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1、这里说的语态是指主动语态和 被动语态。这两种语态在英汉两种语 言中的使用情况是很不相同的:英语大量使用被动语态,而汉语则很少使 用,即便使用,也不像英语那样有固 定或比较统一的构成形式。譬如说, 汉语的被动不是只用一个“被”字表 示。因此在英汉互译中,要经常变换 语态,以使译文符合习惯用法,显得 地道而自然。试看译例:1. The coming physics examinationssaid to be rather difficult, so we must get well prepared for it 即将举行的物理考试据说相当 困难,所以我们必须做好充分准备。2. If bad w

2、eather is expected theforecaster must be able to suggest anotherairportwithin the range of the aircraft where the weather will be suitable for landing如果预计天气恶劣,天气预报人 员必须能够在该飞机航程内提 出另一个天气适合着陆的机场。3. How can a series of motionlessor still, picturesbe blendedon a screen to produce motion pictures?一组不动的即静

3、止的图片是怎样 在银幕上连到一起 合成电影的呢?4. Such liquid fuel rockets asare nowbeing used for space research have to carry their own supply of oxygen像现在用于宇宙研究的这类液态燃料火箭,必须自己携带氧气。5. How long will it be before black and white television setsare found only in museum还要过多久黑白电视机才会被送进博物馆呢?6. The oil of the world will have be

4、en used up and man will be using the more convenient power obtainedfrom the splitting of the atom全世界的石油将会用尽,人们将使 用从原子分裂获得的这种更为方便 的动力。7. In order to do research in nuclear physics, the young teachers are required to complete a two-year graduate course为了能进行核物理方面的研究,要 求这些青年教师读完两年研究生课 程。8. A national li

5、nk-up of computers could mean that a large amount of information will be supplied to anyone who uses the system 把全国的电脑连接起来意味着可以向任何使用该系统的人提供大量 信息。9. Since the first test of the atomic bomb the world has learnt the atom can be split and its power can be used自从第一颗原子弹试验以来,全世 界都已知道,原子可分裂,原子能可 利用。10. Good

6、year, an American, had been trying for years to find a way in which rubber could be made hard, non-sticky and yet elastic 有一个叫古德伊尔的美国人一直 在努力寻找一种方法把橡胶做得 硬而不粘,但是却有弹性。11 . There are some radioactive isotopes which are produced artificially by bombardment of nuclei with neutrons有几种放射性同位素是通过中子 轰击原子核而产生出来

7、的。12 . The expansion of metals on heating must be taken into consideration before a long metal bridge is built.在建造一座金属大桥前,对金属受 热膨胀这一现象必须加以考虑。13. This nuclear power plant which is completely automated and这个全部自动化的电脑控制的核电 厂供应全市的用电。computer- controlled serves the entire cit y.14. At present, a large com

8、puter is needed for the control of the robot, but the action is slow each decision requiring a great deal of computatio n.当前,还需要用一台大型电脑控制 机器人,但是动作很慢,要作出一 个决定就得进行大量的计算。15. The Wright brothers were highly praised for having made the first flight in the world.一次飞行而受到了高度赞扬。16. The engineer has a knowled

9、ge of mathematical and natural science acquired by study experience and practice which is applied with judgment to develop ways to utilize, economically, the materialsand forces of nature for the benefit of mankind.工程师通过学习、经验和实践获得 数学和自然科学的知识,并有鉴别 地运用这些知识研究出一些途径 来经济地使用自然界的材料和自 然力,为人类造福。仃.Much has bee

10、n said about the complication of the nuclear power stationreactor.有关原子能电站反应堆的复杂 性已经谈得很多了。18. The time will come when homes will be heated from a small reactor in the basement有朝一日家庭将由安装在地下 室里的小反应堆供热。.19 . If you subject this precision instrument to a high temperature, it will be seriously damaged 如果你

11、把这台精密仪器置于咼温之下,仪器将会受到严重损坏。20. This level is somewhere between that created by very heavy street traffic and that caused by the arrival of an underground train in a statio n.这个声压级大约介于交通极为繁 忙的街道上的噪声和地铁到站时 所引起的噪音之间。21 . Other equipment has been devised which analyses noise into the various frequencies o

12、f the sounds of which it is made up and records the loudness at the different frequencies 还设计了另外一些设备,能将噪音 分解成构成该噪音的各种不同的 音响频率,并能记录不同频率的音J1量O22. High voltage current is usually carried by overheadwire system so as to prevent living things being electrocuted高压电通常要架空线传输以防生 物触电。23. Here is a clear case

13、of the course of human history being affected by the scientific and technological revolutio n.这里有一个科学和技术革命影响 人类历史进程的明显例子。24. If the chain reaction went on without being checked, it could cause a great explosion如果连锁反应不受控制,一直进行下去,就会引起一场大爆炸。25. With the help of a microscope you can watch the integrated

14、 circuits being separated and tested利用一架显微镜,你可以看到集成 电路正在被分离和被测试的情况。26 . The hull of a ship is often protected against corrosion with a coat of special paint船舶的外壳通常涂以一层特殊的 漆以抗腐蚀。27. The radioactive material shouldbe kept safely to protect the surrounding areas from being polluted by radiatio n.放射性材料应

15、该安全储藏,以保护 周围环境不受辐射污染。从以上27例中,可归纳出如下 关于英汉互译中语态变换的一些规 则:一、英语被动句译成汉语主动句,是 最常见的方法这一方法又分四种情况:(一) 原文主语在译文中仍作主语(见 例句 4,6,9,13, 22, 26)(二) 原文主语在译文中作宾语(见例 句 2, 7, 8,12,14,17, 21, 23)(三)译成带表语的主动句(见例句3,11)(四)注意英语常用被动句型的汉语习 惯译法It is hoped that 希望It is reported that 据报道 It is said that 据说It is supposed that 据推测 It must be admitted that 必须承It must be pointed out that 必须It is asserted that 有人主张 It is believed that 有人相信It is well known that 众所周知It will be said that 人们会说 It was told that 人们曾说 I was told that 我听说外交场合常用套语It affords no small surprise to find that.对于令人惊讶不已It can b


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