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1、Unit 5 Canada The True NorthPeriod 1一、请根据汉语提示或首字母写出单词的正确形式1. How many c_ are there on the earth Seven.2. During the war this village was s_ by the enemy and more than 200 people were killed.3. He went to America in the 1980s and s_ down there.4. What she saw t_ her and she had bad dreams every night

2、 after that.5. He is a w_ and kind man. He gives a lot of money to the poor every year.二、根据A句句义,完成B 句,使其句义相同或相近。11. A: They decided to fly from China to Vancouver and to take the train from west to east across Canada in September. B: They decided to fly from China to Vancouver and to _ Canada from w

3、est to east _ _in September.12. A: The fact that ocean ships can go there surprises many people. B: Many people are _ _ the fact that ocean ships can go there.13. A: Around noon they arrived in Toronto, the most wealthy and biggest city in Canada. B: Around noon they _ Toronto, the _ and biggest cit

4、y in Canada.14. A: Rather than take the aeroplane all the way, they decided to fly from China to Vancouver and to take the train from west to east across Canada. B: They _ _fly from China to Vancouver and take the train from west to east across Canada in September than take the aeroplane all the way

5、.15. A: The idea that they would cross the whole continent was exciting. B: They were _ _ the idea that they would cross the whole continent.Period 2一、请根据汉语提示或首字母写出单词的正确形式1. You run first and I can easily catch up with you w_ 50 meters.2. He raises a lot of _ (山羊) and can make much money every year.

6、3. He tried to flee across the _ (边境) but was caught.4. Several government _ (官员) have been sentenced to death so far.5. This can prevent air from _ (流入) freely to the lungs.二、完成句子1. 很多人宁愿租房子,也不愿买房子。 Many people would _ rent houses _ _ a house.2. 我不觉得它很贵,我花了不到100美元。I _ _ it is too expensive. It cost

7、 me _ _ $100.3. 百分之三十的学生赞成这项方案,其余的人都反对。Thirty percent of the students are for the plan. The rest _ _ it.4. 他和家人安排下来务农。 He _ _ as a farmer with his family.5. 温哥华的北面和东面都被大山包围着,而西面濒临太平洋。 Vancouver is surrounded by mountains _ _ _ and east and the Pacific Ocean _ _ _.Period 3一、单项填空 1. Id prefer to stay

8、at home _ to see the film. A. than go B. rather than go C. than going D. than to go2. My interests include football, bowling and surfing the web _ studying my favorite subjects.A. as well as B. instead of C. less than D. rather than3. I have done much of the work. Could you please finish_ in two day

9、s A. the rest B. the other C. another D. the others4.The pilot asked all the passengers on board to remain _ as the plane was making a landing.A. seat B. seating C. seated D. to be seating5. I understand _ you have studied French, and _ you can speak it very well. A. that; 不填 B. 不填; that C. 不填; 不填 D

10、. how; that6. He came _ where I was hiding and my heart beat faster.A. more closely to B. much closer C. rather closer to D. quite closely to7. To our great _, his parents were _ at his mark.A. surprises; surprised B. surprises; surprising C. surprise; surprised D. surprise; surprising8. Simon thoug

11、ht his computer was broken _his little brother pointed out that he had forgotten to turn it on. A. untilB. unless C. after D. because9. He did not work out the problem _ I explained how to him.A. until B. unless C. when D. even 10. We usually walk _ the river bank over there, but today I feel tired

12、and wont walk _ far.A. as long as; so B. as far as; that C. as often as; such D. as soon as; very11. The problem _ many children, especially girls, have _ school is getting more and more serious. A. which; got out of B. that, dropped out of C. that, fallen out of D. which, run out of12. Your natural

13、 hair color begins to fade_ you grow older,and in time you grow grey。A. since B. when C. while D. as13.Those who _the plan tried to persuade those who didnt agree to it.A. was against B. was for C. were against D. were for14. Excuse me, are you traveling by train or meeting someone We are _ the thre

14、e oclock train to Chicago.A. traveling B. waiting C. taking D. setting15. The fact puzzled Jack much _ he has been unable to pass the driving test up to now.A. why B. because C. how D. that二、翻译1. 我想到冬天的时候在山上滑雪。 2. 这个小女孩有唱歌方面的天赋。w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.3. 他将与老对手比赛跑步。4. 我们家紧邻公共汽车站。5. 她在音乐比赛中获得头等奖。Period 4一、根据中文提示完成下面的短语1. 而不是 _


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