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1、2013-2014学年度第一学期期中质量检测八年级英语试题友情提示:自信是走向成功的第一步!相信自己,祝你成功!1. 本试题分第I卷和第II卷两部分,考试时间为90分钟;2. 请在答卷前写上自己的姓名、考号、学校和班级;3. 请将第I卷答案写在答题纸上。考试结束时,只交答题纸。第I卷 一、 听力部分(共20小题)(一)听句子,选择适当的答语,每个句子读两遍。1. A. Thats a good idea. B. I dont know. C. No, you cant.2. A. Yes, Id like to. B. I hope so. C. Why? 3. A. Im not sure

2、B. He must be too old. C. He must have much experience.4. A. Yes, I think so. B. No, I dont. C. I do.5. A. In 2009. B. For two years. C. Two years ago. (二)听对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选出符合每个问题答案的图画。对话读两遍。6. Where did he go last summer? A B C 7. What is Tonys favourite about China ? A B C 8. When did the meeting s

3、tart ? A B C 9. What does Sara want to be? A B C 10. Why didnt Tony hear the phone ? A B C (三) 听对话选择正确答案。对话读两遍。 听第一段对话完成11-13小题。11. What is Mary doing now?A. Doing her homework. B. Doing some washing. C. Watching TV.12. What is Mary going to do tomorrow?A. Play basketball. B. See a film. C. Have a p

4、icnic. 13. Who went to buy some food for Mary? A. Tom. B. Marys mother. C. Jack.听第二段对话完成14-15 小题。14. Where are they talking ? A. At Tiananmen Square. B. At the airport. C. On the plane.15. The man works in Beijing , doesnt he? A. No, he doesnt . B. Yes, he does. C. We dont know.(四)听招聘启事,根据所听内容完成短文。短

5、文读两遍(答案写在II卷上)Our band wants good musicians. Can you play any 1 ? Can you play the guitar, the violin, the piano or the drums? Can you sing 2 or classical music? If you are 3 in music, please call us at 4 . Im sure you will have fun with us. 5 the lively band quickly. We are waiting for you.二、单项选择(共

6、15小题)16. Tim is_ _ boy. He is very lovely. A. a 8-year-old B. an 8-year-old C. a 8-years-old D. an 8-years-old17. _have you been at this school? Since I finished primary school. A. How long B. How soon C. When D. How many times 18. Betty, long time no see._? Everything is Ok. Thanks A. Where are you

7、 B. What were you doing C. What are you up to D. How is it going19. There is nothing interesting in the newspaper, _? A. isnt there B. is there C. isnt it D. is it20. Is there _ in the bag?A. something new B. new something C. anything else D. else anything 21. Is this coat yours? I found it on the p

8、layground. Yes. Thank you . And I must _ my things well. A. look after B. look for C. look at D. look like22. When _ the spacecraft _ the Mars? A. has, reached B. did, get C. did, reach D. has; got to23. Is your brother a basketball player? Of course. He _the basketball club for four years. A. has j

9、oined B. has come to C. has taken part D. has been in 24. Remember _ this book to the library tomorrow. A. returning B. to borrow C. to return D. borrowing25. What do you know about Steve Jobs? He was _an amazing leader _ the father of the computer. He died on October 5th. A. not ; but B. not ;or C.

10、 not only; but also D. either; or26. I saw some students _ on the playground while I was walking by it. A. enjoy himself B. enjoy myself C. enjoying yourself D. enjoying themselves27. How much does an iphone 4s _ ? A. spend B. cost C. pay D. pay for28. His family _ Austria. They arent back yet.A. ha

11、ve been to B. have gone to C. has been to D. has been in29. The old man lives _, but he doesnt feel _. A. alone; lonely B. lonely; alone C. alone; alone D. lonely; lonely30. My brother prefers _ football. A. swimming to playing B. to swim to play C. swim to play D. swimming than playing三、完形填空(共10小题)

12、I believe that listening is powerful (强效的) medicine. It was Sunday. I had the last patient (病人) to see and I got into her room. She was an old woman, sitting on the bed, trying to 31 her socks. I said to her “How are you feeling? The nurse says your son is visiting you today. Im sure youll be 32 to

13、see him.”She 33 me with a serious voice, “Sit down, doctor. This is my story, not yours.”I was surprised. I sat down and helped her with the socks. She began to tell me that her only son lived not far from her, 34 she had not seen him for five years. She believed her health problems were worse 35 missing her son. After hearing her story and helping her put on her socks, I asked



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