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  • 文档编号:521719787
  • 上传时间:2023-11-13
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  • 工业机器人中英文翻译、外文文献翻译、外文翻译_第1页
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    • 1、 文 献 翻 译 机械学院外文原文:RobotAfter more than 40 years of development, since its first appearance till now, the robot has already been widely applied in every industrial fields, and it has become the important standard of industry modernization.Robotics is the comprehensive technologies that combine with mechanics, electronics, informatics and automatic control theory. The level of the robotic technology has already been regarded as the standard of weighing a national modern electronic-mechanical manuf

      2、acturing technology.Over the past two decades, the robot has been introduced into industry to perform many monotonous and often unsafe operations. Because robots can perform certain basic more quickly and accurately than humans, they are being increasingly used in various manufacturing industries.With the maturation and broad application of net technology, the remote control technology of robot based on net becomes more and more popular in modern society. It employs the net resources in modern s

      3、ociety which are already three to implement the operatio of robot over distance. It also creates many of new fields, such as remote experiment, remote surgery, and remote amusement. Whats more, in industry, it can have a beneficial impact upon the conversion of manufacturing means.The key words are reprogrammable and multipurpose because most single-purpose machines do not meet these two requirements. The term “reprogrammable” implies two things: The robot operates according to a written program

      4、, and this program can be rewritten to accommodate a variety of manufacturing tasks. The term “multipurpose” means that the robot can perform many different functions, depending on the program and tooling currently in use.Developed from actuating mechanism, industrial robot can imitation some actions and functions of human being, which can be used to moving all kinds of material components tools and so on, executing mission by execuatable program multifunction manipulator. It is extensive used i

      5、n industry and agriculture production, astronavigation and military engineering.During the practical application of the industrial robot, the working efficiency and quality are important index of weighing the performance of the robot. It becomes key problems which need solving badly to raise the working efficiencies and reduce errors of industrial robot in operating actually. Time-optimal trajectory planning of robot is that optimize the path of robot according to performance guideline of minimu

      6、m time of robot under all kinds of physical constraints, which can make the motion time of robot hand minimum between two points or along the special path. The purpose and practical meaning of this research lie enhance the work efficiency of robot.Due to its important role in theory and application, the motion planning of industrial robot has been given enough attention by researchers in the world. Many researchers have been investigated on the path planning for various objectives such as minimu

      7、m time, minimum energy, and obstacle avoidance.The basic terminology of robotic systems is introduced in the following:A robot is a reprogrammable, multifunctional manipulator designed to move parts, materials, tools, or special devices through variable programmed motions for the performance of a variety of different task. This basic definition leads to other definitions, presented in the following paragraphs that give a complete picture of a robotic system.Preprogrammed locations are paths that

      8、 the robot must follow to accomplish work. At some of these locations, the robot will stop and perform some operation, such as assembly of parts, spray painting, or welding. These preprogrammed locations are stored in the robots memory and are recalled later for continuous operation. Furthermore, these preprogrammed locations, as well as other programming feature, an industrial robot is very much like a computer, where data can be stored and later recalled and edited. The manipulator is the arm

      9、of the robot. It allows the robot to bend, reach, and twist. This movement is provided by the manipulators axes, also called the degrees of freedom of the robot. A robot can have from 3 to 16 axes. The term degrees of freedom will always relate to the number of axes found on a robot.The tooling and grippers are not part of the robotic system itself: rather, they are attachments that fit on the end of the robots arm. These attachments connected to the end of the robots arm allow the robot to lift parts, spot-weld, paint, arc-well, drill, deburr, and do a variety of tasks, depending on what is required of the robot.The robotic system can also control the work cell of the operating robot. The work cell of the robot is the total environment in which the robot must perform its task. Included within this cell may be the controller, the robot manipulator, a work table, safety features, or a conveyor. All the equipment that is required in order for the


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