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1、七年级下册Unit8一、词型转换1.near反义词: far2.across动词:cross名词:crossing3.front反义词:back4.north形容词:northern5.right反义词:left/wrong6.enjoy第三人称单数:enjoys7.easily形容词:easy 8.free反义词:busy二、短语归纳post office邮局 police station警察局pay phone付费电话 near here在这附近across from在的对面in front of在前面How can I help you?需要我如何帮你?in town在城镇around

2、here在这周围far from 离远Thanks so much.非常感谢。No problem.不用谢,没关系。Are there any ? Yes, there are.有吗? 有。go along the street沿着这条街走turn right /left向右 /左转on the /ones left /right在(某人的)左/右边at the first crossing在第一个十字路口spend time花时间enjoy reading喜欢阅读clothes store服装店look like看起来像to get there为了到达那儿in life一生中time goe

3、s quickly.时间过得很快。go down 沿着走watch doing 观看做enjoy /like doing喜欢做go shopping去购物.next to在的旁边on Center Street在中央大街上in my neighborhood在我的附近;邻近 17.on the right在右边三、用法集萃1. turn right/left at the +序数词+crossing.在第几个十字路口向右/左转。2.enjoy doing sth.喜欢做某事3.watch sb. doing观看某人正在做某事4.spend+时间/金钱+(in)doing sth. 花费时间/金

4、钱在四、There be 结构的用法: There is/are There was/were 就近原则 There is a book and two pens on the desk.1. Is there a hospital near here?这儿附近有医院吗?Yes, there is. Its on Bridge Street.是的,有,它在大桥街上。2. Is there a bank near here?这儿附近有银行吗?3. There is a zoo in my neighborhood.在我家附近有一个动物园。4. I love to watch the monkey

5、s climbing around.我喜欢看猴子们到处攀登。Unit9词汇拓展be of medium height中等身高be of medium build中等身材What does he look like?他长得怎样?a little一点,少量wear glasses戴着眼镜not tall or short不高也不矮a round /long face一张圆/长脸high(adj. 高的)- height(n.高度)in the end最后put in newspapers把登在报上the same way同样的方法,同样的方式on television通过电视first of al

6、l首先,起初be(am/is/are)+身高/身材形容词;have/has+发型;wear+衣物;形容词顺序:长短-形状(直卷)-颜色have long/short/straight/curly hair 留长发/留短发/留直发/留卷发 have long straight hair 留长直发 have short curly hair留短卷发 have short curly blond hair 留金色的短卷发(长短形状-颜色)句法:邀约Are you going to the movie tonight? 你今晚要去看电影吗?(进行时表示将来的含义)Were meeting at sev

7、en, right?我们七点钟见面,对吧?I may be a little late.我可能会迟一点。Just meet in front of the cinema first.就在电影院前见面。1.询问及描述某人的外貌特征 问:What do/does + 主语 + look like? “看上去什么样?”/ “长什么样?” 答:主语 + be + 描述人物外貌特征的形容词。主语 + have/has + 名词(名词前可有多个形容词修饰)。What does your friend look like? He is short and thin. He has short, black

8、hair.他又矮又瘦,留着短直发。 He is of medium build, and he has a big nose.他中等身材,大鼻子。2. a little bit, a little, a bit 1) 修饰形容词或副词时,三者可通用,但a little bit比后两者所表示的程度稍弱一点。 Today is a little bit / a little / a bit cold. 今天有点冷。 2)修饰不可数名词时,a little直接跟不可数名词,a bit需加of再跟不可数名词。 There is a little / a bit of water in the glas

9、s. 杯子里有点水。 3)a little 和a bit在否定句中意思恰恰相反。not a little相当于very “很,非常”,not a bit相当于not.at all“一点也不”。 He is not a little hungry. = He is very hungry. 他很饿。 He is not a bit hungry. = He isnt hungry at all. 他一点也不饿。3. tell a joke / jokes说笑话 tell a story / stories讲故事 tell a lie / lies撒谎4. She never stops talk

10、ing. 她总是讲个不停。 stop to do sth. “停下来去做某事”。指停止原来做的事情,去做另一件事情。 stop doing sth. “停止做某事”,指停止正在做的事情,即不做某事了。 1)He stops to do his homework. 他停下来开始做家庭作业。 He stops doing his homework. 他停止做家庭作业。 2)Class begins, please stop talking. 上课了,请不要说话。 3)We are all tired, stop to have a rest. 我们都累了,停下来休息一会儿吧。5. people,

11、person, man1) people:泛指“人,人们”,谓语动词用复数形式。There are many people there. 那儿有许多人。the people 常用来指“人民”。We study hard for the people. 我们为人民而努力学习。指“民族”是可数名词。Therere 56 peoples in China. 中国有56个民族。 2) person“人;人物”,无性别之分,可指男人,也可指女人。常用于指数目不大,而且数目比较精确的“人”。 Everyone likes the honest person. 每个人都喜欢诚实的人。There are on

12、ly three persons in the room. 房间里只有三个人。 3)man: 指“男人”(复数形式为men),也可指“人类”。He is a man of few words. 他是个少言寡语的人。 6. remember/forget doing sth. 记得/忘记做过某事 (事情已做)remember/forget to do sth. 记得/忘记要去做某事 (没做) 1)Dont forget to turn off the lights when you leave the classroom.当你离开教室时,别忘了关灯。 2)I remember telling y

13、ou about it. 我记得告诉过你这件事。He forgot having this kind of fruit. 他忘记他吃过这种水果了。19. 两个或两个以上形容词同时作定语的排列顺序: 限定词(冠词、指示代词、形容词性物主代词、名词所有格、数词等)+ 描述性形容词+大小、形状、长短、高低 + 新旧、长幼 + 颜色 + 产地、材料、用途 + 被修饰名词 a small old yellow wooden table 一张黄色的旧木头小桌子an expensive new Japanese sports car 一辆昂贵的新型日本跑车Unit 10would like(表示意愿)愿意,

14、喜欢Id like我想要Im not sure yet.我还不能确定,我还没想好take ones order点菜one (large) bowl of一(大)碗a large /small bowl of 一大/小碗What kind of哪种What size多大 thats right.好吧May I take/have your order?我可以为你点菜吗?in the tomato and egg soup在番茄鸡蛋汤里around the world世界各地make a wish许愿blow out吹灭get popular受欢迎,流行cut up切碎the number of的

15、数量make a wish许愿in one go同一次,一次性地make do 让做put in放上(内)different kinds of不同种类的ask for 请求.,要求.put on穿上,戴上Why dont you + do sth.? 何不做某事? 1. would like“想要”,相当于want, 用法亦同want,但比want委婉。1)want/would like sth. 想要某物 Id like some Noodles 2)want/would like to do sth. 想要做某事 Id like to play the piano 我想要弹钢琴。3)want/would like sb. to do sth. 想要某人做某事 I would like him to help me. 我想要他帮助我。 4)What would sb. like? 某人想要什么?5)Wh



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