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1、五、六年级英语能力竞赛比赛对象:五、六年级各班3名英语学习较好者 时间: 12月24日地点: 报告厅 观众: 五、六年级所有学生 出席评委:部分六年级学生以及全体英语老师,学校领导 主持: 英语老师准备: 画纸 画笔 三角铁 现场奖品 得分纸 音乐磁带 词汇卡片一、介绍T1: (串联词) Good afternoon, boys and girls. Glad to see you. Where are we now ? We are in this big school hall. You can see so many fellows here. Are you happy?T2: (串联

2、词):亲爱的同学们,下午好,很高兴看见我们六个班的小伙伴们齐聚一堂。我想大家一定很开心,对不对啊?T1: (串联词): Today we will have an English competition here. I think everyone of you all hope he can win. Right? T2: (串联词):是的,今天我们五、六年级学生将举行一个英语竞赛,看看谁的英语学的更好。大家有没有信心赢呢? T1:: Hello ! Miss Yang. How many teachers are there in our school? Include us.T2: (串

3、联词): There are about 。T1: (串联词): Now they are all here.T2: (串联词): 是的,这次我们学校特别重视这次英语竞赛,除了英语老师都到了以外,参加本次活动的还有一些优秀的六年级的同学们。T1: 还有我们学校的领导( )等。T2:: 下面该轮到介绍参加比赛的各班的精英了。T1:我想这个介绍的机会还是让给他们自己好了? (to students)T2: 各位选手注意了: 比赛已经开始了,看看哪组介绍的最棒。二、比赛 (1)Introduction 例: Hello, everyone, we are from Class One. We are

4、 Tiger Team .My name is S1. This is I think we can win.( 介绍班级团队,可以有班级拉拉队的现场表演) T1: 好,经过一轮介绍后,各位同学差不多已经认识了比赛选手。 T2: 刚才我们细心的评委也给他们的精彩介绍打了分,下面我们来看看他们的得分情况。 (2) 必答题 T: OK! The Games begin. Lets enter the first game point。 T: 下面我们开始进入游戏的第一个比赛,必答题。请听规则:各队小选手可以选择题目,但必须在主持人讲完题目后5秒钟内回答出来,否则不得分。每题20分。 T: Yes,

5、 there are fourteen questions. You can choose. 题目:(五年级)主持人当场公布答案。1. Im going shopping; I put the money in it. Whats this? (Purse) 2. Where is Peoples Park? I cant find it. Let me see. (Act) Whats this? (Map) 3. Can you see that man? He is on the hill. Sorry. I cant see him. Oh, please use it. Whats

6、this? (Telescope) 4. Its usually a rectangle. I use it to wash my face. Whats this? (Towel) 5. Id like to listen to music. Its not a walkman. Its a rectangle. Whats this? (Tape recorder) 6. Its not a TV. Its a rectangle. I can use it to surf the Internet. I can play games on it. Whats this? (Compute

7、r) Here comes Grade six 请六年级同学准备 7.Its a fruit. Its a heart. Monkeys like to eat. Whats this? (Peach) 8. In this lesson, we usually use our hands and eyes, sometimes we use crayons. Do you know what lesson? (Art) 9. Its face is a circle. Sometimes its face is square. It has two hands. One is long, t

8、he other is short. But they have no legs. Oh, Its asking me to go to bed. Whats this? (Clock) 10. The two boys are sitting face to face. They dont say anything, they are playing games. Do you know? What game? ( play chess)11. Theres something in the sky, but its not a bird, its not a plane. Whats th

9、is? (Kite) 12. This problem is about Maths. Listen carefully. 2 3 5 8 13 The next number is _ (21) T: 两轮比赛下来,我们看看各队得分,有好多队是旗鼓相当,希望大家再接再厉(3) Showing and acting T: 接下来,我们将进入非常紧张的Showing and speaking,看看各队队员的心灵默契程度了,我们是否要做个样子给大家看看?(邀请特邀嘉宾做动作)T: No problem. Lets act. T1T2 3 主要题目: 动词(出示词汇卡片 本题可以请观众上台互动)1.

10、play with a toy car 2.open a tin of fish 3.wash two apples 4.dont make noise5.pick up the skateboard 6.water the flowersT: 需要和大家说明的有两点: 1.各队只有90秒时间 2.各题按照难易程度分值不一样(备注: S1 S2秒表 S3 话筒 T1 S4S5 记分 音乐磁带) T: 刚才的比赛非常刺激,各队的成绩已经拉开了,希望落后的队迎头赶上, (4)下面是我们的主持人和各队队员的口语交流,希望各队队员不要紧张,尽可能的展示下自己的风采。T: I enjoy speakin

11、g English, Do you like speaking English? This time wed like to have a free talk with someone. T: Yes, I like speaking English, too. Hello, Mr. Du. Can you see that lovely boy? Yes, the boy is very lovely. Lets talking to that team? OK?T: Lets go. (学生话筒)1:Hello! May I know your name? Youre so lovely.

12、 What animal do you like ?Do you like Music? What can you do at a Music lesson? You are so tall. Do you like playing basketball? where is your father now?What can your father do?Do you have a pencil-box?What color is it ? 2:Hello,How old are you? Do you have an English name ?What is it ?Do you like

13、English? Whats in your bedroom? Do you often clean it ?what do you often do in the evenings? How about your parents?what do you often do on Saturdays and Sundays?3:Hello,its your turn. What day is it today? Do you like it? What do you often do at Christmas? Do you like to give Christmas card to your

14、 friend? Who is your friend? What do you often do after class? What games do you like playing? What shapes are those windows? Can you draw a circle rubber?4:Hello,what day is it today?whats the date?How is the weather ?what does it mean?做手势,保持安静。Whens your birthday?Would you like a camera as your bi

15、rthday present?What can you do on the farm?what would you like to do at Christmas?where were you last Saturday?what did you do ?5:Do you know some public signs?What shouldnt we do in the park?Whens your mothers birthday?what would she like as a present?Do you often have a party?what do you often do at the party?6:Excuse me,whats her name? Is she your good friend? Who is she? Do you have any hobbies? What are they ? What subject do you like? Do you like PE?What did you d


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