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1、 基础写作 赞成和反对本节学习目标根据模板学习“赞成和反对”的作文表达,并能模仿范文来完成基础写作。写作模板:表示赞成和反对观点的作文 Recently we have had a discussion about whether Senior 3students need to take tonics( 补品)to keep fit. 60% of the students think it unnecessary for the Senior 3 students to take tonics, because tonics will make them put on more weigh

2、t, which does harm to their health. Besides, the parents will bring stress to the Senior 3 students if they pay too much attention to their childrens health by buying tonics. However, 40% of the students hold the opinion that it is easy for the Senior 3 students to fall tired by working hard, so it

3、is necessary to take tonics. Whats more, taking tonics can help to refresh themselves.Task 1:分析作文结构。我们可以把范文一共分为3部分,第一部分:主题句介绍事件,如句_;第二部分:反对的观点和原因,如句_; 第三部分: 赞成的观点和原因,如句_.Task2:分析范文的写作语言。1) 主题句:A. Recently we have had a discussion about whether Senior 3students need to take tonics to keep fit.B. Rece

4、ntly we have made a survey on whether students should be allowed to use mobile phones at school.C.我写信是要告诉你我们的一场讨论,讨论内容是公园是否应该收门票。_ we have had about _ the park should ask for the entrance fee.2) 表达观点的句子:A.60 percent of them think it unnecessary for the Senior 3 students to take tonics.B.40% of the s

5、tudents hold the opinion /view / the idea that.C.Some believe that. while others argue that .D.The majority (大多数)of the people are in favour of the idea that .However ,the rest of them are against the idea that .E. Some of them think .because .However, others disagree with them for the reason that.观

6、察以上各句并总结:表示“认为”含义时,除有think外,还有_表示“赞成”含义时,我们可以用_表示“反对”含义时,我们可以用_3) 过渡词的使用观察范文中过渡词并讨论:当我们要追加或补充原因(观点)的时候除了besides 和whats more 之外,我们还可以用_.当我们要表示观点的对比或转折意义时,除了however,我们还可以用_.Task 3:参照范文模板完成写作。最近,你们同学就“中学生是否应该在网上交友”这一话题展开了一场讨论。请根据下表提供的信息,套用以上模板和表达正反对比观点的句型用英语写一篇短文介绍讨论的情况。 45%的同学认为 55%的同学认为:1. 可以在网上交友。2.

7、 在网上和网友交流,同学们能更自由的表达他们的情感和观点。3. 网聊可以帮助他们外语的学习。1. 不应该在网上交友。2. 网上交友浪费时间,而这些时间应该花在学习上。3. 一些学生因为交网友而受欺骗。注意:【写作内容】文章必须包括所有提示要点,但不要逐条翻译成英语。【写作要求】只能用5句话表达全部的内容。写作第一步:审题。本篇作文我们应该用_时态;用第_人称。写作第二步:整合信息。1. 最近,班上同学就“中学生是否应该在网上交友”这一话题展开了一场讨论。2.45%的同学认为中学生可以在网上交友,因为在网上和网友交流,同学们能更自由的表达他们的情感和观点。3. 另外,网聊可以帮助他们外语的学习。4. 然而,55%的同学不支持中学生在网上交友,因为网上交友浪费时间,而这些时间应该花在学习上。5.而且,一些学生因为交网友而受欺骗。写作第三步:连句成篇(注意使用表达正反观点的句型和过渡词)。_


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