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1、一生必去的15个地方1.The Great Barrier Reef, Queensland, Australia澳大利亚昆士兰的大堡礁The Great Barrier Reef is the largest collection of coral reefs in the world, spanning over 1,400 miles. Its so large that it can be seen from space, and its among one of the Seven Wonders of the Natural World. It is the place to go

2、 diving, offering a one-of-a-kind display of underwater life.大堡礁是世界上最大的珊瑚礁群,横贯1400多英里。它很大,大到可以从上空俯瞰,是世界七大自然景观之一 。 也是潜水胜地,为游客们展示出了独一无二的水下美景。2.Pyramids of Giza, Egypt埃及的吉萨金字塔As the only one of the Seven Ancient Wonders of the World still largely intact, the Pyramids of Giza are definitely worth a visi

3、t. Dating back to around 2,560 BC, the Great Pyramid of Giza stood as the tallest man-made structure for over 3,800 years.作为唯一现存完好的古代七大奇观之一的吉萨金字塔,绝对值得一去。公元前2560年,吉萨大金字塔是最高的人造建筑,且已存在了3800多年。3.Stonehenge, Amesbury, England英国埃姆斯伯里的巨石阵Lots of mystery surrounds Stonehenge, and contrary to those who belie

4、ve its just a pile of 25-ton rocks, its actually a beautiful sight. Book a guided tour to visit the center, and at sunset, enjoy the stunning glow of the setting sun between Stonehenges pillars.一部分人认为巨石阵是个谜样的遗迹, 而另一些人认为那只是由25吨重石头组成的,就是一个美丽的景观。日落时分,跟着导游一起去参观中心,尽情享受夕阳从石头缝隙间洒下的光辉。4.The Grand Canyon, Ar

5、izona, USA美国亚利桑那州大峡谷Carved over thousands of years by the Colorado River, the Grand Canyon is a sight to behold that one simply cant fathom without being there. The massive rock walls span for over 200 miles.由科罗拉多河冲击数千年形成的大峡谷美到你根本不敢相信它就真实的存在。巨大的岩石墙壁跨度超过了200英里。5.Easter Island, Rapa Nui, Chile智利共和国的瓦尔

6、帕莱索地区的复活节岛Like Stonehenge, no one really knows the story behind the 887 Easter Island “moai” statues. Even so, they offer visitors a great adventure. Plus, travelers can enjoy other Easter Island adventure options, like hiking and scuba diving.它和英国的石头阵一样,没人知道887年复活节岛雕像“摩埃”背后真正的故事。即便如此,还是能带给游客很好的冒险经历

7、。另外,游客还能享受到其他的一些冒险选择,比如:徒步旅行、潜水等。6.The Great Wall of China, China中国长城This massive, man-made wall stretches thousands of miles long. Not only does the marvelous structure leave many visitors scrambling to pick up their jaws knowing it was made by human hands, but its atop a mountain ridge that delive

8、rs awe-inspiring views of the area.这个规模庞大、绵延数千里的人造城墙。那独特的结构不仅让游客争相游览这个由人类创造的奇迹,在它那地处于山脊之上的独特地理位置还可以看见独特的风景。7.Plitvice Lakes National Park, Croatia克罗地亚十六湖国家公园This area is among one of the most beautiful in the world, with crystal clear waters, lush green scenery, and stunning waterfalls.这个地方是世界上一个最美的

9、地方,有清澈透明的海水,郁郁葱葱的景色,让人惊叹的瀑布。8.The Great Blue Hole, Belize伯利兹大蓝洞Off the coast of Belize, divers find a submarine sinkhole called The Great Blue Hole, where the water is 407 feet deep. Its over 980 feet wide and can easily be seen from above.在伯利兹海岸,潜水员发现一个最大的可潜水的水下洞穴,被称作大蓝洞,这里的水有407英尺深,宽980多英尺,水上也能看见。

10、9.Redwood National Park, California, USA美国加利福利亚的红杉国家公园The combined Redwood National and State Parks span over 133,000 acres across Californias north coast. These parks are home to the tallest growing species on Earth, the redwood tree, which can grow to be well over 300 feet tall.位于美国西部加利福尼亚州西北的太平洋沿

11、岸的红杉国家公园和国家公园绵延133000多英亩。这个公园是拥有世界上最高大的植物-可长到350英尺的红杉树常青原始森林。10.Taj Mahal, Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India印度阿格拉泰姬陵The Taj Mahal is a truly beautiful architectural feat. Its a massive, white, marble-domed mausoleum constructed in the 1600s that attracts over three million visitors each year.泰姬陵是一个很美丽的建筑物。

12、建于16世纪的泰姬陵,是一个巨大的白色大理石圆顶陵墓,每年吸引三百多万游客前来参观。11.Tianzi Mountains, China中国的天子山Set as the inspiration for the floating mountains in the movie Avatar, these formations are more breathtaking than you can imagine. The area spans 16,550 acres, and the tallest peak rises about 4,140 feet above sea level.作为电影阿

13、凡达的灵感来源,它的美丽景色超乎你的想象。天子山横向有16550英亩,最高处高出海平线4140英尺。12.Angkor Wat, Cambodia柬埔寨吴哥窟Angkor Wat was previously a Hindu and Buddhist temple built in the 12th century. Today, its an architectural wonder worth visiting.吴高窟是12世纪由以前的一个印度教和佛教寺庙所建。现在也还是一个值得一看的建筑奇观。13.Pamukkale, Turkey土耳其的棉花堡This area is home to

14、natural hot springs that leave travelers in awe. Dont end your journey without bathing in one of the remarkable natural tubs.棉花堡是天然温泉的发源地,令人心生敬畏之情。要是你没有泡过那里的温泉就一定不要结束你的旅行。14.Victoria Falls, Livingstone, Zambia赞比亚利文斯通 的维多利亚瀑布This waterfall measures one mile across and is 354 feet high. Thatalong with

15、 the fact that more than 260,000 gallons of water flow over the edge per secondmakes it the largest singular waterfall in the world.该瀑布宽一英里,高354英尺。瀑布边缘的水流速度每分钟超过260000加仑/秒,是这个世界上最大最奇特的瀑布。15.Venice, Italy意大利的威尼斯Venice is the perfect destination for travelers seeking a unique city experience. The canals that run through the city act as roadways, providing a unique transportation option while delivering a beautiful scene.要是旅游者想要寻找不一样的城市旅游体验,那么威尼斯是一个不错的去处,流经城市的这条河流贯穿全城,形成了一种独特的交通方式,同时也是一种别样的风情。


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