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1、2022年考博英语-宁波大学考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(附答案带详解)1. 单选题Mother Nature has outpaced science once again: the bare human foot is better for running than one cushioned by shoes. What about those $125 hi-tech running shoes with 648 custom combinations? Toss them, according to a new study published in Nature.“Most people

2、 today think barefoot running is dangerous and hurts,” Daniel Lieberman, a professor at Harvard, said in a prepared statement. “But actually you can run barefoot on the worlds hardest surfaces without the slightest discomfort and pain. It might be less injurious than the way some people run in shoes

3、.”Lieberman used 3-D infrared tracking to study the strike style of three groups of runners: people who had always run barefoot, people who had always run with shoes, and people who had switched from shoe to shoeless.They found that when runners lace up their modern running shoes and take off, about

4、 80 percent land heel-first. Barefoot runnersas Homo sapiens had evolved to beusually land toward the middle or front of the foot.Without shoes, landing on the heel is painful and can translate into a collision force some 1.5 to 3 times body weight. “Barefoot runners point their toes more at landing

5、,” which helps lessen the impact by “decreasing the effective mass of the foot that comes to a sudden stop when you land,” Madhusudhan V enkadesan, an applied mathematics postdoctoral researcher who also worked on the study, said in a statement. But as cushioned kicks have hit the streets, that init

6、ial pain has disappeared, and runners have changed their stride, leading to a way of high-impact running that human physiology wasnt evolved forone that the researchers posit can lead to a host of foot and leg injuries.Perhaps it should come as no surprise that our bodies are still better engineered

7、 than those hi-tech trainers. When taking into account our ancient ancestors, “humans have engaged in endurance running for millions of years,” the researchers wrote in their study. “But the modern running shoe was not invented until the 1970s.”Despite the growing movement of barefoot runners, many

8、researchers are calling for more evaluation before all those sweaty shoes are abandoned. “There is no hard proof that running in shoes.causes injuries,” William Jungers, a professor at Stony Brook University, wrote in a commentary that accompanies the new study. But, he asserted, “in my view there i

9、s no compelling evidence that it prevents them either.” And, as a boost to the barefoot argument, he added, “there are data that implicate shoes more generally as a plausible source of some types of chronic foot problems.”21. By “Mother Nature has outpaced science once again”, the author may mean th

10、at _.22. To which of the following can the phrase “Homo sapiens” (Para. 4) be most probably associated?23. Why do barefoot runners tend to point their toes more at landing?24. What is William Jungers attitude toward barefoot running?25. The best title for this text may be _.问题1选项A.Mother Nature may

11、not necessarily make people healthyB.the evolution of Nature is faster than the progress of scienceC.scientific development cannot always excel that of NatureD.Nature is more dependable than modern exercise问题2选项A.Researchers in the experiment.B.People wearing shoes.C.Barefoot runners.D.Modern humans

12、.问题3选项A.To reduce the friction.B.To enable them to run faster.C.To bear more body weight.D.To change their stride.问题4选项A.Disagreeing.B.Supporting.C.Doubtful.D.Indifferent.问题5选项A.Hi-tech Shoes are HarmfulB.Dont Toss Your Shoes AwayC.Running Barefoot Is a FashionD.People Born to RunBarefoot【答案】第1题:D第2

13、题:B第3题:A第4题:B第5题:C【解析】21.【选项释义】21. By “Mother Nature has outpaced science once again”, the author may mean that _. 21. 通过说“大自然再次超越了科学”,作者的意思可能是_。A. Mother Nature may not necessarily make people healthy A. 大自然不一定使人健康B. the evolution of Nature is faster than the progress of science B. 自然的进化比科学的进步快C. s

14、cientific development cannot always excel that of Nature C. 科学的发展不可能总是超越自然的发展D. Nature is more dependable than modern exercise D. 大自然比现代运动更可靠【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据题干可以定位文章第一句“自然之母又一次胜过了科学:赤脚跑步比穿运动鞋跑步更加有利”,从中可知,光着脚跑步比穿鞋子跑步更好,那么推断,作者说这句话的意思是想表达遵循自然会比现代运动更好,故D项正确。【干扰项排除】A选项与原文相反,属于反向干扰;B选项中的evolution在该处没有

15、提到,属于出处错位;C选项表述太绝对,属于曲解原文。22.【选项释义】22. To which of the following can the phrase “Homo sapiens” (Para. 4) be most probably associated? 22. 第四段中的“Homo sapiens”一词最可能与下列哪一个词相联系?A. Researchers in the experiment. A. 实验中的研究人员。B. People wearing shoes. B. 穿鞋的人们。C. Barefoot runners. C. 赤脚跑步者。D. Modern humans. D. 现代人。【考查点】词义推测题。【解题思路】首先定位至第四段第二句“正如Homo sapiens进化到的那样(had evolved to be),赤脚跑步者通常是用脚的中部或前部着地”,结合上一句“他们发现,当跑步者系上现代跑鞋开始跑步时,大约80%的人脚跟先着地”;综合理解可知,赤脚跑步者一般是脚的中部或前部着地,而穿上鞋的跑步者为了适应鞋子,用脚跟先着地;那么可推断,Homo sapiens指的就是穿上现代鞋子的跑步者,B项符合题意。【干扰项排除】A、D选项不符合原文意思,属于曲解原文;C选项与原文相反



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