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1、九年级 Unit 2 I used to be afraid of the darkSection A学习目标: 1.To learn about the use of “ used to”2.To talk about what you used to be like学习重点:1. Mario used to be short,didnt he? Yes, he did. Now he is tall.2. You used to eat candy all the time,did you?Yes, I did. And I used to chew gum a lot.学习难点:I go

2、 to sleep with my bedroom light on.学习过程:Step1 预习检测: 短语:1. 等一会儿 wait a minute 2. 对友好 be friendly to 3. 对感兴趣 be interested in / take an interest in 4. 在游泳队 on the swim team5. 坐飞机飞行 fly in an airplane 6. 在一群人面前讲话 speak in front of a group7. 害怕孤独 be afraid of being alone / be terrified of being alone 8.

3、 单独住 live alone 9. 感到孤独 feel lonely10. 通过电视看 watch on TV 11. 在学校做 do at school 句子:1. 你过去很矮, 不是吗? You used to be short,didnt you? 2. 她过去是长发。 She used to have long hair.3. 难道你不记得我了吗? Dont you remember me ?4. 人的确会变。 People sure change.5. 我过去怕黑。 I used to be afraid of the dark. 6. 你过去怕黑吗? Did you use to

4、 be terrified of the dark?7. 我开着卧室灯睡觉。 I go to sleep with bedroom light on.Step2 观察例句,自学成才你最棒!1. When I was a child, I used to like chocolate.2. I used to read a lot of books but I dont read much these days.3. Liz has short hair now but it used to be very long.结论:used to 意思是_, 结构_ 其中 used _人称和时态的变化大

5、家一起来试试吧!1. My mother _us stories when we were young.A. is used to telling B. used to tell C. used to telling D. was used to tell2. Her daughter _.(很害羞)3. He _.(过去常起床很早)Step 3 Work in pairs:What did you/ your friends use to look like?Step 4. 合作探究,你能行! (1) He used to play the piano.否定句:_.疑问句: _? 答语:_

6、/_反意问句: He used to play the piano, _ _? _, did he ? (2) alone lonelyalone 表示“独自一人,没有同伴”, adj. 独自的,孤独的I used to be afraid of being alone. 但是 alone 作形容词不用于名词前作定语 adv. 独自地 do sth. alone = do sth. by oneself She used to go shopping alone.= She used to go shopping by herself.而 lonely adj. 孤独的;荒凉的 表达“内心孤独

7、”可作定语The old man lives _on the_island,so he feels_.(3)I go to sleep with my bedroom light on.句中 “on” 是形容词,意为“_” Eg. The light in his room is still _.with my bedroom light on 是 _with + n. +_词 形式,表示附带状况。Eg. Dont speak with your mouth full.不要满嘴食物讲话He slept. The door was open.(合成一句)He slept _ the door _

8、. terrify 是_词,意思是“_”What terrifies you?使某人害怕: _Did you use to be afraid of the dark? Im terrified of the dark. 害怕 _= _动动脑:Bob is afraid of _( go) there.Bob is afraid _(go) there.Step 5. Work in pairs: Practice 3a and 3b九年级 Uint 2 Section A 练习题一、单选:( )1. The boys are lying on the beach with their eye

9、s_.A. close B. closing C. closed D. to be closing ( ) 2. Jack may be afraid of _ alone. A. be B. been C. being D. is ( ) 3. When I was a children, I used to _ chocolate. A. liking B. like C. liked D. likes( ) 4. I used to play the piano, but now Im more _ in reading novels. A. interest B. interestin

10、g C. interested D. interester( ) 5.Dont you remember me ? -_. A. Yes, I didnt B. No, I did C. Yes, I dont D. No, I dont( ) 6. Antonio,you_ to be serious, _you? A. are used; arent B. are used ; dont C. used ; did D. used; didnt( ) 7. What _ Mario use to _? A. did; look B. did; look like C. are; be li

11、ke D. are; look like( ) 8. Now, Im _ interested in sports. I played soccer and Im _ the swim team. A. more; on B. very; in C. much; for D. quite; in( ) 9. Im not afraid of the dark. How about you?-_? Oh, yes! Im terrified _ the dark. A. I; in B. Me; of C. I; of D. Me; in( ) 10. I used to be really _

12、 but now Im very _.A. shy; funny B. serious; friendly C. quiet; outing D. funny; friendly二、词汇:1. Lydia used to be quiet, but now she is quite o .2. I like s hair, but I dislike curly hair.3. The girl is f to everyone. She is so kind.4. Im _(terrify) of spiders.5. I am _( interest) to hear your story.三、完成句子:1. Mr. Black_(以前是一位医生),but now he is a singer.2. Did your father _(过去常常看电视) after supper?3. You used to have long curly hair, _(不是吗)?4. I_(以前常常骑自行车去上学), but now I _(走着去)。5. 你以前常去哪儿吗?6. 他过去不常吃鱼。7. Kate 过去上学常迟到。四、用方框内所给的选项填空。A.


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