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1、最新人教版四年级英语上册期中试卷及答案【各版本】 题序一二三四五六七八总分得分(满分:100分 时间:60分钟)一、从下列每组单词中选出不同类的一项。(10分)1、( )Afloor BfanCreally2( )Ahis BhairCher3( )Astrong BfriendCfriendly4( )Awall BwhatCwhere5( )Astorybook BChinese bookCclassroom二、选出下列各组单词中画线部分的读音不同的一项。(10分)1、.1( )Aface Bcat Capple2( )Ashe Bleg Cwe3( )AFive Bsix Crice4(

2、 )Ause Bbus Cexcuse5( )Ahot Bnote Cbox三、给下列图片选择对应的单词。(10分)1、.AcandyBnoseCschoolbagDfanE. shoes1( ) 2( ) 3( )4( )5( )四、单项选择。(20分)1、_ animal friends do you have?( )I have three.AHow oldBWhatCHow many2、_ is it? ( )Its 6:30 p.m. Its time to have dinner.AWhat timeBWhats timeCHow many3、Do you have _ pears

3、?( )No, I have _ bananas.Asome; anyBany; someCany; any4、Look! My desk is _ the window.( )AinBonCnear5、Do you like English?( )_AYes, I like maths.BNo, I like English.CYes, I like it.6、What do you usually do on weekends?( )I usually go to the _.AparkBclassroomCschool7、Do you have a library?( )_AYes, w

4、e do.BYes, we are.CNo, we arent.8、My uncle has ten _ and twenty _. ( )Asheep; henBsheeps; hensCsheep; hens9、_ is the toilet? ( )AWhoBWhereCWhen10、Can I go outside now?( )_AYes, you are.BNo, you cant.CNo, you dont.五、情景交际,选出正确的一项。(10分)1、你告诉别人熊猫是黑白相间的,你会说:( )AThepandaisblackandwhite.BThepandaisblackand

5、blue.2、当别人夸奖你的书包漂亮时,你应该说:( )AOh,no. BThankyou.3、当你想问别人所在的地方冷不冷,你会说:( )AIsitcold?BIsitsnowing?4、如果你是商店营业员,有顾客进来,你可以说:( )ACanyouhelpme?BCanIhelpyou?5、当你想知道他是高还是矮时,可以说:( )AAboyorgirl? BTallorshort?六、 连词成句。(10分)1. have,things,so,they,for,many,their,picnic(.)_2. my,with,have,party,I,will,a,friends(.)_3.

6、us,go,for,let,out,picnic,a(.)_4. afternoon,will,to,I,music,lesson,this,go,my(.)_5. would,I,like,rice,and,some,bread(.)_七、 读句子,选择正确的答语。(10分)ANo, you cant.BYes, it is.CIts rainy.DIts twelve oclock.E. Theyre on the bed.1Whats the weather like there? ( )2Where are my jeans? ( )3What time is it? ( )4Can

7、I wear my new skirt? ( )5Is it cool? ( )八、 阅读理解,判断正(T)误(F)。(20分)We have a nice and big school. Our classroom is on the first floor. Its next to the teachers office. There is a computer on the teachers desk. There are two doors, two blackboards, four windows, ten lights, many desks and chairs in our

8、classroom. The computer room is on the second floor. The music room is next to the computer room. I like my school very much.1My school is small and nice. ( )2Our classroom is on the second floor. ( )3There are two windows in our classroom. ( )4The music room is on the second floor. ( )5I dont like

9、my school( )参考答案一、从下列每组单词中选出不同类的一项。(10分)1、1C2B3B4A5C二、选出下列各组单词中画线部分的读音不同的一项。(10分)1、1A2B3B4B5B三、给下列图片选择对应的单词。(10分)1、1B2D3A4E5C四、单项选择。(20分)1、C2、A3、B4、C5、C6、A7、A8、C9、B10、B五、情景交际,选出正确的一项。(10分)1、A2、B3、A4、B5、B六、 连词成句。(10分)1、 1. They have so many things for their picnic. 2. I will have a party with my friends. 3. Let us go out for a picnic. 4. I will go to my music lesson this afternoon. 5. I would like some bread and rice.七、 读句子,选择正确的答语。(10分)1、1C2E3D4A5B八、 阅读理解,判断正(T)误(F)。(20分)2、1F2F3F4T5F页码 / 总页数


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