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1、年 级三年级学 科英语课时2单元课题UNIT3 Feelings and Body设计者常娥课题 Lesson 15 Left and Right教学目标知识与技能(1)学唱歌曲(2)听懂会说本课的英语会话过程与方法情境探疑 小组合作情感、态度与价值观培养对英语歌曲的兴趣 学习更多的英语短语教学重、难点重 点Fan your facego to sleep Stamp your feet 的理解与发音难 点Fan your facego to sleep Stamp your feet 的理解与发音上课时间 年 月 日教学具准备单词卡片,录音机教学方法(或模式)情境探疑教学模式教学过程:第一课

2、时一Greeting (1)Hello ,How are you? How do you feel?Sing a song (2)drill review the part of body “put your hand your head/leg” “point to your”二:New concepts1教授cold hot(以人体动作的形式)带入情境 确立目标2.对话 make up a dialogue in pairsAHow do you feel?BCold. I m very cold.Are you hot? 凭借情境 探究解疑A. Yes, Im very hot.A: H

3、ow do you feel?B: I feel tired. 边说边做.以动作的形式出现,形象,直观, 乐学. 拓展情境 达标训练三.listen to the type and read after it四. 状态 结果 (1) Sad sit and cry Hot fan your face Tired go to sleep Cold stamp your feet (2) first listen and then learn to sing (3) 分组表演五. use the activity book聚焦情境 反思构建1.Do you have any more questi

4、ons.You can say it.2. To solve the problem.六. Homework copy “cold hot”第二课时带入情境 确立目标一 Greeting (1) sing a song(2) review the word about the body “whats this?”凭借情境 探究解疑二 New conceptsFirst read Put the left hand in take your right hand outShake it all about turn around 边做动作,边做对比。通过动作帮助对语言的理解,便于掌握。拓展情境 达标训练三 Read and repeat the text聚焦情境 反思构建1.Do you have any more questions.You can say it.2. To solve the problem.四 Use the activity book五 Homework copy“nose eye mouth ear”个性化创意:板书设计: Lesson 15 Left and RightWhat is it?Nose,hair ,ear,eye,mouh,face.教后反思


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