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1、股权转让协议(中英文)n n 股权转让合同书n Share Transfer Agreementn 合同当事人各方:n The parties hereinafter include:n 甲方:公司n Party A: Investment Co.n 乙方:有限公司n Party: Limitedn 丙方:先生n Party C: Mr.n 身份证号ID NO:n 住址Address:省市路号房。n Room ,Road,city,Province。n 鉴于甲方合法拥有在岛注册的公司(以下简称“公司”)百分之百的股权;n Whereas Party A legally owns shares

2、of Investments V Ltd. (), which is registered in the Islands;n 鉴于公司是年月日,于岛依法注册成立,其合法拥有有限公司(下称“公司”)百分百的股权;n Whereas , registered in Islands on , , legally owns shares of Braking System () Co., Ltd. (the “Company”);n 鉴于甲方现有意出让其公司合法拥有的百分之百的股权,n Whereas Party A intends to sell the legally-owned shares o

3、f n 鉴于Dana Global Holdings Inc.拥有甲方的的股权且其拥有对公司的优先购买权,n Whereas Party A is owned by Dana Global Holdings Inc., and they have certainpre-emptive rights regarding the transfer of shares in ;n 鉴于丙方拟受让甲方在公司的全部股权,现合同各方经友好协商,本着平等互利的原则,应上述股权转让事宜达成如下条款:n Whereas Party C intends to buy the whole shares of hel

4、d by Party A, adheringn to the principals of equality and mutual benefit, the parties have reached the followingn agreement(the Agreement)after friendly consultations regarding the share transfter matters:n 股权转让价款n Article 1 Price of The Sharesn 在公司向乙方或其指定代理人归还欠款人民币万元后,甲方同意按本俩所规定的条件,将其在公司拥有的全部股权以美元的

5、价格转让给丙方,丙方同意以此价格受让甲方在公司拥有的全部股权;同时乙方也同意将其在公司的剩余债权以美元的价格转让给丙方,丙方同意以此价格受让乙方在公司剩余的全部债权。n After the Company repay million of payable due to Party B or its designed agent, subjectn to the terms and conditions in the Agreement, Party A hereby agrees that it will transfer andn convey to Party C the whole sh

6、ares of at the price of US Dollar and Party C agrees to purchase the whole shares of held by Party A at this price. At the same time, Party B agrees to transfer to Party C the title of its remaining receivable from the company at the price of US Dollar and Party C agree 第二条 保证n Article 2 Representat

7、ions and Warrantiesn 甲方保证本合同第一条转让给丙方的股权为其合法拥有,并有完全、有效的处分权。甲方保证其将在转让前取得股份转让所需的认可且转让的股权在转让之时没有设置任何抵押权或其他担保权,并免遭任何第三人的追索。n Party A represents and warrants to Party C that it legally owns the Shares subject to Article 1, as w ell as the right to deal with the shares entirely and effectively; and that pr

8、ior to anyn transfer it will obtain all necessary consents such that the Shares can be transferred to Partyn C at the effective time of the transfer, free and clear of all liens and encumbrances whatsoever.n 丙方保证依本合同第一条规定,在年月日之前,安排公司向乙方或其指定的代理人归还人民币万元。剩余的人民币万元还款,公司应分三次分别在年月日前、年月日前、年月日之前向乙方或其指定的代理人每次

9、支付人民币万元。丙方保证在年月日前向甲方和乙方各支付转让价款美元。n Party C consents to and agrees that he shall arrange the Company to pay RMB Million inn accordance with in the Article 1 to Party B or the designated agent before the date of , , and the remaining RMB Million of the repayment of payable dues referred in Article 1 s

10、hall be paid to Party B or the designated agent in three equal installments of RMB before ,, , , and , respectively. Party C consents to pay Party A and Party B the purchase price of US Dollar respectively before , .n s to purchase the said receivable at this price.n 第三条 债权债务的分担n Article 3 Allocatio

11、n of Shareholder Rights and Indebtednessn 本合同由各方法定代表人或委托代理人签字、盖章,在乙方及其代理人收到公司人民币万元还款及Dana Global Holding Inc.放弃其优先购买权后生效。n The Agreement shall be signed by the legal representatives and authorized people of all parties. It shall become effective after Party B or its designated agent receives the RMB

12、 n million as referred in Article l, and Dana Global Holdings Inc. have waived theirn pre-emptive rights.n 在合同生效后,丙方将享有公司及其属下公司的利润并承担相应风险及亏损(包含转让前、转让时乃至转让后应享有和承担的作为股东在公司的权利及义务)。同时甲方将不对公司及其下属公司承担任何责任或负担任何费用,也不享有公司及其下属公司的任何收益,包括转让前、转让时乃至转让后的收益。n Upon the Agreement becoming effective, Party C will succ

13、eed to any benefits of and its subsidiary as well as to any risks and losses (including the shareholder rights and obligations in the Company before, during and after the transfer of the shares). At the same time Party A will no longer take any responsibilities or be responsible for any profits, los

14、ses or indebtedness of and its subsidiary, including those which occurred before, during or after the share transfer.n 在合同生效后,丙方将行使公司作为公司的股东民享有的权利,并且承担相应的义务。n Upon the Agreement becoming effective, Party C would be entitled to exercise the rights ofn the shareholders in as well as take full obligations.n 甲方保证公司除了对公司进行投资之外没有经营其他业务,没有形成其他债权债务。n Party A warrants that apart from its investment in the Company, has no other business or any other assets or liabilities.n 第四条 股权转让手续的办理和费用的负担n Article 4 Share Transfer Arrangement and Costn 在丙方向乙方或其指定的代理人支付人民币万元后,甲方协助办理公司在



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