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1、(文末附答案)2023年高中英语复习一般现在时时态考点总结2单选题(经典例题高频考点-名师出品必属精品)1、When and where to build the new factory _ _ yet.Ais not decidedBare not decidedChas not decidedDhave not decided2、Alex, here _the bus.Lets go.AcomeBwas comingCwill comeDcomes3、The school in library my mother works in the east of the village.Awhos

2、e;liesBwhich;layCwhich;liesDwhich;lying4、If it _ fine tomorrow, we will go outing.Awill beBwasCis going to beDis5、Hes been informed that he _ for the scholarship because of his academic background.Ahasnt qualifiedBhadnt qualifiedCdoesnt qualifyDwasnt qualifying6、Not only I but also Albert and Mary _

3、 physics.Aam fond ofBare fond ofCis fond ofDwas fond of7、Look! On the top of the mountain _ two pine trees.AstoodBstandingCstandsDstand8、A number of traditions _ celebrated in China during the Spring Festival every year.AisBwasCareDwere9、The flag, nine red and white stripes, a national flag dating b

4、ack to the 13th century.Aconsisting of; based onBconsisted of; is based onCconsisting of; is based onDconsisted of; based on10、This kind of cloth_well and large quantities of the cloth _.Ais sold; have been soldBis sold; has been soldCsells; have been soldDsells ; has been sold11、We have celebrated

5、this festival for many years and it _ Tang Dynasty.Ais dated back toBis dating back toCdates back toDdated back to12、Tu Youyou proves with hardships _ great honor.Sure. Opportunities favour the prepared mind.AcomesBwill comeCis comingDare coming13、The library _ at 8:30 p.m., but if we go in a hurry

6、we can make it.Ahas closedBis closingCclosedDcloses14、 I used to drink a lot of tea but these days I_coffee.ApreferBpreferredChave preferredDam preferring15、It will be 3 days_ he_ back from his hometown.Awhom, will comeBafter, will comeCsince, comesDbefore, comes16、Our flight _ at 8:00 pm, so we hav

7、e enough time to go to the airport.Ahas taken offBtakes offCtook offDhad taken off17、General Eisenhower once told his soldiers that what _ not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight-its the size of the fight in the dog.Ais countedBcounts isCis counted isDto count is18、The first painting Guilin

8、 Heights, which _ several steep hills with the Li River _ below, _ over three meters tall.Afocuses on; flowing; measuresBfocuses on; flows; measuringCfocusing on; flowing; measuresDfocusing on; flows; measuring19、They have _ good knowledge of English but little _ they know about German.Aa; doBa; hav

9、eC/; didD/; had20、Have you found anything useful?None of the information _ particularly useful to me.AisBareChaveDhas21、Good amounts of sleep every night_ also important for your health.AareBisCwasDwere22、The writer and professor, who I often refer to at the meetings, _ famous for those works.AisBar

10、eChad beenDwere23、Only after the war in the Syrian Arab Republic is over a peaceful life there.Adid people liveBpeople livedCpeople can liveDcan people live24、They _with their guests in their spacious room, which has a bare marble floor, open rafters and wide glass doors _onto a veranda.Aseated.open

11、Bare seating.openedCare seated.openingDseated themselves.opened25、Although the city a good look in general, some of its heritage was destroyed in World War II.Ahad preservesBpreservedCpreservesDwill preserve26、The plane _ off at 10:00. That is, it _ in ten minutes.Atakes; is leavingBtaking; is leavi

12、ngCis taking; leavesDis taking; is leaving27、The flight _ at 3 oclock. It is half past two now. John _ Emma, his lovely sister off.Awill leave, is seeingBis leaving, seeingCis leaving, seesDleaves, is seeing28、Mr. Black often _ fishing on Sunday, _ he?Agoes; doesntBgoes; isntCdoesnt go; docsDdoesnt

13、go; is29、It disappoints the specialists that Canada is faced with the similar problem as the Internet meant to bring people closer to set them apart.AbeginningBbegunCbeginsDhad begun30、By the time Ron _ back to our rescue, most of us will have been washed away by the flood. We must take a quick meas

14、ure to leave here as soon as possible.AcomeBcomesCcameDwill come完成句子(经典例题高频考点-名师出品必属精品)31、中国在世界舞台上发挥着重要作用。China _ _ _ _ in the world stage.32、那次事故归因于你的粗心驾驶。The accident _ _ _ your careless driving.33、在接受挑战的时候,你们将有机会掌握大量的知识,并享受个人的成长。When you_ _the challenges, you will have the opportunity to acquire great knowledge and enjoy personal growth.34、我讨厌她一直嘲笑我的方式。I hate the way _ _ _ _ _.35、老实说,很多人很看重名和利.To be honest, a



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