1、rotary trochoidal engine two-stroke engine four-stroke engine supercharged engine air-cooled engine oil-cooled enginewater-cooled enginen aturally aspirated engine1314232426multifuel engine hydrocarb on engine duel fuel engine hot bulb engine multiple cyli nder engine opposed pist on engine:opposed-
2、cyli nder enginecross head enginein-li ne engine radial engine trun k-pist on engine stirli ng engine kni ght engine:port-scave nged enginesla nt engine fron t-e ngine rear-e ngine cen tral engine left-ha nd engine right-ha nd engine oversquare engine un dersquare engine square engine overhead camsh
3、aft engine dual overhead camshaft engine V-enginevalve in-head engine side valve engine valveless engine3940 V形发动机41顶置气门发动机42侧置气门发动机43无气门发动机发动机分类往复式内燃机reciprocat ing internal combusti on engine化油器式发动机carburetor engine转子发动机rotary engine旋轮线转子发动机二冲程发动机四冲程发动机增压式发动机:风冷式发动机油冷式发动机10丨水冷式发动机11自然进气式发动机12:煤气机
4、gas enginei 液化石油气发动机liquified petroleum gas engine-柴油煤气机diesel gas engine15i多种燃料发动机16i石油发动机17双燃料发动机18热球式发动机19多气缸发动机20丨对置活塞发动机21对置气缸式发动机22:十字头型发动机直列式发动机-星型发动机I25i筒状活塞发动机i斯特林发动机27套阀式发动机28丨气孔扫气式发动机29)倾斜式发动机30丨前置式发动机31后置式发动机32:中置式发动机33丨左侧发动机34-右侧发动机35i短冲程发动机36i长冲程发动机37等径程发动机38丨顶置凸轮轴发动机双顶置凸轮轴发动机44多气门发动机4
5、5卧式发动机46斜置式发动机47立式发动机48 W形发动机49 I形发动机50 L形发动机51 F形发动机multi-valve engine horiz on tai engine in cli ned engine vertical engine w-e ngine l-engineL-e ngineF-e ngine52 原机 Engine prototype发动机性能535455565758596061626364656667686970717273747576二冲程循环two-stroke cycle四冲程循环four-stroke cycle狄塞尔循环diesel cycle奥托循
6、环otto cycle混合循环mixed cycle定容循环con sta nt volume cycle工作循环worki ng cycle等压循环con sta nt pressure cycle理想循环ideal cycle热力循环thermody namic cycle冲程stroke活塞行程pist on stroke长行程long stroke上行程up stroke下行程dow n stroke进气行程in take stroke充气行程charg ing stroke压缩行程compressi on stroke爆炸行程explosi on stroke膨胀行程expa nsi
7、on stroke动力行程power stroke排气行程exhaust stroke膨胀换气行程expa nsion-excha nge stroke换气压缩行程excha nge-compressi on stroke77 上止点 top dead cen ter(upper dead cen ter)78 下止点 lower dead cen ter(bottom dead cen ter)79 上止点前 budc(before upper dead center)80 上止点后 atdc(after top dead cet ner)81 下止点前 bbdc(before bottom
8、 dead center)82 下止点后 abdc(after bottom dead cen ter)83 排气量 displaceme nt84 发动机排量en gi ne displaceme nt85 活塞排量 pist on swept volume86 气缸容量 cyli nder capacity87 单室容量sin gle-chamber capacity88 容积法volumetry89 压缩比compressi on ratio90 临界压缩比critical compression ratio91 膨胀比expa nsion ratio92 面容比 surface to
9、volume ratio93 行程缸径比stroke-bore ratio94 混合比 mixture ratio95 压缩压力compressi on pressure96 制动平均有效压力brake mean effective pressure(bmep)97 空燃比air fuel ratio98 燃空比fuel air ratio99 燃料当量比 fuel equivale nee ratio100 扭矩 torque101 单缸功 power per cylinder102 升功率 power per liter103 升扭矩torque per liter104 升质量mass
10、per liter105 减额功率derating power106 输出马力shaft horsepower107马力小时,马力时 horsepower-hour108 总马力gross horse power109 总功率 gross power110 净功率n et power111 燃油消耗量 fuel co nsumption112 比燃料消耗率specific fuel co nsumption113空气消耗率114机油消耗量115有效马力116额定马力air con sumpti on oil con sumpti on net horse power rated horse p
11、ower117 马力重量系数horsepower-weight factor118 制动功率brake horse power119 制动热效率brake thermal efficie ncy120 总效率 overall efficiency121 排烟极限功率smoke limit ing horsepower122 功率曲线power curve123 机械损失mechanical loss124 机械效率mechanical efficiency125 有效热效率effective thermal efficiency126 充气系数volumetric efficiency127
12、过量空气系数coefficient of excess air128 适应性系数adaptive coefficie nt129 扭矩适应性系数coefficient of torque adaptibility130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173转速适应性系数speed adaptive coefficie nt强化系数 coefficie nt of inten s
13、ificati on 校正系数correct ion factor换算系数 conversion factor 活塞平均速度 mean pist on speed 发动机转速engine speed (rotati onal freque ncy)充量(进气)charge旋转方向 direct ion of rotati on 顺时针 clockwise 逆时针 counter-clockwise 左转left-ha nd rotati on右转 right-hand rotation 发动机性能engine performa nee力口载性能 load ing performa nee 起动
14、性能start ing performa nee力口速性能 accelerati on performa nee 动力性能power performa nee排放性能 emissi on performa nee 燃油经济性 Fuel economy 排放 Exhaust emissions 大的燃烧噪声 Large combustio n no ise 预混合燃烧 Premixed combustion 扩散燃烧Diffusi on combustion大的 EGR 率 Heavy EGR 推迟喷油时间Retard ing the injection tim ing,推迟喷油时间Delayi ng the fuel injection timi ng,燃烧激振力Combustion exci