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1、 毕业设计(论文) 说明书 题 目 黄金峡碾压混凝土重力坝 设计及有限元应力计算 专 业 水利水电工程 班 级 工101班 学 生 指导教师 2014 年黄金峡碾压混凝土重力坝设计及有限元应力计算摘 要本设计题目题目来源于在建的引汉济渭工程中的黄金峡水库工程。黄金峡水库位于汉江干流上游峡谷段,为引汉济渭工程的第一水源地。枢纽由拦河坝、泄洪建筑物、水电站及升船机等组成,主要任务是拦蓄河水,雍高水位、发电和航运。黄金峡水库工程为等工程,其主要建筑物按2级标准设计。本课题属于工程设计类。本设计主要包括以下几个方面的内容:首先在给定的地质及水文气象等资料,分析选定坝址后结合坝址地形,进行了枢纽布置,然


3、、排水系统等构造设计以及地基处理方面的设计和说明。最后用ANSYS软件对非溢流坝段进行了有限元应力计算,取10米宽度建立三维非溢流坝段模型,分析了各个工况下的位移及坝体应力,每个工况均提交坝体三个位移分量云图,三个应力分量云图,以及第一主应力,第三主应力的云图,并且汇总了各应力和位移的最大最小值。具体设计详见设计说明书,以及反映本次设计成果的七张CAD设计图纸,以及开题报告和外文翻译。关键词:碾压混凝土重力坝;非溢流坝;溢流坝;底孔;稳定及应力分析;ANSYS有限元应力计算The design and Finite element stress calculation of Huang jia

4、xia RCC gravity dam ABSTRACTThe graduation design topic comes from the Huang Jinxia reservoir engineering of yin han ji wei project.Huang Jinxia reservoir is located in the upper hanjiang river valley,which is the first water source of the yin han ji wei project.The key project consists of Blocking

5、the river dam,flood discharge buildings,Hydropower station and Ship lift etc.And its Main task is to held water, provide water, power generation and shipping. Huang Jinxia reservoir engineering is the second grade engineering, and its main building is the second grade building.This topic belongs to

6、engineering design class.The Design includes the following several aspects:In the first place ,analysis of dam site selected and the general layout basing on given geological and hydrogeological data and combined with the dam site terrain.Then use the double semi-graphical method guides were flood r

7、outing, and to determine the characteristics of water level and the layout and dimensions of the Drainage buildings.Then designed the building dams which consist of the non-overflow section,spillway section,Bottom dam and so on.the design of Non-Spillway, mainly including the determination of the ba

8、sic section of the dam,crest elevation and the crest width.the design of Spillway, mainly including the Crest elevation determination,the overflow surface linear determination,energy dissipation calculations,and the choice of spillway gates.The design of the Bottom dam, mainly including of the deter

9、mination the elevation of imports, the choice of form of bottom hole and import curves.In this process, also conducted a hydraulic calculation such as the water lines oh the spillway.After completed the design of buildings.Respectively, on the basis of the water industry and power industry standard

10、,analysis its stability and stress calculations on the surface and 410 m high dam with a mechanical method under normal water level and seismic conditions.After this step,done the design and description of the ground handling and structural design such as crest, corridor systems and drainage systems

11、.Finally, using ANSYS software for the finite element stress calculation of non-overflow section.Take 10 meters width to build a three-dimensional model of non-overflow section analyzes the displacement and stress of the dam on various conditions .Each condition, submitted three displacement compone

12、nts cloud, three stress components cloud, and the first principal stress, third principal stress contours of the dam, then summary the minimum and maximum values for each stress and displacement.The details of the design on the specification and seven of CAD design drawings,as well as opening report

13、 and foreign language translation.KEY WORDS:RCC gravity dam;Non-Spillway Dam;Spillway dam;Bottom dam;stress analysis and stability calculation;Finite element stress calculation.目 录第1章 工程概述11.1 工程概况11.2 工程规模11.3 工程特性表2第2章 基本资料32.1 水文气象32.1.1 流域概况32.1.2 水文资料32.1.3 泥沙72.1.4 气象92.2 工程地质92.2.1 区域地质概况93.2

14、.2 水库区工程地质条件103.2.3 坝址工程地质条件123.2.4 电站工程地质条件152.3 天然建筑材料15第3章 调洪演算163.1 正常蓄水位确定173.2 初拟死水位183.3 起调水位的分析与选择183.4 调洪计算193.4.1 调洪计算的目的193.4.2 调洪计算的原理193.4.3 调洪计算的过程20第4章 枢纽布置314.1 坝址选择324.1.1 上坝址(带阳滩)工程地质条件324.1.2 下坝址(懒人床)工程地质条件324.1.3 坝址比较意见334.2 坝型选择334.3 枢纽布置34第5章 建筑物设计365.1 非溢流坝段设计375.1.1 坝体剖面设计375

15、.2 溢流坝段设计415.2.1 溢流坝面体型设计415.2.2 闸门与闸墩465.2.3 消能防冲计算475.2.4 溢流坝面水面线计算485.3 泄洪排沙底孔设计505.4 水电站进水口53第6章 非溢流坝段抗滑稳定及应力计算546.1 坝基面上的计算556.1.1 荷载计算556.1.2 荷载组合606.1.3 坝基面稳定及应力计算616.2 高程为410m处截面上的计算736.2.1 荷载计算736.2.2 荷载组合776.2.3 410高程面稳定及应力计算77第7章 构造设计907.1 坝顶构造917.2 廊道系统917.2.1 坝基灌浆廊道917.2.2 检查和坝体排水廊道927.3 防渗与排水系统927.4 横缝构造927.5 坝体材料分区93第8章 地基处理958.1 坝基开挖及处理968.2 帷幕灌浆与固结灌浆968.2.1 基岩固结灌浆968.2.2 坝基的帷幕灌浆968.3 坝基排水978.4 断层、软基夹层处理97第9章 基于ANS



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