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1、国际经济学选择题汇总版(附答案)Ch1-Ch31. The United States is less dependent on trade than most other countries becauseA) the Un ited States is a relatively large country with diverse resources.B) the United States is a K Superpower. ”C) the military power of the Un ited States makes it less depe ndent on anything

2、.D) the Un ited States in vests in many other coun tries.E) many coun tries in vest in the Un ited States.2. Because the Con stituti on forbids restra ints on in terstate trade,A) the U.S. may not impose tariffs on imports from NAFTA countries.B) the U.S. may not affect the international value of th

3、e $ U.S.C) the U.S. may not put restraints on foreign investments in California if it involves a financial in termediary in New York State.D) the U.S. may not impose export duties.E) the U.S. may not disrupt commerce between Florida and Hawaii.3. International economics can be divided into two broad

4、 sub-fieldsA) macro and micro.B) developed and less developed.C) mon etary and barter.D) intern ati on al trade and intern ati onal mon ey.E) static and dyn amic.4. I nternatio nal mon etary an alysis focuses onA) the real side of the international economy.B) the intern ati on al trade side of the i

5、ntern ati onal economy.C) the international investment side of the international economy.D) the issues of intern ati onal cooperati on betwee n Cen tral Ban ks.E) the mon etary side of the in tern ati onal econo my, such as curre ncy excha n ge.5. The gravity model offers a logical explanation for t

6、he fact thatA) trade betwee n Asia and the U.S. has grow n faster tha n NAFTA trade.B) trade in services has grow n faster tha n trade in goods.C) trade in manu factures has grow n faster tha n in agricultural products.D) In traEuropea n Union trade exceeds intern ati onal trade by the Europea n Uni

7、on.E) the U.S. trades more with Wester n Europe tha n it does with Can ada.6. The gravity model expla ins whyA) trade betwee n Swede n and Germa ny exceeds that betwee n Swede n and Spain.B) co un tries with oil reserves tend to export oil.C) capital rich coun tries export capital inten sive product

8、s.D) in tra-i ndustry trade is relatively more imports nt tha n other forms of trade betwee n n eighbori ng coun tries.E) Europea n coun tries rely most ofte n on n atural resources.7. Why does the gravity model work?A) Large econo mies became large because they were en gaged in intern ati onal trad

9、e.B) Large econo mies have relatively large in comes, and hence spe nd more on gover nment promoti on of trade and in vestme nt.C) Large econo mies have relatively larger areas which raises the probability that a productive activity will take place withi n the borders of that coun try.D) Large econo

10、 mies tend to have large in comes and tend to spe nd more on imports.E) Large economies tend to avoid trading with small economies.8. We see that the Netherlands, Belgium, and Ireland trade considerably more with the UnitedStates tha n with many other coun tries.A) This is explained by the gravity m

11、odel, since these are all large countries.B) This is explained by the gravity model, since these are all small countries.C) This fails to be con siste nt with the gravity model, since these are small coun tries.D) This fails to be con sistent with the gravity model, since these are large coun tries.

12、E) This is expla ined by the gravity model, si nee they do not share borders.9. In the prese nt, most of the exports from China areA) manu factured goods.B) services.C) primary products including agricultural.D) tech no logy inten sive products.E) overpriced by world market sta ndards.10. A country

13、engaging in trade according to the principles of comparative advantage gains from trade because itA) is produci ng exports in directly more efficie ntly tha n it could alter natively.B) is produci ng imports in directly more efficie ntly tha n it could domestically.C) is produci ng exports using few

14、er labor un its.D) is produci ng imports in directly using fewer labor un its.E) is produci ng exports while outsourci ng services.11 The Ricardian model attributes the gains from trade associated with the principle of comparative adva ntage result toA) differe nces in tech no logy.B) differe nces i

15、n prefere nces.C) differe nces in labor productivity.D) differe nces in resourcesE) gravity relati on ships among coun tries.12. A nation engaging in trade according to the Ricardian model will find its consumptionbun dieA) in side its product ion possibilities fron tier.B) on its product ion possib

16、ilities fron tier.C) outside its product ion possibilities fron tier.D) in side its trade-part ners product ion possibilities fron tier.E) on its trade-part ners producti on possibilities fron tier.13. Assume that labor is the only factor of product ion and that wages in the Un ited States equal $20 per hour while wages in Japa n are $10



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