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1、阅读语篇教学设计 Smart homes to make life easier 主题语境:人与社会展望未来 科技发展语篇类型:科普说明文授课时长:两课时(40 分钟)文本分析Reading and Thinking 部分的活动主题是 “Exchange views on smarthomes”,阅读语篇是介绍未来智能家居的科普说明文。文章从现实生活中常遇到的问题出发,介绍了未来生活中智能家居具有的智能控制、健康检查、防范灾害三个功能。文章第一段通过提问导入话题,给人以亲切、真实的感受,二至四段分别介绍其功能,最后一段指出这一智能科技并非幻想,因为很多创新都正在应用中,但是还需要过些年大多数新

2、住宅才会使用这种新技术。说明创新不是凭空想象,而是和现实有密切联系。重点词汇主要涉及介绍其功能的,如:integratedsensors, efficient, the instant, keep constant track of, a critical illness,potential,语法是将来进行时。本文的价值取向在于通过了解技术发展给生活带来的便利,并思考这些变化可能产生的问题,培养学生辩证 思维的能力。教学目标在本课结束时,学生能够:1、获取文中介绍智能家居优点和具体功能的细节信息并能提取关键 词;2、通过速读,梳理文章结构,识别文章写作目的和目标读者;13、推断作者对智能家居的

3、观点态度并说明理由;4、基于所读文本,讨论智能家居可能带来的问题,并发表个人观点 课前活动设计1、预习本单元第一部分单词到 structure,做到熟读,理解语境中该单 词的词义,完成导读学案中的语块翻译。2、预习课文,识别文体并尝试划分段落结构,理解课文内容,标划出 描述智能家居具体功能的句子。3、小组内分工搜集智能家居中未来生活带来的变化。课堂教学活动及学生学习活动设计Step1 Lead-in教师教学活动:1.T plays a video of life in smart homes and asks Ss to think about what the life is like in

4、 smart homes.2. T invites Ss to answer and summarizes the life becomes more comfortable and easier, and lead to the title of the reading text.学生学习活动:1. Enjoy a video and think“What is the life like in smart homes?”2. Ss answer the question.【设计说明】这是导入阶段,主要任务是通过所播放的视频,让学生了解未来智能家居中的生活变得更加舒适、便捷,使学生对所要学习

5、的内容感兴趣,切入正题,并且感知本堂课所要学习的内容,激活学生的已有图式,给学生输入新信息,为下一步的阅读打下基础。2【学习效果测评方式 】通过口头回答,检测学生是否明白视频大体内 容,并能用恰当的形容词描述和举例说明。Step2 Skimming for the writers purpose and the targeted readers (文章体 裁和结构的处理)教师教学活动:1. T asks Ss to skim the text and find out the text type and structure of it.2. Then T and Ss list the fea

6、tures of this kind of writing (expository object,expository method, the common purpose and targeted readers), then invite Ss to think the purpose and targeted readers of this class.学生学习活动:1. Ss skims the text quickly and find the answer of the given tasks.2. Ss summarizes the writers purpose and tar

7、geted readers, then solve the task together with T.【设计说明】在速读环节,指导学生通过标题和副标题识别文体和组织结构,以此作铺垫引出科普类说明文的基本要素,师生一起解决降低难度,最后由学生归纳出本文的写作目的和目标读者。这一步关注体裁和文章结构,让学生在整体上对文章有了大致了解,明确了三项 主要功能。【学习效果测评方式 】学生完成课堂学案上该环节的两个任务,总结 并说出本文的写作目的和目标读者。Step3 Read Para1 and try to answer three QsQ1 Why does the writer start the

8、 paragraph with two questions?3Q2 What can smart homes do in the not-too-distant future?Q3 What are their advantages?教师教学活动:1.T invites Ss to read Para1 and answer three questions.2.T invites Ss to share the answer with others and lead Ss to analyse the function of the word “However”学生学习活动:1. Ss rea

9、d Para1 and answer three Qs.2.Ss recognize the function of the word “However” with the explanation of the teacher and make notes in the textbook.【设计说明 】该部分属于细读第一段,查找具体细节信息,如智能家居的功能和优点,思考段首两个问句的目的,即引出话题,给人一种真实 感。【学习效果测评方式 】独立阅读,在文中标划细节问题答案,总结段 首设问的目的并能说出依据。Step4 Read Para2-4,l locate the topic senten

10、ce of each paragraph.l think how para 3 &4 are developed.l deal with the specific function one by one.教师教学活动:1.T asks Ss to read Para2-4 carefully and locate the topic sentence of each para, and then think about how para3 & 4 are developed.42.T invites Ss to read the topic sentence of para2-4, and e

11、xplains thefunction of the phrase “In addition”.3. T leads Ss to find the signpost word “For example”, and then invites Ssto answer the Q “How para 3&4 are developed”学生学习活动:1.Ss read Para2-4 carefully and underline the topic sentence of each para, and then think about how para3 & 4 are developed2.Ss

12、 are encouraged to exchange their own answers with their deskmate.【设计说明 】该部分是文章的主体部分,介绍智能家居的功能,由三段组成。因此,首先让学生通读三段,找出段落中心句,进一步训练学生查找主题句的阅读技能;之后,再思考三、四两段是用什么方式展开描写的,这里主要是让同学掌握说明文中常用的举例子的说明方式。同时,让同学们再课本上标注 signpost word,如:In addition, For example【学习效果测评方式】独立阅读,在课文中标划段落主题句,能通过forexample 这个短语判断三、四两段的说明方式

13、,完成学案上的这两道题。Step5 Reread para 2,3 and 4, comb the detailed information of the three functions one by one.Task1 Read Para2 and fill in the mind-map5教师教学活动:1.T asks Ss to read Para2 and find the key information in “Intelligent controls”, and then check the answers.2. T shows the sentence “Your lights

14、will come on the instant you enter thedoor along with your favourite music or TV programmes, and you will find your dinner already prepared for you.” and invite Ss to analyze it (找出句中连词和常用结构)3. T and Ss analyze the sentence together and show exercise “当他醒来时,他发现自己被一些孩子所包围。”(汉译英)4.T shows the Q “What

15、makes all these intelligent controls possible?”学生学习活动:1.Ss Read Para2, find the key words and then write the words in the mind-map.2. analyze the long sentence and do the translation exercise, and then answer the Q according to the picture.【设计说明】第二段讲智能家居的第一个功能“智能控制”,段落篇幅较长,生词较多,所以才用 mind-map 形式把智能控制的三个表现梳理出来,让学生去寻找关键信息,从而降低难度。长句分析,先让学生找出句子大连词,然后又一起分析前后句,


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