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1、relation与relationship辨析 词缀分为前缀prefix和后缀suffix,后缀往往改变单词的意思和词性。这个ship,表示的是一种:关系,是那种抽象的关系,内在的关系。Relation和relationship这两个词指关系时是相同的,尤其用于指事物之间的关系: Some doctors think there is a relation between smoking and lung cancer. 有些医生认为吸烟与肺癌有关连。 Scientists have researched into the relationship between smoking and lu

2、ng cancer. 科学家曾研究吸烟与肺癌的关系。 There is no proof of the relation of crime to TV violence. 无证据显示罪案是和电视上的暴力有关的。 I am doubtless about the relationship of diligence to success. 我绝不怀疑勤奋与成功的关系。 “What relation is he to you?”“He is nephew to me./He is my nephew. ” “他和你有何关系?”“他是我的侄儿。” “What is his relationship t

3、o/with you?” “他和你有何关系?” (注:这句不能说成:“What is his relation to you?”) 在以上情况下,即使有分别,relation侧重形式上的关连,而 relationship却侧重密切的交往。例如: Johns relation with Mary is father and daughter. 约翰和玛丽是父母关系。 Johns relationship with Mary has improved. 约翰和玛丽的关系已改善了。 Relation和relationship最大分别在于relation用于较广,可带别的涵义,如: (一)加了s,变成

4、复数的relations指密切交往上的关系而非形式上的关系。例: family relations、 business relations、foreign relations、friendly relations(但也可写成friendly relationship、a lovehate relationship). (二)解作“亲属”,相等于relative。但一般已多用relative代替 relation: My niece is my near relation/relative. 我的侄女是我的近亲。 (三)用在固定词组里,如:in relation to(有concerning的含

5、义): He was arrested in relation to the murder case. 他涉及那桩谋杀案被拘捕。 Questions have been raised in relation to the legality of abortion. 对于堕胎的合法性有人提出质疑。 1relation between sth. and sth.relation to sth. (人或者事物与他者之间的)关联,联系,关系。例如:The relation between time and results. 时间和成绩的关系。It shows on relation to the ra

6、infall. 它与降雨量没有任何关系。2in / with relation to sb. / sth. (正式)与某人 / 某事有关,涉及某人 / 某事。例如:Describe the location of the following lands, seas and cities in relation to New Zealand.描述下列陆地、海洋、城市的地理位置和新西兰之间的关系。3relations between sb. / sth. and sb. /sth.relations with sb. /sth. (人,团体,国家等之间的)关系,联系,交往diplomatic re

7、lations 外交关系international relations 国际关系business relations 业务关系The friendly relations between our countries 我们国家之间的友好关系He broke off relations with his family. 他与家庭断绝了一切联系。4relationship关系,联系:relationship between A and B. 例如:There is close relationship between industry and trade.工业与贸易之间有紧密的联系。A pure b

8、usiness relationship 纯业务关系He had a good relationship with his boss. 他和老板的关系很好。5比较relation和relationship:arelationship的用法最广,包括了relation和relations的许多涵义。relation和relationship可以用来表示亲属关系。例如:A relation of mine is coming to stay. 我有个亲戚要来这里暂住。Whats your relationship to her? 你和她是什么亲戚?She is my cousin. 她是我的表妹。

9、brelationship 可以指强烈的感情关系。例如:Their relationship has lasted many years. 他们的感情已经有很多年了。c如果不侧重个人关系或友谊时,可以使用relations或者relationship。例如:Relations with the USSR are improving. 与苏联之间的关系正在改善。Britain has a unique relationship with the USA. 英国与美国之间关系很特别。drelation和relationship可以表示事物之间的相似之处或者一致性。例如:Some people sa

10、y that there is no relation / relationship between violence on television and crimes of violence in life. 有人说电视中的暴力镜头和生活中的暴力犯罪并无关系。 RELATIONS 和 RELATIONSHIP在表示两者(人 ,国家 ,ETC)关系这个意思上面,如果没有什么感情的意思是可以混用的。比如中美关系,两者都可以 和FRIEND,FRIENDSHIP;MEMBER,MEMBERSHIP的关系类似,但要复杂一点,主要原因是在于RELATION本来就是抽象的东西。FRIENDSHIP可以看

11、成FRIEND之间的一种关系。RELATIONSHIP也可以看成RELATION的关系,就是关系的关系。 比如: THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ME AND MY FATHER,我和父亲的父子关系上的感情层面的关系,可以用好或者不好来形容 THE RELATION BETWEEN ME AND THIS MAN IS SON AND FATHER。表示一种客观存在的联系,就是父子联系。就没有好和不好的概念,因为它是客观存在的关系。 因此,RELATIONSHIP可以带有感情的意思,比如用来指一段恋情。 relation 1. A logical or natural ass

12、ociation between two or more things; relevance of one to another; connection:the relation between smoking and heart disease 2. The connection of people by blood or marriage; kinship. 3. A person connected to another by blood or marriage; a relative. 4. The way in which one person or thing is connect

13、ed with another: the relation of parent to child 5. relations a. The mutual dealings or connections of persons, groups, or nations in social, business, or diplomatic matters: international relations b. Sexual intercourse. 6. Reference; regard: in relation to your inquiry relationship 1. The conditio

14、n or fact of being related; connection or association. 2. Connection by blood or marriage; kinship. 3. A particular type of connection existing between people related to or having dealings with each other: He has a close relationship with his classmates. 4. A romantic or sexual involvement. relation

15、 n. 1. 关系,关联U(+between/to) Their relation seemed quite close. 他们的关系似乎十分密切。 2. (国家,团体,人等之间的)关系,往来P(+between/with) They are anxious to develop friendly relations with their neighboring countries. 他们急于同邻国发展友好关系。 3. 血缘关系,亲戚关系U(+to) 4. 亲戚,亲属C(+of) He had no other near relations. 他没有其他近亲。 5. 【婉】肉体关系P(+with) 6. 【律】(导致起诉的)告发U(+of) 7. 叙述U(+of) His relation of his adventure fascinated us. 他讲述的关于自己的冒险经历使我们听入了迷。 8. 叙述的事,故事C relationship n. 1. 关


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