高一英语 Unit 16 Scientists at work B卷同步训练 新人教版

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1、高一英语同步检测(八)Unit 16Scientists at work(B卷)(时间:90分钟分数:100分)第卷(三部分,共80分)第一部分:听力(共两节,满分15分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。每段对话仅读一遍。1How often was the man late?ATwentytwo times.BTwenty times.CTwo times.2What does the man mean?AHed like to come along.BHe knows

2、the way to the river.CThe weather is quite hot.3What is the woman going to have?AAnother sandwich.BSome dessert.CSome dessert if the man is going to have some.4When does the play start?AAt 6:30. BAt 6:00. CAt 6:15.5What are the two speakers talking about?APaintings. BRivers and Mountains. CHobbies.第

3、二节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面两段对话,每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。每段对话读两遍。听第6段对话,回答第67题。6Whats the relationship between the two speakers?AHusband and wife. BMother and son. CFather and daughter.7What will they do after the people they are expecting arrive?AThey will have a birthday party f

4、or Linda.BThey will have dinner together.CThey will go for a picnic.听第7段对话,回答第810题。8Which flight did the woman get to Chicago at last?AThe 8:30 flight. BThe 9:45 flight. CThe 11:15 flight.9What was the woman going to Chicago to do?ATo spend the weekend with her brother.BTo see her brother.CTo get a

5、ticket for the flight.10Where did they have a talk?AIn a station. BIn a post office. CIn an airport.答案:1C2.A3.C4.A5.C6.C7.B8.B9.A10.C附:听力原文(Text 1)W:I was late for school four times this term.How about you?M:I was late only twice,but Rose was late more than twentytwo times.(Text 2)W:Would you like t

6、o join us for a walk along the river?M:What a nice way to spend a hot day!(Text 3)M:Please have another sandwich.W:Thank you,but I really cant eat any more.M:You are going to have dessert,arent you?W:Well,Ill join you if youre having some.(Text 4)W:Does the play start at 6:00 or 6:15?M:Neither.It st

7、arts at 6:30 and ends at 8:00.(Text 5)W:Do you have any hobbies?M:I like to paint.W:What kind of things do you paint?M:Mainly rivers and mountains.(Text 6)W:I hope theyll be here soon,Papa.M:Whats that you said?W:I said I hope theyll be here soon.I was thinking about having dinner at three.What time

8、 is it,Papa?M:2:43.W:Whose presents are these?M:Those are for Linda.Its her birthday next week.Oh,here they are.Why,whos driving?W:It looks like Phil.Ill go out and see.(Text 7)W:Excuse me,where can I get the 8:30 flight to Chicago?M:Im sorry,but the 8:30 flight to Chicago just left.W:Oh,no!I missed

9、 the flight?M:Im afraid so.W:I dont believe it!Ive got to spend the weekend with my brother,when is the next flight to Chicago?M:Lets see.It is at 9:45.W:Not until 9:45?Are you sure?M:Yes,Im certain.Would you like to get a ticket?W:I guess so.Tell me,when will that flight arrive?M:At 11:45.Will that

10、 get you to Chicago in time for your weekend?W:I hope so.第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出适合空白处的最佳选项。11They began to consider _ use could _ it.Awhat;make of Bwhat;be made ofChow;make of Dhow;be made of答案:B提示:make use of意为“利用,使用”,其中use为名词。该题consider后面为宾语从句,第一个空应由what作定

11、语修饰use;因宾语从句的主语为what use,所以第二个空应用被动语态。12May I open the window to let in some fresh air?_ACome on! BTake care! CGo ahead! DHold on!答案:C提示:句意为:“我可以打开窗子放进点新鲜空气吗?开吧!”A项为“加油,振作”等;B项为“小心”;D项为打电话用语,意思是“别挂断”;C项意为“开始,进行”,用于回答别人的请求,还可译为“去吧,好吧,说吧,干吧”等。13Many students signed up for the _ race in the sports meet

12、ing to be held next week.A800meterlong B800meterslongC800 meter length D800 meters length答案:A提示:“数词名词形容词”是合成形容词作前置定语的一种形式,数词、名词和形容词之间用连字符,其中的名词应用单数形式。14I dont doubt _ he will come tomorrow,but I do doubt _ he will come on time.Athat;that Bthat;whetherCwhether;whether Dwhether;that答案:B提示:doubt用在否定句中时

13、,要用that引导后面的从句,意为“不怀疑,相信”;若用于肯定句中,则通常用whether引导后面的从句,意思是“怀疑是否”。15Did you leave the doors and windows firmly _?You know there are many thieves these days.Ato fasten Bto be fasten Cfastening Dfastened答案:D提示:leave sth.fastened意为“使拴牢,闩紧”。16A number of students _ planting trees on the hill now.Aare Bwere

14、 Cis Dwas答案:A提示:a number of意为“许多”,后接复数名词,谓语通常用复数。17_,the more progress youll make in study.AYou make better use of time BBetter use you make of timeCYou make the better use of time DThe better use you make of time答案:D提示:“the比较级,the比较级”意为“越,就越”。本句意为“你对时间利用得越好,你就会在学习上取得越大进步”。18Something must be done to stop factories _ poisonous gases to keep the city _.Asending out;from polluting Bsend out;pollutingCfrom sending out;from polluting Dsen



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