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1、巩固基础,句子先行第1讲简单句(1)一、SV句型(主语谓语动词)在这个结构中,动词通常是不及物动词,没有宾语,但可以有副词作状语。这个结构常用于记叙事件活动。(1)This camp will open on July 20th.该营地将于七月二十号开放。(2015北京)(2)Hard work pays off.功夫不负有心人。(2015福建)(3)With my special care,my mother recovered quickly.在我的悉心照顾下,我的妈妈很快恢复了健康。(2013北京)二、SVO句型(主语谓语动词宾语)在这个结构中,动词是及物动词;充当宾语的通常是名词(动名

2、词)、代词、数词、动词不定式(短语)、v.ing结构及名词性从句等。(1)Every coin has two sides.任何事情都有两面性/凡事有利弊。(2015湖南)(2)At last they made great progress.最后他们取得了很大进步。(2015广东)(3)The students often broke the school rules.学生们经常违反校规。(2015广东)三、SVP(主语连系动词表语)在这个结构中,谓语动词需用系动词;表语多为形容词,也可为名词、代词、副词、数词、介词短语、不定式、分词及名词性从句等。1介绍人物(主系表结构后常跟非限制性定语从

3、句或同位语作补充说明)。 (1)Sally was a successful teacher,who taught some naughty students.莎莉是一个成功的老师,她教过一些淘气的孩子。(2015广东)(2)Im Li Jin,Chairman of the Student Union in Chenguang Middle School.我是李津,晨光中学学生会主席。(2015天津)2介绍故事(1)This is a wellknown story from an ancient Chinese idiom.这是一个源于中国古代成语的著名故事。(2015福建)(2)Of c

4、ourse,things are totally different today.当然,今天的情况是完全不同的。(2015福建)3描写心情Tired as I was,I never felt so happy.尽管累了,但我从没这么开心过。(2013陕西)4描写天气It was a nice day.这是美好的一天。(2013江西)5分析论述(1)The reasons are as follows:.原因如下:(2015湖南)(2)Here are three useful tips:这里有三个有用的建议:(2014安徽)(3)Developing a good habit is also

5、 of importance.养成好一个习惯也很重要。(2014江西)6谚语格言An inch of time is worth an inch of gold.一寸光阴一寸金。(2015广东)即时训练用简单句翻译下列句子1我是3年级2班的学生李华。(2015陕西)Im Li Hua,a student from Class 2,Grade 3.2表演将于今天下午两点在“学生中心”开始。(2014陕西)The Show will begin at two oclock this afternoon at the Student Centre.3他接受了我们的建议。(2014北京)He acce

6、pted our suggestions.4这个项目的目的是发展我们的英语学习兴趣和培养听说实际能力。(2014陕西)The purpose of this programme is to develop our interest in English learning and practical abilities in listening and speaking. 5上午八点,我们在大青山山脚下集合。(2013江西)At 8:00 am.,we gathered at the foot of Daqing Mountain.第2讲简单句(2)四、SVOiOd(主语谓语动词间接宾语直接宾语

7、)在这个结构中,及物动词接两个宾语,间接宾语在前,直接宾语在后。当把直接宾语放到间接宾语之前时,间接宾语前应加适当的介词。(1)First,I will tell them the disadvantages of playing computer games and cheating in the exams.首先,我会告诉他们玩电脑游戏和考试作弊的坏处。(2015广东)(2)When the craftsman came into the classroom,we gave him a warm welcome.当工匠走进教室时,我们给他以热情的欢迎。(2015北京)(3)First,he

8、 showed us the basic steps and skills of making dough figurines.首先,他向我们演示了做面人的基本步骤和技巧。(2015北京)(4)My mother gave a hug to me and I could see satisfaction in her eyes.我的妈妈拥抱了我,我在她眼中能看到满足。(2013陕西)五、SVOC (主语谓语动词宾语宾语补足语)在这个结构中,及物动词后面接宾语和宾语补足语。充当补语的可以是名词、形容词、副词、介词短语、非谓语动词(短语)等。(1)In the picture,we can see

9、 a boy in worn clothes,sitting at a shabby wooden table with a pile of books on it.在图画中,我们可以看到一个男孩穿着破衣服,坐在一张破旧的木桌旁,桌子上有一摞书。(2015福建)(2)Id like to ask you to write an article for our schools English newspaper.我想请你为我们学校的英语报写一篇文章。(2015全国)(3)Your contribution will certainly make the event a huge success.

10、你的付出会使这个活动大获成功。(2014辽宁)(4)Instead of doing everything for them,parents should encourage their children to overcome difficulties and inspire them to develop by themselves.父母应该鼓励孩子们克服困难、激励他们自我发展,而不是为他们做一切事情。(2013福建)(5)Our good learning habits will make us study more easily and efficiently and absorb k

11、nowledge completely.良好的学习习惯会使我们学习起来更加轻松有效,而且完全吸收知识。(2013四川)六、There be句型在这个结构中,there be后的名词是主语,be的形式应和第一个名词保持一致。这一结构的其他时态形式:there was/were;there will be;there is/are going to be;there has/have been;there must have been;there must/may be等,它的变式句型有:There happen(s)/seem(s)/appear(s) to be.等。(1)In spite o

12、f the largescale construction of roads and highways,there is still much room for improvement.尽管大规模建设道路和高速公路,但仍有很大的改进空间。(2015江苏)(2)There was a problem with the parking place for bikes in our school.我们学校的自行车停车处有问题。(2014北京)(3)Would there be host family or university dormitory?会有寄宿家庭或者学生宿舍吗?(2014新课标全国)(

13、4)My favorite proverb is “Where theres a will,theres a way.”我最喜欢的格言是“有志者事竟成”。(2014山东)(5)There will be many challenges ahead,but I have confidence that Ill take on the burden.前方有很多挑战,但是我有信心能担负重任。(2013天津)即时训练用简单句翻译下列句子1我会告诉他们学习的重要性。(2015广东)I will tell them the importance of studying.2我们学校将给你们班捐赠500册不同

14、的宝贵书籍。(2015天津)Our school will donate 500 copies of different valuable books to your class.3我帮助他们理解中国文化中最好的部分。(2013浙江)I help them understand the best part of Chinese culture.4从图中我们可以看到一家三口走在一个很长的红地毯上。(2013福建)From the picture we can see a family of three walking on a long red carpet.5一个人的梦想和现实通常存在差别。(

15、2013北京)There is usually a difference between ones dream and reality.第3讲并列句由两个或两个以上不分主次、相互独立的简单句构成的句子叫并列句。并列句通过并列连词、连接副词和分号三种方式连接起来。1表并列关系: and(和),not only.but (also).(不但而且),not.but.(不是而是),neither.nor.(既不也不),on(the)one hand.on the other (hand).(一方面另一方面),when(这时突然)等。(1)I have long been interested in space exploration and I believe I could learn a great deal from him about it.我很久以来一直对太空探险很感兴趣,而且我相信我能从他那里学到很多东西。(2015安徽)(2)The traffic issue is



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