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1、考研语法长难句复习指导第6讲长难句之平行结构类型一、名词、词组、介词短语的平行二、动词(谓语/非谓语)的平行三、句子的并列平行一、名词、词组、介词短语的平行例:I d like to yan apple, two pears, three oranges and four watermelons.我想买一个苹果、两个梨、三个橘子和四个西瓜。He is a stude nt at college, an athlete in the n ati onal team and a journalist in the local televisi on statio n.他既是一名在校大学生,也是一名

2、国家队的运动员,还在当地电视台做记者。The water flows into rivers, into lakes, into seas and into ocea ns.水流入小河、湖泊、大海和海洋。(2017年考研英语二阅读理解Part A Text 3)There always a con sta nt fear of falli ng behi nd every one else on the sociallyperpetuated “race to the finish line” , whether that be toward graduate school, medicals

3、chool or lucrative career.总有一种害怕落后于人的担忧萦绕在社会上一直存在的一种“冲向终点的比赛” 之中,不管这比赛的终点是考取研究所,进入医学院还是有一份赚钱的职业。(2017年考研英语一阅读理解Part A Text 4)Officials must not be allowed to play favorites in providing information or inarranging meeti ngs simply because an in dividual or group provides a campaig ndon ati on or a pe

4、rs onal gift.政府官员不得因为个人或团体提供活动捐款或私人礼品,就在提供信息或安排会见上有所偏袒(2017年考研英语二阅读理解 Part A Text 4Failing to recognize that, he notes, leads to “ anoverly simplified view of what the solutions might be. Our perception of the problem and of what the solution is becomes very limited ”.他指出,如果意识不到这一点,就会导致“在可行方案的考虑上过于简

5、化,我们 对于问题本身及其解决措施的认知也会变得相当有限”。二、动词(谓语/非谓语)的平行例:He put on his hat, ope ned the door and walked out of the room.他戴上帽子,打开门,走出了房间。The audie nee bega n shout ing, cheeri ng and clapp ing.观众们开始大喊、欢呼和鼓掌。Her duty is to look after the child, care for the elders and take good care of the whole family.她的责任是照顾孩

6、子、老人和整个家庭。(2017年考研英语二阅读理解 Part A Text 1设题点)But successive governments have presided over selling green spaces, squeezing money from local authorities and declining attention on sport in education.但历届政府只管出售绿地、榨取地方资金,以及让体育逐渐在教育中失去关注。(2014年考研英语一阅读理解 Part A Text 1设题点)What motivated him, we were to un de

7、rsta nd, was his zeal for “ fun dame ntal fairn ess ”protect ing the taxpayer, con troll ing spe nding and en suri ng that only the most deserv ing claima nts received their ben efits.我们要知道,他的动机实际上是出于他对于“基本公平”的追求,也就是保护纳 税人、控制花销以及确保只有最符合资格的申请人才能得到补助金。(2015年考研英语一阅读理解 Part A Text 4设题点)As the hack ing t

8、rial con eludes finding guilty one ex-editor of the News of the World Andy Coulson, for conspiring to hack phones, and finding his predecessor, Rebekah Brooks, innocent of the same charge the wider issue of dearth of integrity still sta nds.正如黑客窃听案审判所裁决的一一世界新闻报前主编安迪库尔森因密谋窃 听手机被判有罪,而受到相同指控的他的前任丽贝卡布鲁克

9、斯则被判无罪一一 关于道德缺失这一更为广泛的问题仍然存在。三、句子的并列平行例:I want apples and he wants pears.我想要苹果,他想要梨。The project is aiming at help ing those who are disabled, and who are homeless.该项目旨在帮助那些身有残疾和无家可归的人。He won the game partly because he practiced hard and partly because he was in spired by the big rewards.他之所以赢得那场比赛,一

10、部分原因是他的刻苦训练,还有一部分是大奖的激励。(2015年考研英语二阅读理解 Part A Text 4设题点)An in crease in involun tary part-time work is evide nee of weak ness in the labor market and it means that many people will be having a very hard time making ends meet.迫于无奈从事非全职工作的人数的增加反映了劳动力市场的疲软,这意味着很多人未来即使能勉强维持生计也会非常艰难。(2015年考研英语二阅读理解 Part

11、 A Text 3)In a workplace that undamentally indifferent to your life and its meaning, office speak can help you figure out how you relate to your work and how your workdefi nes who you are.在一个对你的生活及生活的意义几乎无关紧要的地方工作,办公室言语有助于你搞清楚你与工作的联系,以及你的工作如何定义你。(2015年考研英语一阅读理解Part A Text 2设题点)They could still inv a

12、lidate Fourth Ame ndme nt protecti ons whe n facing severe, urge ntcircumsta nces, and they could take reas on able measures to en sure that phone data arenot erased or altered while wait ing for a warra nt.在严峻或紧急条件下,他们仍有权宣布第四修正案的保护无效,并在等待执 行令期间采取适当措施以保证电话数据不被抹除或更改。长难句之分裂结构类型一、同位语、插入语二、相邻紧密成分被短语、从句等

13、“小三”分开一、同位语、插入语例:Mr. Smith, a famous writer, has written a number of fine literary works. 著名作家史密斯先生已经写了很多优秀的文学作品。Tom, a frie nd of mine, came to visit me yesterday.我的一个朋友汤姆昨天来看我了。The new theory, in his opinion, has a bright future.在他看来,这项新理论有着广阔的前景。(2017年考研英语二阅读理解Part A Text 4)In effect, fewer feder

14、al funds today are going towards the agencysuch s other work -as forest conservation, watershed and cultural resources management, andin frastructure upkeep that affect the lives of all America ns.实际上,如今联邦资金很少投入其他一些与全体美国人息息相关的工作上,例如,森林的保护、水域和文化资源的管理,以及基础设施的维护。(2016年考研英语二阅读理解 Part A Text 2)Biologists

15、 estimate that as many as 2 million lesser prairie chickens a kind of bird living on stretching grasslandonce lent red to the often grey Iandscape of the midwestern and southwester n Un ited States.生物学家估计,多达 200万只的小草原松鸡一一一种栖息于绵延草地的鸟类一 曾为美国中西部和西南部常年灰暗的风景增添了一抹红色。(2015年考研英语一阅读理解 Part A Text 1)Symbolic of national unity as they claim to be, their very history and sometimes the way they behave today embodies outdated and indefensible privileges and in equalities.尽管他们声称是民族团结的象征,但是正是他们以往的历史以及现在时不时的行 事方式体现了已经过时的、站不住脚的特权和不平等。二、相邻紧密成分被短语、从句等“小三”分开例:The book that is on the desk is


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