5、ne. 是的,是我的。43. Where is the store? 商店在哪里?44. It is over there. 它在那边。 45. Is this picture his? 这张图片是他的吗? 46. What are these? 这些是什么? 47. These are horses. 这些是马。48. Where are the sheep? 绵羊在哪里? 49. There they are. 它们在那里。 50. These are her books. 这些是她的书。 51. Where are your trousers? 你的裤子在哪里?52. They are

6、here. 它们在这里。 53. Are they Jacks cakes? 那些是杰克的蛋糕吗? 54. No, they arent. 不,不是。 55. Those are yours. 那些是你的。 56. Those are your pens, arent they? 那些钢笔是你的,对吗? 57. Yes, they are. 是的。58. They are not his. 它们不是他的。 59. These are ours, and those are theirs. 这些是我们的,那些是他们的。 60. Those arent your shoes, are they?

7、那双鞋不是你的,对吗?61. Who are you? 你是谁? 62. I am a pupil. 我是一个小学生。 63. Who is that over there? 那边的那个人是谁? 64. He is a student. 他是个学生。 65. Is that boy a student, too? 那个男孩也是个学生吗? 66. No, he is not. 不,他不是。67. Those girls arent students, either. 那些女孩子也不是学生。 68. Is she your teacher? 她是你的老师吗?69. Yes, she is. 是,她

8、是。 70. That woman is a doctor, isnt she? 那个女的是医生,对吗?71. No, she isnt. 不,她不是。 72. Who are those people? 那些人是谁?73. Maybe they are drivers. 他们可能是司机。 74. Arent they workers? 他们不是工人吗? 75. Sorry, I dont know. 对不起,我不知道。76. Whats your name, please? 你叫什么名字? 77. My name is Bush. 我姓布什。 78. Your first name, ple

9、ase? 你的名字是什么呢?79. My first name is Peter. 我的名字叫彼特。 80. How do you spell your last name? 你的姓怎么拼法?81. Bush. B-U-S-H. 布什,B-U-S-H. 82. Whats your sisters name? 你姐姐叫什么名字?83. Her name is Lily. 她叫莉莉。 84. Lily and Lucy are good friends. 莉莉和露西是好朋友。85. Is he Lucys little brother? 他是露西的小弟弟吗? 86. Yes, he is. 是,

10、他是。87. This is Mrs. White. 这是怀特太太。 88. Mrs. White, this is Mr. Bush. 怀特太太,这是布什先生。89. Nice to see you. 见到您很高兴。 90. Nice to see you, too. 我也很高兴见到您。 91. What day is today? 今天星期几? 92. Today is Sunday. 今天是星期天。93. What day was yesterday? 昨天是星期几? 94. Yesterday was Saturday. 昨天是星期六。 95. What day is tomorrow

11、? 明天是星期几?96. What month is this? 现在是几月份? 97. This is November. 现在是十一月。98. Last month was October, wasnt it? 上个月是十月,对吗? 99. Yes, it was. 是的。100. What month is next month? 下个月是几月份? 101. He was in the library for several hours. 他在图书馆里待了几个小时。 102. Where were you on Sunday afternoon? 你星期天下午在哪里?103. Miss

12、Green was in Beijing in May, wasnt she? 格林小姐五月份在北京,是吗? 104. Yes, she was. 是的,她是。105. Tom wasnt here a month ago, was he? 汤姆一个月前不在这儿,对吗? 106. Do you have a bike? 你有一辆自行车吗? 107. Yes, I do. 是的,我有。108. You have a car, dont you? 你有一辆车,对吗? 109. No, I dont. 不,我没有。110. I dont have a motorcycle, either. 我也没有

13、摩托车。 111. Does the skirt belong to your sister? 这条裙子是112. Yes, it does. 是的,它是。 113. How many brothers or sisters do you have? 你有几个兄弟姐妹? 114. Dont you have my glasses? 你没拿我的眼镜吧? 115. No. They are over there. 没有。它们在那儿。116. Does Kate have a red hat? 凯特有一顶红帽子吗? 117. Yes, she does. 对,她有。118. You have a c

14、omputer, dont you? 你有一台计算机,对吗? 119. Yes, I have one. 是的,我有一台。120. I already have a radio, but I dont have a TV yet. 我已经有一台收音机,但是还没有电视。121. What time is it now? 现在几点钟? 122. It is half past two.两点半。123. Its ten after six. 六点十分。 124. His watch is fast and hers is slow. 他的表快,而她的表慢。125. Excuse me. Can yo

15、u please tell me the correct time? 对不起,请你告诉我准确的时间好吗? 126. Sorry, I cant. 对不起,我不能。127. I dont know what time it is now. 我不知道现在几点钟。 128. I dont think it is five oclock yet. 我想现在还不到五点。129. It must be about four thirty. 现在想必是四点半左右。 130. I get up at six thirty every morning. 我每天早上六点半起床。 131. The store doesnt open until eight oclock in the morning. 这家商店要到早上八点才开门。 132. Will you be here at nine oclock tomorrow? 你明天九点钟到这里,行吗?133. Okay, I will. 好的。 1



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