课时跟踪检测(四) Earthquakes.doc

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1、课时跟踪检测(四)Earthquakes.单项填空1(2015汉中市高三年级高考模拟考试)Ill take part in tomorrows English speech contest._!ACome onBGood luckCCheer up DCongratulations2The spacesuits can be adjusted so that the team can reproduce different levels of gravity as if they _ in space.Aare Bhas beenCwere Dhad been3(2015嘉兴高三联考)The

2、greenbelt, _ finished, will be of great importance to the environment of this areAAwhile BunlessCeven if Donce4(2015黄山一检)Everyone wants to live in a beautiful, comfortable and livable place, but not _ know where it is.Aall BsomeCeither Dboth5(2015杭州高三第二次质检)Aliens visiting Earth is controversial but

3、what happened in some places is hard _, leaving people _ about these strange phenomenAAto explain; puzzledBto be explained; puzzlingCexplained; puzzledDbeing explained; puzzling6(2015浙江省高三抽测)The girl was sitting on the bench in the park, _ her head in the book in her hands.Aburied BburyingCbeing bur

4、ied Dto bury7(2015浙江开化中学模拟)_ his happy look on the face, he must have passed the exam this time.AJudging from BTo judge fromCJudged from DJudge by8As soon as we heard the boy shouting for help, we rushed to his _ and pulled him out of the river. Ashelter BrescueCdisaster Doutline9(2015浙江名校高三调研)Jewis

5、h Americans are _ successful in the fields of business, entertainment and science.Twentyfive percent of the 400 wealthiest Americans are Jewish Americans.Acompletely BextremelyCeventually Dunconditionally10(2015厦门模拟)You will _ your chances of getting a pay rise if you dont work harder than others.Ai

6、njure BwoundCharm Druin11(2015杭州二中高三模拟)Flowers displayed at the fair are appreciated and _ by the tourists.Athink well of Bthought wellCthinking well of Dwell thought of12(2015福建省部分中学高三联考)Chinese President Xi Jinping attended the fifth BRICS summit, _ brought together leaders of Brazil, Russia, Indi

7、a, China and South AfricAAthat BwhichCwhere Dwhat13(2015宁波高三一模)Going into a supermarket without a clear list, you might _ picking up what you wouldnt necessarily want.Agive up Btake upCmake up Dend up14With the help of the new teacher, _ number of the students in my class who have made _ great progr

8、ess in English up to now is far larger.Athe; the Ba; aCthe; / Da; /15(2014南昌二模)Thanks to the great efforts by netizens and the journalists determination to _ the truth, anticorruption has been accelerating.Atake out Bcheck outCpick out Ddig out.完形填空(2015金华十校联考)As a child I was always good at drawing

9、 and art.I won_1_, got constant attention, and even saw my face in the newspaper and on television because of my _2_ability to draw.I internally thought that the entire Metro Detroit area had _3_my artistic talent.I had spent a lot of time drawing and now I was being _4_to the front.Being a shy, non

10、talkative child, I found this had a huge impact on my _5_and my life.Most people who happen to involve themselves in something that they are good at are _6_to take it and run with it.My life was not _7_. From teachers, to principals, to family members, everyone seemingly had a ton of advice to give

11、me in regards to art.Actually I was desiring something _8_all the while._9_I was winning art contests and gaining tracking in the field I had an amazing _10_for writing.I entered poetry and essay contests .and lost them all.It was such a _11_with my artistic competition experience that I didnt even

12、get honorable mention!It was so _12_that a friend of mine told me once,“If youre so good at drawing why do you even _13_about anything else?Stick to it!”At twelve this sounded like a prediction.Though it was well _14_, eighteen years later Im _15_I didnt take his words to heart._16_passed with me st

13、ill writing and still occasionally entering contests.It wasnt until my second year in college that I_17_placed in a poetry contest. That doesnt mean I am great.However, I can say that as a writer Ive truly grown._18_, especially when it comes to things you truly love, is essential.Im sure there are

14、things in your life that are _19_and yet, rewarding.Believe in yourself and take some time to reinvest some _20_back into the “thing” that didnt come easy and see what happens.1AtrustBawardsCsupport Dfriendship2Amental BvisualCnatural Dacademic3Aevaluated BdevelopedCrevealed Drecognized4Apushed BattractedCinvited Daccompanied5Areputation BtechniqueCconfidence Dintelligence6Apermitted BwarnedCforbidden Dencouraged7Asimple BsmoothCcolorful Ddifferent8Anew BhardCsimilar Drealistic9ASince BWhileCBefore DUnless10Afear Bexcuse



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