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1、2022-2023年考博英语-湖南农业大学模拟考试题(含答案解析)1. 单选题The old couple now still( )for their beloved son, 30 years after his death.问题1选项A.cherishB.groanC.immerseD.mourn【答案】D【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项cherish“珍惜”;B选项groan“呻吟,抱怨”;C选项immerse“使陷入”;D选项mourn“哀悼”。这对老夫妇在他们最爱的儿子死了三十年后依然()。这里根据句意可以把A、C选项排除;Groan一般和at/with搭配,所以不选B;答案选D,固定搭

2、配mourn for“悼念,追悼”。2. 单选题The manager gave one of the sales girls an accusing look for her( ) attitude toward customers.问题1选项A.impartialB.mildC.hostileD.opposing【答案】C【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项“公正的”;B选项“温和的”;C选项“敌对的,敌意的”;D选项“反对的”。句意:经理训斥了其中一位女销售一顿,因为她对客户的()态度。如果女孩的态度好的话,经理就不会训斥她,所以答案排除A,B;D选项一般是处于对立的双方才会用的形容词,而顾客

3、和客户的关系并不是对立的,而且这里形容的是态度,所以答案选C,恶意的态度。3. 单选题The examination( )very easy if all students passed.问题1选项A.must have beenB.has beenC.wasD.ought to be【答案】A【解析】考查情态动词的用法。A选项“肯定”;B选项“过去完成时”;C选项“过去”;D选项“应该”。句意:试卷()很容易如果所有学生都通过了。must have done 表示对过去的肯定的推测,答案选A。后面的从句是过去时态,所以不能选D,D是一般现在时。4. 单选题By contrast, Ameri

4、can mothers were more likely( ) their childrens success( )natural talent.问题1选项A.to contribute.toB.to attribute.inC.to attributetoD.to contributein【答案】C【解析】考查固定搭配。句意:相反地,美国母亲更倾向于把他们孩子的成功()天生的才能。这里根据固定搭配排除B、D;contribute to“有助于,促成”;attribute to“归因于”,这里结合句意,答案应该选C,把自己孩子的成功归因于天生的才能。5. 单选题To prevent flood

5、ing in winter the water flowing from the dam is constantly( )by a computer.问题1选项A.managedB.gradedC.monitoredD.conducted【答案】C【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项managed“管理,调教”;B选项graded“分级”;C选项monitored“检测,监听”;D选项conducted“管理,引导,指挥”。句意:为了防止冬季发洪水,大坝的水流经常被电脑()。现实中洪水和电脑之间的关系只有检测关系,所以答案应该选C。6. 单选题( )I sympathize, I cant reall

6、y do very much to help them out of the difficulties.问题1选项A.As long asB.AsC.WhileD.Even【答案】C【解析】考查连词。A选项As long as“只要”;B选项As“只要,随着”;C选项While“尽管”;D选项Even“甚至,即使”。()我同情,我对他们脱困帮助不了太多。这里两个句子是转折让步的关系,所以答案A排除,as引导让步状语的时候要用部分倒装,所以答案B排除;D选项是副词不能连接两个句子,所以答案D排除;所以答案选C选项。7. 单选题He resented( )to wait. He expected

7、the minister( )him at once.问题1选项A.to be asked, to seeB.being asked, to seeC.to be asked, seeingD.being asked, seeing【答案】B【解析】考查固定搭配。句意:他憎恨等待。他希望总理马上见他。resented后面一般直接接名词或者动词的现在分词形式;expect后面一般接不定式,所以答案选B。8. 不定项选择题Following a healthy meal plan is an essential way to get more _1_. Whatever plan you choo

8、se, be _2_ to include a variety of _3_ foods and avoid skipping meals. You wouldnt expect to get the _4_ performance out of your car if you filled _5_ with low grade fuel, or if you didnt put any fuel in it at all. _6_ your body at least _7_ you treat your car.And, speaking of eating, be particularl

9、y careful about _8_ foods you choose to snack on during the day. When you start to feel tired, your first _9_ might be to head to the nearest vending machine _10_ a bag of chips or a candy bar. _11_ these foods may give you a quick fix of energy, they will soon _12_ you feeling more tired than you w

10、ere before. Limit your intake of _13_ snacks, or eliminate them from your diet altogether. _14_ wasting your change on vending machine food, _15_ pack some healthy snacks _16_ apple slices or carrot sticks?As for beverages, there are healthier _17_ to coffee, sugary soda and the highly-caffeinated “

11、energy” drinks. Next time you have the urge to pour yourself yet _18_ mug of coffee, try some green tea instead (_19_ has less caffeine). And, if you are looking for any added boost, you might consider _20_ one of the healthier varieties of “energy drinks” on the market.问题1选项A.energyB.rightC.strengt

12、hD.power问题2选项A.patientB.certainC.carefulD.sure问题3选项A.necessaryB.healthyC.specificD.available问题4选项A.hopefulB.mostC.maximumD.essential问题5选项A.oneB.upC.outD.it问题6选项A.TreatB.FaceC.Build upD.Cope with问题7选项A.as nice asB.as far asC.as well asD.as good as问题8选项A.thatB.whatC.anyD.whichever问题9选项A.methodB.instin

13、ctC.conclusionD.suggestion问题10选项A.inB.overC.forD.about问题11选项A.AsB.SinceC.AndD.Though问题12选项A.leaveB.takeC.allowD.give问题13选项A.processingB.processedC.preparingD.prepared问题14选项A.Other thanB.Except forC.In view ofD.Instead of问题15选项A.how toB.maybeC.why notD.do not问题16选项A.likeB.forC.toD.as问题17选项A.onesB.categoriesC.alternativesD.options问题18选项A.one anotherB.anotherC.otherD.any other问题19选项A.whichB.itC.oneD.that问题20选项A.to tryB.tryC.triedD.trying【答案】第1题:A第2题:D第3题:B第4题:B第5题:D第6题:A第7题:C第8题:C第9题:B第10题:C第11题:D第12题:A第13题:B第14题:A第15题:C第16



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