【精品】高中英语外研版选修8学案:Module 1 模块综合测评1 含解析

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1、模块综合测评(一).阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)AWeve colonised most of the world,but one vast stretch of the planet remains beyond our grasp: Antarctica.This frozen continent at the end of the earth has never been permanently occupied by man.Even if youre travelling there on a cruise ship,as most people do,the so

2、litude(孤独)and the emptiness will envelop you.Not that solitude is the first thing that comes to mind when youre standing in the middle of a penguin colony on an Antarctic shoreline.When I visited in early February,there were thousands of birds packed tightly on every rock,both shy gentoo penguins an

3、d the bolder adlie penguins.They seemed happy to see us wandering among them; our cameras clicked crazily at the grey fluffball chicks who are tapping their parents beaks (鸟嘴) to be fed.But penguins are by no means the only stars of the show here.I found it equally exciting to see a wandering albatr

4、oss (信天翁) circling above our ship,dipping its great wings into the rolling waters of the Drake Passage.Or fat elephant seals rest on the beach in a soup of algae (海藻),shouting at each other like elderly members of a gentlemens club.Most exciting of all,though,were the whales.As the call went up from

5、 the bridge of our ship “Humpbacks!”we spotted three of them leaping from the water,their magnificent tails emerging and dipping as if in slow motion,so close that we could see their great heads,their eyes and blowholes.Just as vast and attractive are the icebergs.The glassy world of the Weddell Sea

6、 is a fantastic picture of icy skyscrapers stretching to the horizon. Some are whipped by wind and water into fantastical shapesoriental palaces,ruined fortresses,an Art Deco cinema.All of the above is exactly what makes a voyage here so extraordinary.A journey to Antarctica is a travel experience a

7、s special as you can have.【语篇解读】作者描述了自己到南极去的一次旅行经历,在作者的笔下南极的一切都充满了生机和活力。1We can infer from Paragraph 2 that penguins_.Aare mostly shyBare not afraid of humansCdislike the presence of humansDhide their chicks from humans【解析】推理判断题。根据第二段“They seemed happy to see us wandering among them.”可知,企鹅似乎对人类在周围徘徊

8、感到高兴,说明他们一点也不惧怕人类。【答案】B2What is the most exciting in Antarctica,according to the author?APenguins.BThe whales.CThe icebergs.DElephant seals.【解析】细节理解题。从文章第四段第一句“Most exciting of all,though,were the whales.”可知,作者认为最令人激动的是见到鲸。【答案】B3Which of the following is TRUE about the icebergs?AThey lack attraction

9、.BThey look cold and lifeless.CThey are huge and frightening.DThey are beautiful and in different shapes.【解析】细节理解题。从文章第五段可知,冰山形态各异、闪闪发光,它们在作者的笔下也显得生动而美丽。【答案】D4Where does the passage probably come from?AAn ad.BA news story.CA travel journal.DA research paper.【解析】推理判断题。综观全文,特别是文章最后一句“A journey to Anta

10、rctica is a travel experience as special as you can have.”可知,本文节选自游记。【答案】CBTwo explorers will attempt to set a world record for the longest ever polar expedition (探险) without outside support,travelling over 6,000 km in 100 days across Antarctica.Dixie Dansercoer, who crossed the southern continent i

11、n 1997,and 26yearold Sam Deltour aim to take advantage of the specific wind patterns around the continent to cover large distances using kites to help sail their heavy sleds (雪橇) across the ice and snow.This will allow them to travel up to 300 km in a day and an average of 60 km,to break the current

12、 world record of Norwegian Rune Gjeldnes who travelled 4,800 kilometers in 90 days five years ago.“It would be impossible if we had to pull the sleds all by ourselves,”Dansercoer,who will start his expedition on November 4,explained at a news conference on Tuesday.The pair will each have a sled weig

13、hing 190 kg,which will contain food supplies,tents,kites and scientific equipment.During their trip they will measure wind patterns and supply information about the quality of the ice they encounter to scientists studying climate change back in Belgium.As they will have no new supplies from the outs

14、ide,the largest part of their luggage consists of frozen food to provide each of them with the crucial 5,000 calories needed each day to undertake such a physically challenging trip.For Deltour,being a polar explorer became his dream after he discovered a book about the first polar expeditions in hi

15、s local library as a 12yearold.He said he was aware that exploration was no easy task.Dansercoer and Deltour plan to reach the South Pole around December 14,100 years to the day after Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen became the first to set foot there.Amundsen reached the South Pole in 1911.【语篇解读】两个探险家决定刷新南极探险的世界纪录,他们将用风筝作为他们的动力来源。5How will the two explorers travel?A. They will pull the sleds all by themselves.BThey will use kites to help pull the sleds.CThey will use kites instead of sleds.DThey will pull the sleds at first and use only kites later.【解析】细节理解题。根据第二段的“take advantage of the spe


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