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1、PEP英语五年级下册Unit 3 My Birthday第一课时 慕银芳一、教学内容 Part A Lets learn 本部分主要是学习十二个月份的英语表达方式 Lets chant 巩固本课的新知识二、教学目标1 语言技能目标:(1)能够听、说、认读12个月份的英文表达方式并能书写其缩写形式。 (2) 能够使用句型:“When is your birthday? My birthday is in ” 调查班级或小组内同学的生日。(3)能够就12个月份进行四季的划分。2 学习策略目标:(1)培养学生积极与他人合作、共同完成学习任务。(2)在任务中,引导学生积极运用所学英语进行表达与交流。三

2、、学情分析五年级的学生已有两年多的英语学习经验,已经能够在实际情景中灵活运用英语。本年级的学生很活泼,学习英语的兴趣浓厚,能够很好的开展各项活动。但本课时新知识点较多,在教学中应尽力让学生突破这个难点。四、 教学重点和难点重点:12个月份的听、说、认读及其缩写形式的书写,以及句型“When is your birthday? My birthday is in ”的运用。难点:January,February的发音和正确的书写12个月份的缩写形式。五、 教具准备1. 本课时的课件2. 季节单词卡片3. 调查表(文后所附)六、教学过程1Warm upa) Oral English: Good m

3、orning! How are you? Whats your favourite season?b) Sing a song: Whats your favourite season?(P24)(设计意图:调动学生的学习兴趣,复习与本课时有关的知识点,为后面的学习做铺垫。)2 .Previewa) T: Four seasons make a year. Do your remember it? Lets review it together. Look! Whats this? Ss: Spring.(设计意图:通过单词卡片复习季节单词)b) (课前在黑板上用简笔画画四棵树,分别代表四季。

4、)T: Which one is spring? Please put the card on the blackboard.(将季节单词卡片贴在正确的树下面)(设计意图:复习季节单词,同时为四季的划分做铺垫。)c) Use the same way review other season words.d) Read it together.3 . Presentationa) T: There are four seasons. Which season do you like best?S1:I like winter best.T: Why?S1:Because I can make a

5、 snowman.T: How about you?S2:I like .Because .b) T: Guess! Which season I like best? Why?S1:Summer.Because you can swim.S2:Winter.Because you can eat ice-cream.(让学生尽可能的猜测,调动学生学习的积极性) T:Oh,I like summer best. Because my birthday is in summer.c) T: How many months are there in summer? Do you know? (PP

6、T)In summer, we have three months-June, July and August.(write it on the Bb, beside the right tree) (设计意图:通过老师的生日导入新知。并通过板书在正确的树旁边,以直观的方式告诉学生四季的划分。)d) Read it more.e) (Practice)(Read after T)-When is your birthday? -My birthday is in JuneJulyAugust.(设计意图:结合句子练习,词不离句)f) (PPT)T:When is your birthday?

7、Is your birthday in summer too?S1: Yes. My birthday is in . T: How about you? Is your birthday in summer? S2: No. My birthday is in spring/fall/winter.(根据学生回答的具体情况来导出其余的新单词。用同样的方法教授其余的新单词。)g) Read all the new words together.h) T: Look at all the new words. What can you find?You can tell me in Chines

8、e.S:.(设计意图:让学生对新单词观察后归纳其特点,如:所有的单词第一个字母是大写,缩写要打点,缩写一般是原单词的前三个字母等等,这样可以帮助学生记忆单词。) 4 .Practicea) Game: Whats missing? (设计意图:通过“whats missing”游戏巩固学生对单词的记忆。具体方法:选取几张月份的单词卡片,让学生进行短时间的记忆,然后抽出一张藏好,让学生回忆是哪张卡片,选一名学生回答,如果该生答对了带读一遍该卡片上的单词)b) Game: Turntable game (设计意图:“turntable game”是一个安排在PPT中的flash小游戏,点击转盘能够

9、随机选取12月份中的任意一个单词,实用性强,通过这个游戏不仅增加单词的记忆还可以提高学习英语的兴趣)5.ConsolidationMake the surveya) First, T use the sentence “When is your birthday?”My birthday is in .”ask some students,finish the table.b) According to the table, give Ss a report.c) Let Ss make a survey in the group.d) Report.(设计意图:通过调查小组成员的生日练习重点句型。首先教师要给学生示范,让学生明白如何进行)Lets chanta) First, listen it carefully.b) Repeat it one by one.c) Chant it together.d) Chant it together with the action.6. Homework Read and write down the new words.(设计意图:通过抄写作业巩固学生对新单词的记忆)P.S.Make a survey-When is your birthday?-My birthday is in . Name Month(月份)



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