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1、Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more.-author-date插入语的类型及其用法插入语的类型及其用法插入语的类型及其用法插入语是一种附加成分,往往被人们所忽视。但它富于表现力,能使语言丰富多彩,准确鲜明。插入语的位置也较灵活,可以置于句首、句中或句末。下面就其类型和用法谈谈自己的粗浅认识。一、根据插入语的构成形式可分为8种类型,举例说明如下:1“主语+及物动词”型:I think(suppose)我想,我认为;I believ

2、e我相信;I guess我猜;I hope我希望;You know你知道;You see你瞧,你明白;I wonder我想知道。如:This,I think,is a good way to learn English我想这是学习英语的好办法。It belongs to me,you know你要明白,这是我的。2介词短语型:in fact事实上;to ones surprise(sorrow,amazement,joy)使人感到惊奇(悲伤、惊愕、高兴)的是;by the way顺便提一下;in other words换句话说。如:To her surpriseshe found hersel

3、f in a different world使她吃惊的是,她发现自己处在另一个世界。By the way,have you seen the film Romance of the Three Kingdoms?顺便问一下,你看过三国演义这部影片吗?3形容词引起的短语:sure enough果然;worststill更糟糕的是;most important of all更重要的是;most curious of all最为奇怪的是;strange真奇怪。如:Strangehe often forgot to turn off the lights真奇怪,他经常忘记关灯。Sure enough,

4、he came again the next day果然他第二天来了。Most curious of all,there was no quality control whatsoever in the factory最为奇怪的是,厂里竞没有任何质量控制。4副词短语型:happily(1uckily,unfortunately等)for令人高兴(聿运、不幸)的是。这类插入语一般只放在句首,其中for可以省略。如:Happily for him,his fathers second wife was kind to him,too使他高兴的是,他父亲的第二任妻子对他也很好。Fortunately

5、,people are beginning to realize just how serious the whole situation is幸运的是,人们开始认识到整个情况多么严重。5动词不定式型:to sum up概括的说;to speak generally一般说来;to be sure毫无疑问;to tell the truth老实说;to do him justice说句公道话。如:To sum up,Success results from hard work概括的说,成功是艰苦工作的结果。To speak generally,youths of eighteen are too

6、 young for such work一般说来,十八岁的青年干这个工作还太年轻。To do him justice,he is not a bad footballer说句公道话,他的足球踢得不错。6现在分词型:Generally(strictly,roughly)speaking一般(严格、大致)说来;Judging by(from)根据判断。这种插入语一般只用于句首。如:Generally speaking,he wouldnt lose his way,because he lived here for many years一般说来,他不会迷路,因为他住在这儿多年了。Judging b

7、y his accent,he must be from the South从他的口音判断,他一定是南方人。7问句型:do you know你知道吗;dont you know你难道不知道吗;dont you think你难道这样认为吗。如:The book is interesting,dont you think?这本书很有趣,你难道不这样认为吗?8固定表达法:that is(to say)也就是说(换句话说);whats more还有:I am afraid恐怕;I am sure可以肯定;I tell you告诉你。如:He didnt go,that is to say,it is

8、not recorded that he did他没有去,换句话说,他去的这个事实无案可查。He is a sportsman and,what is more,a good coach他是个运动员,而且还是个优秀的教练员。二、插入语的本质是评注性的。其构成形式各有不同,其用法也就各异,现就其作用归纳如下1表示自己的看法、态度或推测。如:The cross-talk,I think,was both interesting and instructive相声,我觉得,既有趣又能教育人。In my opinion,conditions are not yet ripe for it依我看,条件还

9、不成熟。The work will be finished tomorrowI suppose我想这件工作明天可以完成了。2引起对方注意、倾听或思考。如:Its a serious problem,you see你知道了,这是个严肃的问题。Their performance was wonderful,dont you think? 他们的表演非常精彩,你说是吧?Youd better be more careful,Professor Hunter is very strict in the work,Im afraid你得谨慎些,我觉得亨特教授对工作是非常严格的。3表示解释或说明。如:In

10、 other words,the harder you work,the more you will learn换句话说,你学习越努力,你学到的东西就越多。This is to say,our object is to further cement friendly relations between the two countries也就是说,我们的目的是进一步加强我们两国之间的友谊关系。4用来改变话题。如:By the way,when are we going to visit the Great Wall?顺便问一下,我们什么时候去游览长城?Incidentally,your lett

11、er came only this morning顺便说一下,你的信直到今天早上才收到。By the way,have you bought the ticket to Beijing? 顺便问一下,你买了到北京的票吗?5表示对事物的肯定或强调。如:This computer is up-to-date,indeed! 这台电脑确实是新式的。To be sure, the atomic theory helps us a great deal in understanding all matter毫无疑问,原子理论大大地帮助我们理解所有的物质。Needless to say,victory w

12、ill go to the people无需多说,胜利一定属于人民。6表示语义未尽。如:Its too late to go and see him now;moreover,I dont quite know the way现在去看他太晚了,何况我又不熟悉路。7表示总结。例如:To sum up,we should never become arrogant and cocky总之,我们永无不能骄傲自大。In short,we must be prepared总而言之,我们要有准备。Altogether,our achievements are very great总的说来,我们的成绩很大。从以上的用法中,我们可以看出,在现代英语里,插入语的内容十分丰富。它对准确鲜明地表达思想、增强语言的表达效果起着很大的作用。因此,我们在学习英语时,也要很好地学习它,掌握它。-



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