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1、医学学术会议发言稿第一篇:国际学术会议发言稿1. prologuethank you, mr. chairman, for your gracious introduction. i am honored to have the chance to address you on this special occasion. the topic of my paper is “transaction cost and farmers choice of agricultural products selling”. the outline of my talk as follows. the f

2、irst part i want to introduce the background of this research. the second part suggests a simple household choice model .the third part covers the data used in this research. and then, we introduce the empirical results. finally, a simple conclusion is given.2. introductionwell, lets move on the fir

3、st part of this topic .the motivation of this work like this. institutional economics posits that agents making decisions on different types of transactions do so in a costly way .for example , farmers deciding sell a particular crop to whom base their decisions not only on the price they expect to

4、receive in each market choice but also on additional costs related to transacting in these markets.i want to use a picture to illustrate it. for example, given some market channels, farmers choices can be regarded as equilibrium between the surplus and the additional costs that related to transactin

5、g .especially in developing countries, high-value crop producers fully participate in the market and the transaction cost has been the hard constraint to farmers. furthermore, farmers market choices can be taken as a choice dilemma of transaction cost and production surplus. consequently, the scient

6、ific question of this research is how transaction cost affects planters choices.3. methodologylets move to the theoretical model of our research. consider a household model in one rotation. in stage 1 , famer needs to allocate the input factors .this process can qbe set into a function like this q?

7、? q , q means the output farmers decide qto produce .p implies the output price w implies input price and.z: ? is fixed input. once produce what and produce how many are decided, next question to be considered is how much products to be transacted in market. here we use three ccc means how functions

8、 to describe this question. the first equation, c ? ?p , z ?much agricultural products used by famers themselves. p implies the price the cagricultural product,z ?suggests the fluctuation of c. the second equation q ? ? q ? ?c?, q means the amount of agricultural products transacted inq?n?market. th

9、e third equationi ? q ?implies the amount exchanged in nth time.in stage 3, farmers will decide to sell the products to whom. chanel js market price isbdecided by an exogenesis price and farmers negotiating power.pij?p*j?bbesides this, we use a matrix to show the net profit of chanel jx ik? ik, ? ?

10、ik ?and then farmers choice can be expressed in a typical choice modelexppr?1 exp? k?1based on the choice model, another important concept is famers channel choice .here, we set five types .they rank by the market barriers. accordingly, we set a group discrete number to express them. y: dependent va

11、riable y=5,means farmer choosebrokers. y=1, farmers sell products to consumers directly.4. data and estimation procedureshere, we illustrate the data distribution with this map. according to the agricultural regionalization from department of agriculture, the apple specialization areas in china cont

12、ain two parts: bo sea area and loess plateau. bo sea area in red color, contains hebei, shandong and liaoning 3 provinces. and loess plateau in green color, contains shanxi, henan, shaanxi and gansu 4 provinces. firstly, we use pps method to get the first stage sampling unit 14 counties in 7 provinc

13、es. then use random sample method to get village and household. they are our sample distribution.5. empirical results6. conclusions第二篇:临床神经外科医学学术会议欢迎词临床神经外科医学学术会议欢迎词尊敬的各位来宾、各位代表、医学同仁及朋友们:你们好!在这个充满活力的初夏,XX版权所有,全国文秘工作者的114!我们感受到各位远道而来的专家学者和同仁们对市人民医院的一片盛情,这种缘于医学科学崇高的关爱,也增添了我们投身医学研究,献身医学科学的信心和勇气。作为省基本现代



16、科学组织,热情服务,确保本次会议圆满成功,取得预期的效果。同时要求我们,要以研究推进工作,以工作带动研究,加快临床神经外科建设与改革的速度,加大医学教育与科研的力度,从而赢得患者更大的满意度,为医院的整体发展做贡献,为该学科理论与实践发展注入新的元素,做人民满意的科研型医务工作者,为促进我国医学事业的发展,提高和带动本地区在临床神经外科医学上的研究作出我们应有的贡献!预祝会议圆满成功!谢谢大家。第三篇:河南省医学心理学第七届学术会议河南省医学心理学第七届学术会议暨国家继续教育项目:综合医院心身疾病培训班系列讲座邀 请 函尊敬的医生/老师:河南省医学心理学第七届学术会议,定于20XX年6月28在郑州召


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