1、第 61 页直接加热转筒式干燥机摘 要时代在发展,人类在进步。环境保护已经越来越多的被人们所重视。解决煤燃烧产生的大气污染问题是目前一个很重要也很紧迫的问题,随着人类对煤的研究,发现原煤和生物量的混合物燃烧后几乎不含有污染性气体。本设计的目的是为无污染生物煤的生产提供低成本的原煤干燥设备,为生物煤的推广打下坚实的基础,同时也为环保事业做出贡献。本设计采用如下方案:采用转筒式,直接传热方式,主要靠对流传热,采取并流操作,使用高温烟道气作为载体。由一般异步电动机,圆柱齿轮减速器和齿轮齿圈传动组成动力传动装置。由重油燃烧产生烟道气,石棉做保温层,尾气除尘设备选择旋风分离器。物料进、出传送均采用皮带传
2、输机。密封方式颈向迷宫式密封。在设计任务给定后,确定了设计所需的基本参数。进行了物料衡算和热量衡算,解决了需要消耗多少干燥介质和热量的问题。依据物料衡算和热量衡算的结果计算并确定了设备的规格参数。对干燥设备作了结构设计的详细计算和必要的强度校核。并选择配套的附属装置,如物料的传输方式选择、热风系统加热方式选择、引风机选型等,更加完善了设计的完整性。关 键 词:直接传热,转筒式,干燥,原煤Direct heating transfers the cylinder drying machineAbstractAs the time going ,the environmental protecti
3、on is getting more and more important in the new century. The output of coal burns is one kind of the things that course the environments pollution. However, scientists find that the output of the mixture burns ,which is the raw coal and creature s mixture, hardly doesnt contains pollutions. The pur
4、pose of this design is to study out one kind of dry equipments for raw coal, which makes the first step from the raw coal to creature coal.This design adopted the tube type dehydrator ,and transmitting heat directly by the main way of convection .and in this design adopted the parallel flow operatio
5、n ,used the heat flue gas to carry the heat .the general asynchronous motor, cylinder gear speed reducer and tooth ring transmission composite the power transmission apparatus .the bure of the heavy oil create the flue gas and the heat preservation lamella is made by asbestos .the same time tornado
6、separator can remove the dust tail gases. The strap delivers, machine carries out the in and out transmissions of the material. The seal method is diameter faces the maze type seal.After the design mission given ,I made out all the data that must be compute out. To resole the problem how much medium
7、 for dry and the calorific value would be consumed, I have done the material calculates and the sum calorific value calculates. And according them I work out the specification parameter of the equipment. And more I have made some additional deal design, such as hot blast system and the breeze machin
8、e etc ,which made the design more perfect the complete.Key Words:Transmit heat directly , cylinder ,Dry , Raw coal 目 录1 绪论11.1干燥技术的概况11.2干燥技术发展的总趋势21.3干燥器的分类和选型31.3.1干燥器的分类31.3.2干燥器的选型31.4回转圆筒干燥器的特性41.5回转圆筒干燥器在工业上的应用51.6回转圆筒干燥器的设计概论52 设计初始参数的确定72.1已知参数7 2.2其他所需参数的确定72.2.1并流适用于下列物料的干燥72.2.2逆流方式适用于下列物
9、料72.3混合气的参数计算123 物料衡算和热量衡算143.1水分蒸发量143.2空气消耗量144 设备规格参数的设计和确定164.1筒体直径164.2容积散热系数164.3筒体长度164.3.1预热段长度164.3.2蒸发段长度184.3.3加热段长度184.4转筒得转速喝倾斜度得选择194.4.1转速194.4.2筒体地斜度194.5停留时间194.6填充系数204.7热风系统加热形式的选择214.8鼓风机或引风机的选型214.9旋风分离器和进、出料装置225 回转圆筒干燥器的结构设计与计算245.1筒体设计24 5.1.1筒体结构组成24 5.1.2筒体载荷计算29 5.1.3筒体弯矩与
10、应力计算32 5.1.4筒体变形计算355.2滚圈设计385.2.1滚圈的结构型式385.2.2滚圈的设计与计算395.3托轮及轴承设计41 5.3.1结构设计41 5.3.2托轮及轴承的计算425.4挡轮及轴的设计465.4.1挡轮465.4.2挡轮受力465.4.3挡轮参数的确定475.4.4挡轮轴及轴承的选择485.5传动装置的确定设计依据49 5.5.1电动机选型495.5.2齿轮配置495.5.3传动装置计算505.6减速器的选型53 5.6.1按强度选用减速器53 5.6.2校核热功率535.7联轴器的选型545.7.1联轴器的计算转矩545.7.2联轴器的工作转速545.7.3轴孔直径545.8进、出料端设计546 回转圆筒干燥器的密封567 回转圆筒干燥器的安装、调整和运转578 经济性分析58结论与思考60致谢61参考文献621 绪论随着时代的发展,环境问题已经越来越多的被人们重视。燃料煤是近现代的主要燃料,取暖、照明、工业无处不用。而煤燃烧所生成的污染物排放到大气中,对环境造成了很大的污