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1、询问按样生产问题Can you screen-print T-shirts to our specifications?We are now expanding our businessto include items for collections.We are looking for manufactureswho can make and print T-shirts according to our patterns and designs. Since the T-shirts are intended for the niche market of collection, the

2、quality is of utmost importance. Though the number of prints for each design may not be very large, we are prepared to accept prices a little higher than ordinary items. Itis understood that the designs are and remainto be our intellectual property rights. You are not supposed to duplicate or sell a

3、ny of our designs to any other customs without our written approval.In order to safeguard the collection value, defective pieces, if any, shall be destroyed. They shall not be disposed of in any other markets including your own domestic market.Please let us know if you are interested in such coopera

4、tion. If yes, please quote us lowest FOB price, stating your normal lead-time.If you price is competitive and delivery acceptable, we are ready to sign long-term contract with you. Your early reply will be highly appreciated.贵公司是否能按照我们的要求丝网印刷运动衫(T-恤衫)?目前, 我方正扩展自己的业务,想增加收藏版产品的生产。我们正在寻找能够按照我们要求的标准和设计进

5、行生产的生产商。由 于所生产的运动衫是为了满足收藏,补缺市场的需求,质量方面要求非常严格。虽然,每一种设计图案所生产的运动衫的数目可能不是 很大,但是我们愿意出高于普通运动衫的价格。同时,各种设计图案的知识产权属于我方所有,贵公司在未经我们的同意,是不允许生 产复制品或者将图案卖给第三方的。为了确保收藏价值,任何有工艺缺陷的产品需要被销毁。我们严禁这些产品在其它任何市场,包括贵公司所在国的国内市场上出售。 如果贵公司对这项合作感兴趣的话,请报最低离岸价,并说明最早的交货周期。 如果贵方价格具有竞争力,并且交货时间可以接受,我方打算与贵方长期合作。盼早日接到贵公司的答复。寻求供货We are a

6、ccepting quotations from all tools manufacturers and suppliers of hardware. We are looking for full container quantities only. Please provide the following: Full product lines with detailed descriptions;Prices based on 20 containers, which may be a mixture of 2-4 models per containers;Lead-time to p

7、roduce and ship;Quality assurance policies;Terms of payment;Make sure the models are all made for United States standards of measure and power. We look forward to your early reply. 我们接受所有器具生产商和五金器皿供应商的报价。但我们只需要整箱数量,请提供以下信息:完整的生产线和详细的介绍20英尺集装箱的价格,每一种集装箱可以有2到4个模型交货和运输的时间质量保证方针付款条件 请务必保证所提供的模型是按照美国能量的衡

8、量标准所生产的。 盼早日接到贵公司的答复。肯定答复Thank you for your interest in A&M equipment. We are happy to supply you with the information you requested. The following prices are quoted on FOB basis;Item产品Unit price 单价AT Garment Turner衣服翻领机US$60.00AT Automatic Winder 自动卷纱机7.50Ace Thread Trimmer 线头修剪器10.00No-Slip Feed P

9、uller防滑传送工具11.00If you need more information, just send us an email or you may login Yahoo conference room so that we can chat online. Our ID on MSN messenger is and we are usually online during office hours.感谢贵公司对A&M设备的关注。我方很高兴提供贵所要求的信息。现报离岸价如下:如需更多信息,请发送电子邮件或登陆Yahoo聊天室与我方在线洽谈。我方的电子信箱地址为AnM,我们通常于办

10、公时间在线。拒绝提供价格信息Thanks for your inquiry. We certainly appreciate your interest in our sportswear.Because we do not sell our garments directly to consumers, we try to keep our wholesale prices between ourselves and dealers. Itisourwayofmeritingboththeloyaltyandgoodfaithofthosewithwhomwedobusiness.Clear

11、ly,disclosingourwholesale prices to aconsumerwould bea violationofa trust. So,I am afraid Icannot supply you with theinformation you request. However, I have enclosed a list of our dealers in your area.A number of these dealers sell Maxine Sportswear at discount. 感谢贵方的询函。非常感谢贵方对我们的运动服装感兴趣。因为我们不直接向销费

12、者销售服装,批发价是我们和经销商之间的秘密。这是对我们商业伙伴的忠诚和信誉的回报。显然,向消费者透 漏我们的批发价格将违背诚信原则。因此,我不能提供你们所要求的信息。然而,我随函附上了我们在贵地区经销商名录。其中一些经销商减价出售马克辛运动服装。实盘Thank you for your letter of April 8, inquiring about our lithium rechargeable batteries for mobile phones.We are glad to offer you 5000 pieces lithium rechargeable batteries,

13、 style No. MTA190 at US$3.40 per piece FOB China. Shipment will be effected within 20days after receipt of the relevant sight L/C in our favor issued by a bank acceptable to us.This offer is valid for 10 days.We are manufacturing various models of lithium batteries for mobile phone, and for many oth

14、er applications. Please refer to the catalog enclosed for complete list of models and their specifications.As you can see, prices from other makers are at least 20% higher than ours. We hope you can take advantage of this introductory and send us your acceptance immediately.If you can be of any furt

15、her help, please let us know. We are only too happy to be of any service to you.感谢贵方4月8号函,询问我方移动电话可充电锂电池。我方愿意按照中国离岸价每块3. 4美元的价格报给贵方5000块MTA190 号可充电锂电池。我方将在收到 以我方为受益人的相关即期停用证支付 后20日内发货。此信用证须由我方认可的银行开立。此报盘10日内有效。 我方生产各种型号的手机锂电池及其他用途锂电池。关于现在可供型号的全部清单,请参见附件中的目录本。 贵方谅必悉之,我方的价格至少比其他生产商便宜20%。希望贵方能接受此介绍期价格,

16、如接受请回复. 如需协助,敬请告知。我方将竭诚为贵方服务。虚盘We offer 300 metric tons of polished long grain rice, 205 crop, 15% broken, at USD220 per metric ton FOB Huangpu, for shipment during October / November 2005. Payment is to be effected by irrevocable sight L/C.This offer is subject to goods being unsold.Since the market is advancing, yo will surely find our price competitive and we are



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