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1、译林版九年级英语第8单元知识点总结【Sothat的用法】so+ many/much/few/little+ 名词+that 从句。如:as so good an exhibition that l went to see it several times展览是那么好,结果我就去看了好几次。Ive had so many falls that Im black and blue all over.我跌了那么多跤,全身跌得青一块,紫一块的。【such. that用法】such.that引导两种不同的句子结构:1such +a(n)+形容词+单数名词 +that 从句。如:It was such a

2、n interesting film that I saw it twice.这是一部很有意思的电影,我看了两次。2such+形容词+复数名词不可数名词 +that 从句。so. that和 such. that的转化她非常诚实,大家都信赖她。She is so honest that everyone trusts her.=She is such an honest girl that everyone trusts her. so that的使用目的从句表示动机(即一种可能性) ,并非事实,只是想要达到某个结果的意愿,因而从句中多用假定性的谓语动词。 常有 can,many,will,c

3、ould,might,would,should 等情态动词。情态动词本身并无词汇意义,只是一种虚拟用法。结果从句表示客观事实, 所以用陈述语气的谓语动词, 从句中常无情态动词。 如:I always write so carefully that I may make my meaning clear 我写作总是字斟句酌,是为了让人看懂我的意思。一重点短语be dressed like装扮成look for clues to something important寻找重要某事的线索go missing丢了make notes on sb对某人进行记录tell the truth 说出真相an

4、office worker of medium height一个中等个办公室职员look untidy and nervous看上去不整洁并且紧张不安的the scene of the crime犯罪现场somewhere else别的某个地方contact sb联系某人be wounded with a knife 因一把刀子受伤bleed to death as a result流血致死a well-paid job 一个高收入的工作be guilty of sth 犯有.罪be charged with doing sth被指控做了某事breathe heavily= be out of

5、 breath气喘吁吁offer a reward for sth为.提供一笔奖金the arrest of sb= arrest sb逮捕某against the law违反法律anginst the advice of the doctor违背医生的建议an elderly couple 一对老夫妇have something to do with sth与某事有关check every tiny detail检查每个细微的细节a master at solving crimes一个解决案件的大师popular among teenagers在青少年中流行be not allowed by

6、 the law 不被法律允许commit the crime 犯罪any progress in sth在某事上的任何进展进步report the crime to the police向警方报案turn out事实是have nothing to do with sth与某事无关be in a hurry to do sth急匆匆去做某事no criminal record 没有犯罪记录a man of great wealth= a wealthy man一个富有的男子six months in prison在监狱中六个月safety tips to关于的安全秘诀protect your

7、selves against crime保护你对抗犯罪be charged with theft被控偷窃guard against any possible danger around us提防我们周围任何可能的危险get along/on with sb与某人和睦相处do sth for a living 以做某事谋生be under arrest for sth因.而被捕find the criminal 发现犯罪43be silly to do sth.= Its silly of sb.to do sth.某人做某事真傻morning、afternoon、evening如果有修饰词修饰

8、的时候 ,介词要用 on如果没有修饰词应用 in二重点句型Tom是个诚实的男孩,他从不撒谎Tom is an honest boy. He never lies/tells lies.警方现在还在寻找这起谋杀案的线索。The police are still looking for clues to the murder.这场火灾比我们预期的要严重得多。The fire is much more serious than we expected.你为什么打扮成一个侦探?Why are you dressed as a detective?警察已经给每个人做了笔录。The police have

9、 made notes on everyone.我们的数学老师中等身高,微胖。Our maths teacher is of medium height and a little bit fat.9既然在这儿没找到你丢失的伞,你最好去其他地方看看。Since you havent found your missing umbrella here somewhere else.有人最后看见那些失踪的孩子在河边玩耍。The lost children were last seen playing by the river.我们还未弄清楚这起谋杀案是发生在昨晚还是今天早晨。We havent fou

10、nd out whether the murder took place last night or this morning.那个男人被刀刺伤,流血致死。The man was wounded with a knife and bled to death.警察正在检查现场,查找更多有关此案的线索。The police are checking the scene for more clues to the crime.在你回家的路上你看到任何不寻常的事了吗?Did you see anything unusual on your way home?警方已经确认受害者是一个20岁的大学生。Th

11、e police have confirmed that the victimwas a 20-yearold college student.Tim可能和这个谋杀案有关系。Tim might have something to do with the murder.那个男孩正呼吸急促因为他刚和别人打了一架The boy is breathing heavily as he has just fought with others.这个犯有电脑方面的罪的男子被发现死在家中。The man ( who was) guilty of computer crime was found dead in

12、his home.昨天有个戴面具的男人闯人了商店,拿走了钱。Yesterday a man with a mask broke into the shop and took away the money.我想找某个安静的地方休息一下。I want to find somewhere quiet to have a rest.五千元人民币的奖励将给予这次比赛的获胜者。A reward of 5000 yuan will be offered to the winner of the competition.原来他当时正匆忙赶去坐地铁。It turned out that he was in a

13、hurry to take the underground at that time.不止一个人坚称这男子与这次的交通事故无关。More than one person insists/ insisted that the man had nothing to do with the traffic accident.你就是昨天在我们店里买了一条羊毛短裙的那位女士吗?Are you the lady who/ that bought a wool skirt in our shop yesterday?这是我看过的最好的一部电影。This is the best movie (that) I

14、have ever seen.他已经向警方告发了他老板犯的罪。He has reported the crime ( which/ that ) his boss committed to the police.警察正在寻找能够帮助解决案件的线索。The police are checking for clues which/ that may help solve the case.记得走之前关窗,好不好?好的,我会的。Remember to shut the windows before you leave,will you?这个已经认识受害人很长时间的女孩没有犯罪记录。The girl

15、who has known the victim for a long time has no criminal record.我们随身携带大量的钱会很危险。Carrying a lot of money with us can be dangerous.你知道这个富有的男人坐过多久的牢吗?Do you know how long the man of great wealth was in prison?这是我能想出的唯一一个解决问题的办法。This is the only way (that) I can think of to solve theproblem.直到发现一些贵重珠宝被偷了他们才意识到房子被闯入了。They didnt realize that the house was broken into until they found some valuable jewellery was stolen.他告诉



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