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1、2023年经济介绍信(2篇) 书目 第1篇家庭经济困难介绍信范文 第2篇经济博士介绍信 家庭经济困难介绍信范文 家庭经济困难介绍信范文 兹有我乡(镇)(居委会等)(父母亲姓名)之子(女)(学生姓名),于年月考入贵校学习。由于缘由(每个家庭的缘由不同,这里就要详细说明你的缘由),导致家庭经济困难,希望学校、银行能为其供应国家助学贷款,帮助其顺当完成学业。 状况属实,特此证明! 乡(镇)人民政府(公章)或居委会等(公章) 年月日 贫困证明要留意事项: 1、贫困证明中要求明文出现被证明人名字,并且要求与本人身份证上的名字完全一样,不能用同音字、不规范简写字代替,不能有错别字。名字不得有涂改痕迹。 2

2、、贫困证明要求加盖家庭所在地乡(镇)人民政府公章,或更高一级主管部门公章。其中有效的公章有:乡(镇)人民政府、县民政局、市民政局。城市居民可以是居委会、街道办事处、社区公章。留意村民委员会的公章无效、单位公章无效。贫困证明尽量不出现两个或以上公章,除非他们之间有隶属关系。 3、贫困证明中明文出现“家庭经济困难,须要申请国家贷款”字样。 4、贫困证明要求用材料纸或文稿纸,且用钢笔或水性笔书写,用圆珠笔书写无效。 扩展阅读:介绍信写作要求及留意事项 1.接洽事宜要写得详细、简明。 2.要注明运用介绍信的有效期限,天数要大写。 3.字迹要工整,不能随意涂改。 留意事项 1.要坚持实事求是的原则,优点

3、要突出,缺点不避讳,是用成就和事实替代华而不实的修饰语,恰如其分地介绍自己。 2.要看法恳切,措词得当。用语应委婉而不隐晦,自信而不自大。 3.篇幅不易过长,言简意赅,在有限的篇幅中突出重点,同时文字要顺畅,字迹要工整。 经济博士介绍信 dear sir or madam: i am very pleased to write this recommendation for mr. w.y. so as to support his application for admission into your phd program and for your consideration of his

4、 financial support. mr. w.y. is a remarkable student in academic performance in our department. upon his request, i enrolled him into my research team as my r.a. when he was still a junior, which was an exception. this bold decision was justified by his outstanding academic record during his first t

5、wo years’ study. working as my r.a., he has proved him to be a valuable potential researcher with the qualities of self-motivation, perseverance, modest and thirst for new information and technology. though lacking of experience at the beginning compared with the other professionals in our tea

6、m, he strove to keep up with the research by eagerly absorbing all necessary knowledge and constantly consulting other members with much modest. therefore, not long after he could conduct the experiments without any assistance from the others working in the lab. he even led the discussion of our jou

7、rnal club that he set up from the very beginning in my lab, from which all of us benefited a lot.his diligence and perseverance in our lab have paid off. within less than one year, he got involved and finished three of my research projects: 1: 2: 3: and he also took part in two published papers, one

8、 titled xxxx, the other xxxx. this type of acclaim is normally reserved for graduate students and i believe that this exemplifies his commitment to furthering his education. besides merits for scientific research, mr. w.y. also has a wonderful personality. all of us around enjoy the acquaintance and

9、 friendship from him. no matter as a teammate or a team leader, he is always cooperative, considerate and eager to provide help, making us feel so comfortable and confident to be along with him, either for work or just for personal companion. this young man’s professional qualities and persona

10、l character have convinced me that he will have no trouble in succeeding in any career that he chooses to pursue, given the opportunity to have a try. in short, i am confident to assert that mr. w.y. has the potential to distinguish himself as a successful researcher, and that this potential will be sure to be fully caressed and exploited if he can be accepted for further pursuit in this field in your institution. i shall greatly appreciate it if you will consider his application in light of this potential. yours sincerely,


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