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1、贸易短语1 to make delivery of the goods 交货 2 to take delivery of the goods 提货 3 transshipment (T.S.) to transit shipment 转运 4 transhipment permited 允许转运 5 transhipment prohibited 不许转运 6 transhipment on route 中途转运 7 transhipment to be allowed 准许转运 8 partial shipment 分批装运 9 business association 业务联系,交往10

2、business connection 业务联系11 close relationship 密切的关系12 closer ties 更密切的关系13 to establish business relationship 建立业务关系14 to continue business relationship 继续业务关系15 to present business relationship 保持业务关系16 to improve business relationship 改善业务关系17 to promote business relationship 促进业务关系18 to speed up

3、business relationship 加快业务关系的发展19 to enlarge (widen) business relationship 扩大业务关系20 to restore (resume) business relationship 恢复业务关系21 to interrupt business relationship 中断业务关系22 to cement business relationship 巩固业务关系23 trade by commodities 商品贸易24 visible trade 有形贸易25 invisible trade 无形贸易26 barter t

4、rade 易货贸易27 bilateral trade 双边贸易28 triangle trade 三角贸易29 multilateral trade 多边贸易30 counter trade 对销贸易;抵偿贸易31 counter purchase 互购贸易32 buy-back 回购贸易33 compensation trade 补偿贸易34 processing trade 来料加工贸易35 assembling trade 来料装配贸易36 leasing trade 租赁贸易37 in exchange for 用.交换.38 trade agreement 贸易协议39 to tr

5、ade with 和.进行贸易40 to do business in a moderate way 做生意稳重41 to do business in a sincere way 做生意诚恳42 to make a deal 做一笔交易43 to deal in 经营,做生意44 to explore the possibilities of 探讨.的可能性45 trade circles 贸易界46 to handle to trade in经营某商品47 business scope/frame 经营范围48 trading firm/house 贸易行,商行49. Sample样品50

6、. Catalogue型录(目录)51. Order/purchase order订单52. Contract合约 53. Shortage数量短缺54. Agency代理权55. Payment付款56 报价Quotation57 运费freight58 单价 price 59码头费wharfage60总值 total value 61 卸货费landing charges62金额 amount63关税customs duty64净价 net 65印花税stamp duty66 含佣价price including commission67港口税portdues(portdutyportdu

7、ties)68回佣return commission 69 装运港port of shipment70折扣discount, allowance 71卸货港port of discharge72批发价 wholesale price 73目的港portof destination74 零售价 retail price 75 进口许口证inport licence76 现货价格spot price 77 出口许口证export licence78 期货价格forward price 79 现行价格(时价)current price80 国际市场价格 world (International)Ma

8、rket price81离岸价(船上交货价)FOB-free on board82成本加运费价(离岸加运费价) C&F-cost and freight83到岸价(成本加运费、保险费价)CIF-cost,insurance and freight84 unit sellingretailprice单价售价零售价85 quote someone向某人报价86 Cash with Order 订货付现(CWO)87 Letter of Credit 信用状付款(L/C)88 Documents against Payment 付款交单(D/P)89 Telegraphic Transfer Bef

9、ore Shipment 出货前电汇(T/T)90 Bank Cheque 银行支票91. Payment Before Shipment 出货前付款92. Cashier Cheque 银行本票93. Open Account 记帐(O/A)94. open-establish an L/C 开立信用状95. change correct an L/C 修改信用状96. L/C at sight即期信用状97. express our interest to对感兴趣98. establish enter into relations建立关系99. take this opportunity

10、to把握机会100. visit our website参观网站101. contact us联络我方102. good business relationship极佳的商务关系103. full-equipped设备完善104. the most reputable company最具信誉的公司105. be certified firm具合格认证之公司106. Order No. 203P.O.#203订单编号203107. placemake an order下订单108. initialtrial order 初始试验性订单109. confirmaccept an order确认接受

11、订单200. be on order已在订购111. give an order for订购112. executefulfill an order生产订单113. cancel an order、cancellation of an order取消订单114. withhold the production暂停生产115. fulfill the obligation on a contract履行合约116. place an order with someone for向某人订购117. make an inquiry询价118. credit enquiry信用查询119. credi

12、t status信用状况120. creditability信用121. financial standing财务状况122. mode of doing business交易方式123. in detail、full details细节124. productsproductions、goods 产品125. price list规格明细126. importexport price进出口价127. terms of payment付款方式128. timedate of delivery交货时间日期129.quote someone向某人报价130. counter offer议价131.

13、 term of payment 付款条件132. the price exclusiveinclusive of tax不含税含税价133. in strong wooden case with iron hooped 铁链箍住的木箱134. in cardboard box 硬纸板箱135. in water-proof canvas 防水帆布136. in seaworthy packing 耐航包装137. in regular export packing 习惯出口包装138. in conventional export packing 惯例出口包装139. no hook 请勿用

14、钩140. keep cooldryflat 保持低温干燥平放141. keep away from heat 远离热气142. fragile 易碎品143. Inflammable易燃货物144. poison小心中毒145. glass with care小心玻璃146. Marie Insurance 海上保险(不明白为什么是Marie?)147. Total Loss Only 全损险148. Free from Particular Average 平安险149. Against All Risks 全险150. Wars Risk 兵险151. Definite Insuranc

15、e 确定保险152. Provisional 临时险153. Theft, Riots & Civil Commotion偷窃遗失险154. Warehouse to warehouse insurance仓到仓险155. agent 代理商156. soleexclusive agent 独家销售157. agency agreement 代理契约 158. return commission 佣金回馈159. selling agent 销售代理商160. distributor 销售商161. commission house 批发商162. consignment sales 委托销售163. consignor、consignee 委托者、受托者164. application for



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