英语绘本故事教学设计In the Garden

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《英语绘本故事教学设计In the Garden》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《英语绘本故事教学设计In the Garden(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、英语绘本故事教学设计In the Garden【教学内容】Oxford Reading Tree 【教材分析】这篇课文主要讲孩子们在魔法钥匙的法力下探险以及采用各种措施度过险境的故事。情节有惊有趣,环环相扣,很适合孩子们阅读。【教学目标】语言知识目标理解新单词:glow, sandpit, jungle, bumble-bee, desert, frightened, paw, yell, strawberry, lump, adventure, flowerpot, slug语言技能目标1. Group or guided reading.2. Group and independent r

2、eading activities.3. Speaking, listening and drama acticities.4. Writing activies.情感态度目标通过阅读,让学生敢于开口,乐于模仿、表演。告诉孩子们大自然中有无数奇妙的风景值得他们去探险,去爱护、保护大自然。学习策略目标1、使用多媒体创设情境,使学生在读、说、玩、表演中学习英语,更好地理解、记忆和使用语言知识。2、采用情境教学法激发学生对英语学习的兴趣,让语言交流活动贯穿整个课堂。3、使用激励性的评价,让学生积极参与课堂教学,达到教学目的。【教学重点难点】1、 理解文中的单词和句子。2、 综合使用语言知识让各小组在

3、情境中表演这篇故事。【教学准备】听力光盘,课件、教具、学具Teaching ProceduresI. Pre-reading1. Introducing the book. Read the title together and ask: Do you think the grass and flowers are big, or are the kids small?2. Start to look through the book. Ask: Which page can you find out the answer?3. Ask the children to read the sto

4、ry aloud. Praise and encourage them while they read and prompt as necessary.II. While-reading1. Returning to the text. (1) Ask: Why did Kipper say“Oh no!”when bill suggested they go down the “desert”?(2) Ask them to explain the words: jungle, hill, desert, sandpit and flowerpot. Encourage them to fi

5、nd the smaller words.2. Group and independent reading activities.(1) Ask the students to find 5 other words that have the same long “a”sound. For example: playing, away, chased, ate, rain.(2) Ask them to find the words and then group according to the spelling. E.g. bee, seat. (3) Ask them to find ot

6、her words in the text with the same vowel phoneme sound “i-e”,e.g. like, ride, giant.(4) Questions: Why did the children leave the jungle? Why did they climb inside the bottle? Why did Kipper and Chip feel sick?(5) Ask the children to choose three other sentences from the story and write them using

7、“first, next, last”.3. Speaking, listening and acting activities(1) Respond to presentations by describing characters and commenting constructively.(2) Adopt appropriate roles in small groups and consider alternative courses of action.(3) Speak with clarity and use appropriate intonation when readin

8、g and reciting texts.III. Post-reading 1. Repeat the story with the key words and sentences. 2. Ask the children to complete the following sentence, listing all the items they can see in the picture: e.g. In the garden, I can seeBlackboard DesignIn the gardenGlow sandpit jungle bumble-bee Desert fri

9、ghtened paw yell strawberry lump adventure flowerpotslug教学后记这篇绘本故事,生动有趣,孩子们非常喜欢。有些单词我用身体语言表达出来让他们猜想,他们也很主动去做。有听力资料,但是如果有视频展现就更好了,孩子们会模仿的更到位。我们的学生学习英语缺少语言环境,他们从有限的教材中接触不到原汁原味的英语。让孩子通过学习英语绘本感受到英语语言的魅力,掌握英语语言的运用能力。因此,我们尽可能选用纯正地道、原汁原味、体现英语文化特色的视听材料,给学生可理解的语言输入量,发挥视听媒体对小学生良好的语音语感形成的积极作用。因此,如果能将英语绘本以其纯正的英语语言参与到我们的小学英语教学中来,在一定程度上会丰富我们的课程资源,从而提高小学英语课堂教学的有效性。



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