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1、RoHS指令豁免清单由于在电子电气行业中,部分禁用的材料现在还没有找到适用的替代品,因此它们在一定范围内可以获得豁免。但 RoHS同时规定,根据科技的发展,欧盟 每4年会对豁免物质进行评估,视情况进行调整。2010年2月26日,欧盟在官方公报上公布委员会决定一一 2010/122/EU, 鉴于对LED中的镉进行替代,在技术上还不成熟,决定对其进行豁免。至此,RoHS 指令附录(即豁免清单)条款,增加至第39条。(依据 2002/95/EC 及 2005/717/EC、2005/747/EC、2006/310/EC、 2006/690/EC、2006/691/EC、2006/692/EC、200

2、8/385/EC、2009/443/EC、 2010/122/EU 8 次修改)豁免项对应文件号 签署/颁布日期1. Mercury in compact fluoresce nt lamps not exceed ing 5 mg per lamp.小型日光灯中的汞含量不得超过5毫克/灯。2a. Mercury in straightfluoresce ntlamps for gen eral purposes notexceed ing halophosphate 10 mg.一般用途的直管日光灯中的汞含量不得超过盐磷酸盐10毫克。2b. Mercury in straightfluore

3、sce ntlamps for gen eral purposes notexceeding triphosphate with normal lifetime 5 mg.一般用途的直管日光灯中的汞含量不得超过正常的三磷酸盐5毫克2c. Mercury in straightfluoresce ntlamps for gen eral purposes notexceeding triphosphate with long lifetime 8 mg.一般用途的直管日光灯中的汞含量不得超过长效的三磷酸盐8毫克。3. Mercury in straight f1uoresce nt lamps

4、for special purposes 特殊用途的直管日光灯中的汞含量。2002/95/EC2003.01.27/2003.02.134. Mercury in other lamps not specificallymen ti oned in this Ann ex.本附录中未特别提及的其它照明灯中的汞含量。5. Lead in glass of cathode ray tubes, electr onic comp onents and fluoresce nt tubes.阴极射线管、电子元件和发光管的玻璃内的铅含量6a. Lead as an allo ying eleme nt

5、in steel containing up to 0.35% lead by weight.铅作为钢的合金元素,其含量可达0.35% (重量计)。6b. Lead as an alloyingelement in aluminium containing up to 0.4%lead by weight.铅作为铝的合金元素,其含量可达0.4% (重量计)。6c. Lead as an alloyingelement in copper containing up to 4% leadby weight.铅作为铜的合金元素,其含量可达4% (重量计)。7a. Lead in high melt

6、ing temperature type solders (i.e.lead-based alloys containing 85 % by weight or more lead).高温融化型焊料中的铅(如:铅含量85%勺铅基合金中的铅)。2005/747/EC2005.10.21/2005.10.257b. Lead in solders for servers, storage and storage array systems, n etworkin frastructureequipme nt forswitch ing,sig nalli ng,tran smissi onas w

7、ell as n etwork man ageme ntfor telecom muni cati ons用于服务器、存储和存储列阵系统以及电信用交换、发信、传输和网 络管理的网络基础设施设备的焊料中的铅。7c.Lead inelectr onicceramic parts (e.g.piezoelectr onicdevices).电子陶瓷部件中的铅(例如:高压电子装置)。8. Cadmium and its compo unds in electrical con tacts and cadmiumplatingexcept for applications banned under Di

8、rective 91/338/EEC2005/747/ECamending Directive 76/769/EEC relating to restrictions on the2005.10.21/marketi ngand use ofcerta indan geroussubsta ncesand2005.10.25preparatio ns.除了 76/769/EEC关于限制某些有害物质和物品销售和使用指令的修改文件91/338/EEC指令中禁止用途外,电触头和镉镀层上的镉及其化合物9.Hexavale nt chromium as an an ti-corrosi on of th

9、e carb on steelP 2002/95/ECcooli ng system in absorpti on refrigerators.2003.01.27/吸收式电冰箱中作为碳钢冷却系统防腐层的六价铬。2003.02.139a. DecaBDE in polymeric applications.聚合物中使用的十溴二苯醚一一据欧洲法院判决该条于2008.07.012005/717/EC删除,不被豁免。2005.10.13/9b. Lead in lead-bronze bearing shells and bushes.2005.10.15铅-铜轴承外壳与轴衬中的铅10. With

10、in the procedure referredto in Article7(2),theCommissi on shall evaluate the applicati ons for:Deca BDE,mercury in straightfluoresce ntlamps for specialpurposes,lead in solders for servers, storage and storage arraysystems,n etworkin frastructureequipme nt forswitch ing,signalling,transmissionas wel

11、l as network management for2002/95/ECTelecom muni cati ons( with a view ot sett ing a specific time limit2003.01.27/for exemption ) ,and2003.02.13light bulbs欧盟委员会应根据第 7(2)条中提及的程序,评价以下方面的应用:十溴二苯醚,特殊用途的直管日光灯中的汞,以下用途中所使用的焊料中的铅:服务器、存储器、用于交换和传输的网络基础设施、电信网络管理设备(旨在设定本指令豁免部分的特疋截止时间),灯泡。11. Lead used in comp

12、liant pin connector systems.自适应插脚连接器系统中的铅12.Lead as a coat ing material for the thermal con duct ion modulec-ring.热导模组C环镀层中所用的铅。13a. Lead in optical and filter glass.2005/747/EC光学滤光玻璃中的铅。2005.10.21/2005.10.2513b. Cadmium in optical and filter glass.光学滤光玻璃中的镉。14.Lead in solders consisting of more tha

13、n two elements for theconn ecti on betwee n the pi ns and the package of microprocessorswith a lead content of more tha n 80% and less tha n 85% by weight.微处理器针脚及封装连接所使用的含两种以上组分且铅含量在80%和85%之间的焊料中的铅。2005/747/EC2005.10.21/2005.10.2515. Lead in solders to complete a viable electrical connection betwee

14、n semic on ductor die and carrier within in tegrated circuit Flip Chip packages.集成电路倒装晶片封装的半导体连接片和托架之间实施电气连接所 用焊料中的铅。16.Lead in lin ear incan desce nt lamps with silicate coated tubes. 管状白炽灯硅酸盐涂层灯管中的铅。2006/310/EC2006.04.21/2006.04.2817.Lead halide as radia nt age nt in High Inten sity Discharge(HID)

15、 lamps used for professi onal reprography applicati ons.专业复印设备用的高强度放电灯(HID)中作为发光剂的卤化铅。18.Lead as activator in the fluoresce nt powder (1% lead by weight or less) of discharge amps when used as sun tanning lamps containing phosphors such as BSP(BaSi2O5:Pb) as well as when used as specialitylamps for diazo-printingreprography, lithography,in secttraps,photochemicaland curi ngprocesses containingphosphors s



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