七年级英语上册 Unit 8 When is your birthday?教学案(新版)人教新目标版

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1、七年级英语上册 Unit 8 When is your birthday?教学案(新版)人教新目标版学习目标预设环节快乐预习:一 你能写出十二个月份及它们的缩写吗? 快来试试一月 January-Jan . 二月 - 三月 - 四月- 五月 - 六月- 七月 - 八月 - 九月 - 十月 - 十一月- 十二月- 二我们已经学过了基数词,但你会变序数词吗?告诉你一个简单的方法吧。记忆口诀:基变序有规律,1,2,3,特殊记;8去t,9去e;f要把ve替,词尾再加th;ty结尾整数字,变y为i加eth;要变几十几,只变个位就可以。缩写: 序数词缩写,阿拉伯数字加最后的两个字母。例如:one-firs

2、t-1st two- three- four- five- six- seven- eight- nine- ten- eleven- twelve- thirteen- fourteen- fifteen- sixteen- seventeen- eighteen- nineteen- twenty- twenty-one- twenty-two- twentythree- twenty-four- twenty-five- twenty-six- twenty-seven- twenty-eight- twenty-nine- thirty - thirtyone-三快来看看本单元即将登场

3、的短语吧!1.举行聚会 have a party 2去参加聚会 go to the party 3.Sally的生日聚会 Sallys birthday party 4.篮球比赛 basketball game 5.排球比赛 volleyball game 6.英语演讲比赛 English speech contest 7.学校庆祝日 school day 8.艺术节 Art Festival9.音乐节 Music Festival 10.有学校郊游 have a school trip11在五岁的时候 at the age of 5 12.出生日期 date of birth四你知道他们的意

4、思吗?看谁记的最棒。1When用于询问年月日 is your birthday? My birthday is May tenth. What time询问几点钟 is it? Its eight oclock.2. 询问年龄的句型 are you? = What is your age? I am fifteen years old.3. day 可用于问星期 is( it) today? Its Monday/Sunday.date 询问日期 Whats the today? Its November fourteenth.4. art/artist (艺术家) He is an art

5、teacher. He is (a/an)artist.5. China中国 What do you like about ?你喜欢中国的哪些方面? Chinese中国的,中国人。 I am a , they are , too.6. 祝福语 -Happy Birthday! Happy New Year! Thanks a lot. - Happy New Year! / The same to you.7.你知道介词in on at 表时间的用法吗? at 表示在某一具体的时刻 He has breakfast 7:30 every day.in 用于年,月,早,中,晚。 He was b

6、orn (出生) xx She was born March. I often run the morning and read books the evening.on 表示在具体的某一天 My mother goes shopping Sunday . a cold morning , Jim left (离开)。 I buy a ring for my mother her birthday. They e here May 20th. Unit 8 When is your birthday?(第2课时)学习目标预设环节教学过程快乐预习一。试着翻译单词和短语吧 (注意月份的头一个字母要

7、大写。)1. 月份 - 2. 一月十号 -3. 四月三号 - 4. 五月二十号 -5. 六月九号 - 6. 七月八号 -7. 十月二十六号 - 8. 十一月十九号-二完成下面的对话吧,看谁最仔细最认真。 1.今天几号? Whats the today? 2.今天是十一月十七号。 Its 3你多大了? are you? 4我十四岁。 I am old. 5.那你的生日是什么时候? Well, is your birthday? 6在二月十二号。 February .三来练练你的口语吧。随堂检测四。相信你在学习之后,一定收获了很多吧。快来挑战吧。1. His b is January fiftee

8、nth .2. The n month of the year is September .3. His birthday is A eleventh . 4. My mothers birthday is (九月四日) .5.The (日期) on this letter is May 8th.6.I am very (愉快的)today.7.your is when birthday ?8.birthday June is sixth my .9. the what today date is ?10. old you how are ?板书设计课后反思Unit 8 When is your birthday?(第3课时)教学目标环节预设教学过程快乐预习一快来完成你的预习任务吧,很简单的。1星期日至星期六


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