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1、编号: 毕业设计(论文)说明书课 题: 基于CAN总线的智能家居控制 学 院: 电子工程与自动化学院 专 业: 自动化 学生姓名: 学 号: 指导教师单位: 姓 名: 职 称: 题目类型: 理论研究 实验研究 工程设计 工程技术研究 软件开发2012年 5 月 10 日摘 要进入二十一世纪以来,借助计算机和互联网技术的发展,信息家电已经越来越多的出现在人们的生活之中,伴随着科学技术的进步,家居智能化正以前所未有的速度走进寻常百姓之家。以单片机为核心结合计算机构成的智能家居产品具有体积小、功能强、应用面广,使用灵活、价格便宜、工作可靠等优点。本文设计基于CAN总线的智能家居控制系统,研究其硬件电


3、按键设定报警上限和下限。系统硬件包括主控芯片STC89C52RC,CAN总线通信模块,串行通信接口电路,烟雾浓度检测模块,人体移动红外检测模块,温湿度检测电路,液晶显示电路等。系统软件设计包括VB上位机监控程序,CAN-RS232总线协议转换程序,CAN总线智能节点通信程序,按键设定值程序,液晶显示程序等。关键词:智能家居;CAN总线;传感器;Visual BasicAbstractSince the beginning of the 21st century, with the development of computer and Internet technology, informat

4、ion appliances have been more and more in peoples life, along with advances in science and technology, the intelligent home is at an unprecedented rate into the homes of ordinary people at home. Small size, wide range of applications, the use of flexible, cheap, reliable and advantages of microcontr

5、oller as the core, combined with computer composed of smart home products.The design is based on the CAN bus smart home control systems, to study the hardware circuit design, software programming, and CAN bus application in the field of smart home. The control system up from a structural division ca

6、n be divided into two levels, respectively, for each node of the PC monitoring and machine control. PC monitoring of monitoring computer PC, CAN-RS232 bus protocol converter, the next crew of data acquisition module of the microcontroller and the CAN bus intelligent node to complete the real-time mo

7、nitoring of the state of the environment of the home.System designs two CAN bus node, using temperature sensor DS18B20, humidity sensor DHT11, smog sensor MQ-2, BIS0001 infrared sensor, to detect circuitly indoor temperature and humidity, fire Pirates of the situation and other environmental informa

8、tion. Recording and monitoring of the data sent to the PC, the PC machine can check the records and history, the host computer and the CAN nodes are equipped with an alarm function, alarm upper and lower limits can be set through the button and the CAN-RS232 protocol conversion. The system hardware

9、consists of the master chip STC89C52RC,CAN bus communication module, serial communications interface circuits, smoke concentration detection module, infrared detection module of human motion, temperature and humidity detection circuit, LCD circuits, etc. System software design, including VB PC monit

10、oring program, the CAN-RS232 bus protocol conversion process, the intelligent node of the CAN bus communication program button to set the value of the program, LCD program.Keywords: Smart Home; the CAN bus; sensor; Visual Basic目 录引言11 课题研究内容21.1 课题背景21.2 课题意义22 系统设计概述32.1 设计任务32.2 系统设计原理32.3 系统设计方案3

11、2.4 系统可行性分析43 CAN总线概述63.1 CAN总线简介63.2 CAN总线帧类型63.2.1 数据帧63.2.2 远程帧73.2.3 错误帧83.2.4 过载帧83.3 CAN报文过滤83.4 CAN错误处理83.4.1 错误检测83.4.2 错误标定94 硬件电路设计104.1 单片机最小系统104.1.1 单片机STC89C52RC104.1.2 最小系统电路114.2 CAN总线模块124.2.1 CAN控制器SJA1000124.2.2 CAN收发器TJA1050174.2.3 CAN模块电路174.3 串口通信184.3.1 电平转换芯片MAX232184.3.2 串口通

12、信电路194.4 温湿度检测模块194.4.1 温度传感器DS18B20194.4.2 湿度传感器DHT11194.4.3 温湿度检测电路204.5 烟雾检测模块204.6 红外人体感应模块214.7 液晶显示模块214.8 报警电路224.9 按键电路225 系统软件设计235.1 软件整体设计235.2 CAN通信程序设计245.3 RS-232通信程序设计265.4 LCD1602液晶显示程序设计275.5 按键设定值程序设计295.6 温度采集程序设计295.7 湿度采集程序设计315.8 应用软件平台简介335.8.1 Keil C51335.8.2 Visual Basic 6.0

13、346 系统调试376.1 硬件电路调试376.2 系统联调377 总结和展望41谢 辞42参考文献43附 录44 第 53 页 共 57 页引言科技的进步,带来经济飞速发展的同时,也给人们的生活带来无限的惊奇。不断更新的生活方式,使得越来越多的人追求对生活的舒适度和享受度。智能家居作为新生力量呼之欲出,自然地走进我们的生活,随之,引领新一代的数字家庭生活。通过分析现有的智能家居解决方案,智能家居包括四个基本的功能模块:家庭对外通信模块、家庭网关模块、家庭安全防范模块、家庭设备自动控制模块。本课题提取家庭安全防范模块研究,设计基于CAN总线的智能家居控制系统。安全防范就是保障人们在生产、生活和




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