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1、Unit 1 Cinderella (Grammar time & Fun time )主备:文斌 课型:新授 审核:龚敏学校_ 班级_ 姓名_ 【教学目标】1. 知识目标:能通过交流,正确运用疑问词why,并能用because准确回答。对Grammar time中以wh开头的特殊疑问词的学习与运用。能够准确运用动词第三人称单数复述Story time的故事。2. 能力目标:能完成Fun time中的任务,与同学合作完成童话故事表演。3. 情感目标:能够运用所学语法知识提出问题,学会思考。一批时间二批时间教师评价教师评价【课前准备】1. 常规预习:(1)读Grammar time五遍,自己尝试

2、理解或复习:特殊疑问词why以及Because的准确回答。;动词三单形式的变化;以wh开头的特殊疑问词的使用。(2)了解Fun time ,看一看,想一想,说一说。2. 预习导学:(1) 以Why引导的特殊疑问句的构成:句型结构例句Why + be + 主语 + 形容词 ? Why is Bobby so happy?Why + 助动词 + 主语 + 动词原形 ? Why does the prince visit every house?Why + 情态动词 +主语 + 动词原形 ? Why cant Cinderella go to the party?以why 引导的疑问句,用Becau

3、se加上表示原因的句子给出回答。(2)以Wh-开头的疑问副词归纳疑问副词例句What (询问东西或者事情)What do you do at weekends?I often play football.Where (询问地点)Where does Mr. Li live?He lives in Canada.When (询问时间)When do you go to bed?I go to bed at nine thirty.Who (询问人)Who is the woman over there?Shes my mother.Whose (询问主人)Whose dresses are th

4、ese?Theyre my mothers. 其它常见疑问词的归纳疑问词用法疑问词用法How问情况(身体,心情)What colour问颜色How old问年龄What time问时间How many问数量How much问价格(3) 动词的一般现在时三单形式的复习情况构成方法例词读音一般情况加slike-likes swim-swims清辅音后读/s/浊辅音和元音后读/z/以s,x, ch,sh结尾加eswash-washes teach-teaches watch-watches读/iz/以辅音字母+y结尾变y为i,再加esstudy-studiesfly- fliestry- tries

5、特殊变化do -doesgo-goeshave-has预习自测: 用所给词的适当形式填空1. Cinderella _(put) on the new clothes and shoes.2. Helen usually_(visit) her grandparents at Christmas.3. My parents _(watch) films at weekends.4. Many boys _(try) on the T-shirt ,but it doesnt fit.5. Mike often _(fly) kites with his friends in the park.

6、6. Does your brother _(do)his homework on Saturday morning?【课堂活动】Step1 Revision1 Free talk. 2 Talk about the characters in the fairy tales: Goldilocks, and the Ugly Duckling. T: We get a lot of fun from the fairy tales. We learned Cinderella. What do you think of Cinderella?3 Pair work: talk about C

7、inderella and the other characters. Step 2 Grammar time1 Talk about Cinderella. T:Look! How is Cinderella? Why?Who comes to help her? What do they say? 2 Summary. T:When we answer the questions beginning with “why”, we usually use “because”. Bb writing.3 Book open.Read the sentences.4 Try to find th

8、e rules. What is the next word to “why”?Bb writing.Step 3 Game timePlay a game: tell me why.Look, ask and answer about the pictures. 1 Billy cant get out. 2 The Ugly Duckling is so sad. 3 Liu Xiang can run very fast.Step 4 Fun time1 Talk about the first picture of Fun time without the sentence. Have

9、 a guess. What does goldilocks say? Then read the sentence and try to answer. 2 Book open. Work in pairs. Say the sentences in the pictures. Check up one by one.Step 5 Grammar time(语法板块的拓展)1 Talk about more wh-words: who, whose, what, where, when. Bb writing.2 Try to ask questions about Cinderella w

10、ith the wh-words.3.Summary.Step 6 Fun time(Funtime板块的拓展)1 Try to ask more questions about the first picture. Set an example.2 Try to put on the play. Try to act one scene in groups of four. And try to use more words to make the play richer and more wonderful. 3 Show the play in groups of four.Step 7

11、 Thinking time1 Summary: T: We know how to use these wh-words to ask questions about Cinderella. And we also can put on the play with the wh-questions.Thinking is very important. We all like thinking, so we can ask so many questions. Great people invented and created great things, because they like

12、thinking too.2 Enjoy some great people: Newton, Thomas Edison, Wright brothers,Steve Jobs and Bill Gates. Step 8 Sharing time1 Share the questions.2 Summary. Great invention and creation come from questions. Please keep on thinking. Maybe someday youll be one of the great people.Step9 当堂检测按要求改写句子(对划

13、线部分提问)1. My grandparents often go fishing on Sunday. _ _ your grandparents _on Sunday?2. My e-friend is Peter. _ _ e-friend?3. His uncle lives in Zhenjiang. _ _ his uncle _?4. Sam often has lunch at twelve oclock. _ _ Sam _lunch ?5. The skirt is Goldilocks. _ _ the skirt?6. I like the new T-shirt beacuse its beautiful. _ _you _the T-shirt?Step 10 Homework1 Go on to modify the question cards in groups of four and try to find the answers on the Internet or in groups. 2 Group members cooperate. Try to finish enriching and writing down the play in Fun Time. (Set an example.)【教/学后记】_


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