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1、U1P2 补充词组1 in a mess 一团糟2. help out 帮一把3. be crazy about 着迷于,狂热爱好4. let down 使失望,辜负5. let off steam 发泄怒火6. embarrass v. 使尴尬 embarrassment n. embarrassing adj. 令人尴尬的embarrassed adj. 感到尴尬的7. concentrate on 集中精力于U1 P3补充短语(1)前四段1. saying 谚语2. Loose lips sink ships. 祸从口出。3. too much water 太多水4. much too

2、heavy 太重5. be sure to do 一定做,务必做6. fault n.故障,缺点 faulty adj. 有错误的,有缺点的 faultless adj.完美的,无缺点的7. admit doing 承认做过8. apologize to sb. for sth./ make an apology to sb. for sth. 因为某事向某人道歉9. win won won 赢得10. communicate with 和某人交流 communication n.11. resolve conflicts 化解矛盾12. have a chat with 和某人聊天U1P3(

3、2) 后四段1. strategy n.战略,策略2. approach n.&v. 接近,方法,路径 an approach to learning 学习方式3. behave v. behaviour n. 行为,表现4. anger n. 愤怒 angry adj.生气的5. take a deep breath 深呼吸6. calm down 冷静下来7. pull ones weight 努力做好自己份内的工作,尽职8. be concerned about 关心,担心9. be concerned with 与.有关10. as far as I am concerned 就我而言

4、11. profession n. 职业 professional adj. 专业的,职业的P8前四段1. It remains to be seen. 仍然有待观察。2. well-known 闻名的 better-known ,best known3. excerpt n./v. 摘录,引用4. Honest adj. _honesty_ n.5. lie lied lied lying 说谎 lie lay lain lying 平躺,平放,位于6. protect.from 保护.免受.7. the majority of. 绝大多数. the minority of. 少数.8. e

5、ven if/even though 即使9. to an extent 在一定程度上,到达.程度10. have.in common 有共同之处11. be similar to. in. 和.在某方面相似12. conflict with 与.冲突13. fit in with 适合,适应,符合14. turn to sb. for help 向某人求助15. be faced with/face sth. 面对16. Keep. to oneself 保守秘密P9 五到八段1. reasons for. .的原因2. white lies 善意的谎言3. courage n. 勇气 en

6、courage v. 鼓励; encouragement n. 鼓励; discourage vt. 阻止,使气馁4. What do you think of.?=How do you find/like.?你认为.怎么样?5. despite= in spite of 虽然,尽管6. comment on 对.评论7. hide hid hidden 隐藏8. the former 前者 the latter 后者9. in advance 提前,预先10. find out 找出,查明11. hide.from.向.隐瞒.12. as to 关于,至于13. I am to blame.

7、 我该被责备14. be satisfied with 对.满意15. Compete v. 竞争,竞赛 competitive adj. Competition n. ;competitor n,竞争者16. look down on/upon 鄙视,瞧不起补充短语1. disgust n./vt. (使) 厌恶 disgusting 令人厌恶的 disgusted 厌恶的2. take the lead 带头,领先3. play a role in. 在.中起作用4. adjust to 调节;调整以适应5. by accident 偶然地6. Complex adj.复杂的 comple

8、xity n.复杂7. Settle down 定居,安定下来,专心于(to)8. forgive sb. for sth. 原谅某人做了某事9. apologise to sb. for sth. / make an apology to sb. for sth. 因为某事向某人道歉10. Criticize v. 批评 criticism n.11. look on the bright side 往好处想, 对事物抱乐观态度12. Consist of = be made up of=be composed of 由.组成13. a series of 一系列14. argue v.争论

9、,辩论 argument n. ; conclude v. conclusion n.结论15. describe v. description n. 描述16. interpersonal relationships 人际关系17. in conclusion总之,最后18. manage to do 设法做成19. find fault with 挑剔,找茬20. cant help doing 禁不住做21. be doing.when.正在做某事就在那时22. be about to do.when.; be on the point of doing.when.正要做某事就在那时23. had just done.when. 刚做完某事就在那时24. wet through 湿透了25. strike struck struck/stricken 敲打,袭击,突然想起,打动,划(火柴)



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