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1、泰州二附中2012年秋学期七年级月考 英语试卷 成绩_一、听力测试(30分)A)根据所听到的句子将正确的序号填到相应的横线上。听两遍。A B C D E 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. B)听对话,根据所听对话及问题选择正确答案。听两遍。( )6. Where is Jack from ? A. Chongqing B. Dalian C. Wuhan( )7. When does Sam get up? A. At 6:30 a.m. B. At 7:00 a.m. C. At 7:30 a.m.( )8. How does Peter usually go home after school

2、? A. By bus. B. On foot. C. By taxi.( )9. There are _ students in Lucys class. A. 21 B. 18 C. 39( )10. What does Sandys mother do ? A. A doctor. B. A teacher. C. A worker.( )11. Where does the man go at the weekends? A. To a park. B. To the Reading Club. C. To a supermarket.( )12. Where will Kitty g

3、o ? A. To the badminton court. B. To the food shop. C. To the school.( )13. When is Lilys birthday ? A. On January 1. B. On June 1. C. On October 1.( )14. When does Wei Hua have a computer lesson ? A. On Wednesday. B. On Thursday. C. On Friday.( )15. Whose books are these ? A. Kittys. B. Sandys . C.

4、 Millies.C)听下面几段对话,选择正确答案。听两遍。听第一段对话,回答1617题。( )16.Nick likes _ after school. A. singing B. reading C. climbing( )17. Whats Nicks favourite sport? A. running B. swimming C. climbing听第二段对话,回答1820题。( )18.Simon doesnt like _. A. English B. Chinese C. Maths( )19. Whats Simon good at? A. Maths. B. Englis

5、h. C. Football( )20. Is Simon a good football player ? A. Yes, he is. B. Yes, he can. C. No, he isnt.D)听录音,完成信息记录表。听两遍。听一篇短文,回答第2125小题。请根据内容从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项,完成信息记录表。Peters FamilyPeterHe is 21 .He is 22 years old.Father and motherHis father is a 23 .His mother is a 24 .sisterHis sister Ann is a 25

6、.( )21. A. Chinese B. American C. English( )22. A. 12 B. 20 C.13( )23. A. nurse B. doctor C. teacher( )24. A. doctor B. teacher C. nurse( )25. A. worker. B. driver C. studentE)听短文,选择正确答案。听两遍。( )26. David is a _in Beijing. A.student B. worker C. doctor( )27. David has _ hair. A. short and black B. br

7、own C. long( ) 28. Every day, David _ . A.swims B. plays sports C. runs( )29. _ like to stay with me. A. My parents B. My friends C. My teachers( )30. David is from _. A. England B. China C. America二、按音标写出单词(10分)31. m:st _32. v _33. kl:srum _34. ed _35. bl _36. memb _37. hp _38. tru _39. mt _40. hr

8、_三、单项选择(15分)( )41. _ your brother Daniel in Class 1, Grade 7 ? No, hes in Class 2. A. Are B. Is C. Do D. Does( )42. Can I drink _ orange juice, Mum? Sorry, we dont have _ orange juice at home. A. some; some B. any; any C. any; some D. some; any( )43. Hes_ good English teacher and all _students like

9、him. A. an; / B. an; the C. a; the D. /; his( )44. Is this _ computer? No, its _. A. you, Lily and Lucy B. they, Lily and Lucy C. your, Lilys and Lucys D. your, Lily and Lucys( )45. His brother doesnt take a bus _ home but he takes a bus _ school. A. /, to B. to, / C. /, / D. to; to( )46.Miss Li is

10、_ English teacher. She likes _ very much.A. our, we B. our, us C. us, our D. us, us( )47. _ are these clothes? They are those _ .A. Whose; players B. Whos; players C. Whose; players D. Whos; players( )48. Im good _ football. _ you play football well?A at playing, Are B at playing, Do C in playing, D

11、o D in playing, Are( )49. My father likes _ books and _TV very much. A. looking, watching B. reading, watching C. watching, seeing D. seeing, reading( )50. Please _ my grandmother. She is ill today. A. look after B. look at C. look for D. look like( )51. There _ an egg and some apples in the fridge. A. is B. are C. has D. have( )52. If(如果)Millie enjoys many kinds of stories and com



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