What does he look like(教案).docx

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1、Unit9 What does he look like? 第一课时教案 凤山县三门海镇初级中学 胡孟柳一、教学内容分析本节课所选的内容是Go for it七年级下册中Unit9 What does he look like?的第一课时,其核心话题是立足于人的外貌特点,谈论人的外表形象,让学生学会运用所学知识来对人的身高、体重、发型等进行描述。本节课的教学内容来源于生活,立足于生活,它主要是以人的外貌特征为主线,以一种循序渐进、由浅 入深的学习程序来展开教学,其主要目的是通过激趣来引发学生能运用英语来进行交流,能运用英语来描述自己或他人的外貌特征。二、学情分析本课的教学对象为七年级的学生,他们

2、生性活泼好动,喜欢直观形象思维,对游戏、竞赛、画画特别感兴趣,具有很强的求知欲和表现欲,。但由于他们刚接触英语句型,有的学生可能说不好,有的还不敢说,针对学生现状,在课堂上老师以表扬为主,鼓励他们大胆说、积极做,让他们在玩玩、说说、做做中学习英语。本节课为听说课,通过图文观察和听说活动,引领他们融入谈论外貌的语境中,让他们了解谈论外貌的重点词汇和句型,能够自然地与他人交流,完成交际活动。三、教学目标知识目标:能掌握重点单词curly straight tall medium thin heavy build能掌握重点句型(1) What does he look like?Hes of med

3、ium/build.(2) What does he look like?She has long straight hair.(3) Is he tall or short?He is tall.语言技能:1、让学生能积极思维,在生活中灵活运用所学单词、短语及句型。2、使学生能概括人物的外貌特征或根据人物特征描述来判断猜出是某一人物。3、学以致用,使学生能利用所学知识与伙伴们共同探讨,互相交流,从而能替自己和别人进行新形象设计。 情感目标:让学生学会友好、客观地描述人的形象,学会尊重差异,与人友好相处四、教学重点掌握单词,熟练掌握描述人的形象的句型。五、教学难点掌握描述人的形象的句型,并能区

4、别is与has的用法区别。六、课前准备教学课件、自制游戏图片。教学过程Step1 Warm up:1. GreetingsT: Boys and girls, are you ready?Ss: Yes.T: Class begins.Hello ,everyone.Ss: Hello, Miss Hu.T: Whats the weather like today? Ss: Sunny.T: Hows your feeling today? Ss: Great, wonderfulT:Im great, too. Step2 Leading-in:1.Teacher show student

5、s of different sizes ,body shape and hairstyles in class. Learn the new expressions: short/tall/of medium height thin/heavy/of medium build long/short hair stairght/curly hair 2.Strengthen practice.Show star characters of different height,body and hair. Inductive description method of the hair.(描述发型

6、:长短+形状+颜色+头发)3.Do exercises.Let students put the words and phrases in the right box.( One is for“is”,the second one is for“has”.)Practice:fill in the blanks with “is”and “has”.4. Do a competitive game.The students quickly describe the most prominent features of the characters.Step3 Learning the targ

7、et language:1.Finish part 1a, look and match.2.Finish part 1b, listen and find.3.Show students the conversation in part 1b,and learn the language points with the students.4.Finish part1c, describe and guess. 5.Finish part2a, listen and answer the questions.(Pay attention to the alternative question.

8、 We cant answer this question with Yes or No.)6.Finish part2b, listen and fill in the chart.7.The students are pictures of David, Sally and Peter.8.Finish part2c,make conversations.9.Students describe their friends in class and make portraits of them.Step4 Application:Let students play a guessing ga

9、me, male and female PK.Step5 Summary:Encourage students summarize: What do you get in this lesson?Summaryis tall is short is of medium height is thin is heavy is of medium build He/She has short hair has long hair has straight hair has curly hair has a beardStep6 Konwledge enlargement:Students shoul

10、d be encouraged to use English to outline their physical features,toexpress their preferences,to recognize peoples appearance,to respect differencesand to be friendly with people.Step7 Homework:Write a description of your favorite star,your favorite teacher, your classmate or one of your family members.



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